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Everything posted by EDcase

  1. EDcase

    Purpose of ARMA

    ARMA = Do all the things Seriously, ARMA can re-create any scenario and game type from any other fps game and more. Single player vs AI (including story driven campaign with multiple outcomes) Co-OP vs AI Players+AI vs Players+AI (=huge battles) Players vs Players (deathmatch, Team deathmatch, Capture Flag, King of the Hill, Advance & Secure, etc) Capture the Island (CTI) is an ARMA special which includes elements of RealTimeStrategy. Building bases and conquering an entire map. This mode lasts several days.
  2. EDcase

    Enemy AI not reacting

    Sounds like you set the AI to ' Safe' In that mode they never change. Use 'Casual' instead
  3. EDcase

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    NO, Thats nothing to do with supression effects. Not being concerned about your char's life is simply because its too easy to respawn. That's a problem with the mission. If it took 60 or more seconds to respawn then you would be a lot more concerned. Hardcore missions have NO respawn. I guarantee that you'll worry then. Its a matter of consequences. If there are none then there's no danger and no amount of fakery is going to fix that. I don't want my screen going all funky because shots are going over my head while I wait for the enemy to run out of ammo and reload. And I certainly don't want my aim being affected so that when I lean around the corner to kill said enemy its artificially waving all over the place.
  4. EDcase

    Tips on flying a helicopter?

    I find the flight model in A3 worse than A2. In A3 you do not lose any speed in a tight turn. That's just wrong. KEY to flying in ARMA (and most flight sims) = SMALL MOVEMENTS with the controls. Mouse or joystick, you need to make very small adjustments. (I was amazed how sensitive the cyclic is when flying a real helicopter) It helps a lot to know the basics of how helicopters fly so if you really want to learn then watch a few vids to get a basic understanding. (Hovering has been described as balancing a ball-bearing on a plate while standing on a ship)
  5. EDcase

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

  6. 'Vertical Sync' option will limit to 60fps
  7. Since there aren't 1000's of complaints about this I'm afraid the issue is most likely your settings are too high or some problem with your machine. ARMA2 and 3 work very smoothly for me but even with an i7@4Ghz and GTX580 I cannot put everything on Ultra. Since you don't include your system specs/settings it seems you just want to complain but don't want to resolve it...
  8. Yes, its already in the bug tracker. The mouse sensitivity with deadzone is screwed up as well
  9. They are only cancelled if you are too slow :D I completed all the tasks but didn't pay attention to the time. (For me the longer it lasts the better :p)
  10. EDcase

    ARMA 3 Alpha download size

    Yes, its 7Gb for the Alpha but will be more for beta and final.
  11. EDcase

    F Keys

    There's probably a 'Mode' button some where. Try unplugin/removing batteries the keyboard while the computer is on. Then put it back. That might reset it.
  12. Funny. I'm so impressed with the Alpha so far that I can't go back to ARMA2 :D ...and its only going to get better. Yeah, to get the final game for such a low price and help shape it to be the best game possible is just a win/win situation.
  13. You think that the game loads the full map with all textures and objects into RAM...? The Alpha installation is 7Gb and most of that is the terrain, objects and texures COMPRESSED. Altis is going to be MUCH bigger so u think it can load all that into your RAM...? NO ARMA uses streaming to load the terrain/objects on the fly. Reading data does NOT shorten the SSD life.
  14. EDcase

    Shooting through Scopes etc.

    Sorry but I vote no. Its such a low chance of ever happening that there are many other things the devs should work on.
  15. EDcase

    ARMA3 multiple copies

    I think there is an option to change your email as well...
  16. I did try a search but couldn't find any info on purchasing multiple copies of ARMA3 I want to have 2 games going on LAN. If I buy a second copy will I be able to run both from the same Steam account? Thanks
  17. EDcase

    ARMA3 multiple copies

    Yes, it complains about using your address again but you still have the option to continue and it does indeed make a new account :D Now to buy another copy.... Thanks
  18. EDcase


    I think (and hope) that this is still using temporary sounds and the engine will also be improved. (Anyone notice the heartbeat sound is recorded from someone going it with their mouth/throat :D)
  19. I'm testing this and so far it seems to be exactly what has been described as a good solution. I've yet to try in proper house to house CQB
  20. Many people are reporting on the bug tracker. (I feel sorry for whoever has to go though that list) Still so much work to do... Its way too early to promote now. Normally this would be time for closed testing. Better to wait until near release to give new players the full effect ;)
  21. EDcase

    How Strong Will The PVP Scene Be?

    Don't forget that ARMA can mix real players with AI so you don't need 100-200 people to have big battles.
  22. aiBreeze: I would suggest going straight to ARMA3. It will show you the core gameplay (with some improvements over ARMA2) Yes, it is Alpha and not complete but it has enough to keep you busy and learn the controls etc. ARMA2 is good but you would have to re-learn a few things when changing to ARMA3 and gameplay is a bit different due to new stances and especially weapon handling.
  23. EDcase

    How Strong Will The PVP Scene Be?

    Yeah, I think PvP will be stronger than in ARMA2. 1) BIS have enhanced animations and controls (still WIP of course) 2) Quite a lot of new players who are looking specifically for PvP.
  24. EDcase

    PhysX processer

    They probably can but then NVidia users would have an unfair advantage over ATI (assuming PvP) Also, ARMA3 does not use heavy PhysX so wouldn't make a huge difference. Seems to work fine on CPU
  25. You don't understand much about programming do you.