hi, my problem is on linux:
sxan101:/kunden/ofp# ./server-1.95.shar
Operation Flashpoint Resistance dedicated server 1.95
x - creating lock directory
x - extracting server (binary)
./server-1.95.shar: uudecode: command not found
restore of server failed
server: MD5 check failed
x - extracting ofpserver (binary)
./server-1.95.shar: uudecode: command not found
restore of ofpserver failed
x - extracting tolower.c (binary)
./server-1.95.shar: uudecode: command not found
restore of tolower.c failed
x - extracting readme.txt (binary)
./server-1.95.shar: uudecode: command not found
restore of readme.txt failed
Converting OFP directory:
No file-names were converted
can you help me?