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About El_Biff

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  1. El_Biff

    Conspiracies: Deluxe

    Fantastic job Sled88, i'm loving the atmosphere. This is the first time i've played Conspiracies, which is making me regret not downloading it earlier
  2. El_Biff

    FFUR '06 coop missions

    In vanilla ofp i find its fine throughout the game (i have quite a powerful pc) but just with ffur it gets super laggy.
  3. El_Biff

    FFUR '06 coop missions

    I find when i play crtcti or mfcti with ffur its alright at the beginning but then it starts to lag and gets worse as the game progresses. If your gonna make a ffur cti which doesn't, that would be awesome
  4. El_Biff


    Thanks!! Your a god! It took me a bit of time at first cos i was using the wrong pack but now its working Btw, whats the difference and the reason behind having a @cti folder and @cti -elv folder? do i need them both or can i put all my addons into one?
  5. El_Biff


    I found the addon VonR_Stuart in the ww2 ec us pack and put it in the addons folder. Then i unpbod the missions and in the mission.sqm changed vonRStu to vonR_Stuart. However now i get the can't find VonR_Stuart addon message? is there something else i must change as well as the sqm?
  6. El_Biff

    Sniping-Jacks Mapfact Nogova2

    oh yeah! i remember now Thanks for the help
  7. El_Biff

    Sniping-Jacks Mapfact Nogova2

    Hi, the screenshots look great and i'm looking forward to giving this map a whirl. However i have 2 problems. How do you get to the logic part? Is it in the game editor or is it a file outside the game? Also the link to the new map_misc doesn't seem to work for me. Again, congrats on the awesome work
  8. El_Biff

    Stryker Armored Vehicle

    I'm sure you not, but if you need any extra inspiration for the stryker there is a book out about an american solider guy, based in mosul with strykers. Hes goes on about them quite a bit plus its a good read heres the link http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp....=glance