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About Eaglesionu

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    Private First Class

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  1. Eaglesionu

    Gamespy -mod folder

    I dont like gamespy the same as the other guy but people dont put servers up like that for people to just join, i hate when people join to my mission when i am playing with my friends, i kick them out it is anoying.  gamespy is the only well known place besides the allseeing eye where people actually go to start a game. With that said... Avon i do have a shortcut on my desktop that has all the parameters in it, but when selected gamespy dosnt like to use shortcuts so it just uses the  file ( it should be using "C:/documents and settings/buzz/desktop/resistance.lnk"  but it says, hay i can do this faster and just still use "C:/program files/ofp/resistance.exe" and i cant put any -mod parameters for that executible only for the lnk. Thanks anybody
  2. Eaglesionu

    Gamespy -mod folder

    Hey guys, i just got a quick question that i cant find any info on. Â I use mod folders in resistance for some of my addons that i dont use all the time like C&R, but i cant get any of the mod folders to start up in gamespy. Â I have gon into the options screen and selected games and then the resistance.exe icon and then in the advanced options put in the -mod parameters for my mod folders... -mod=@karrillion;@Mesaba;@BAS;@Vehicles;@C&R;@Seal;@Misc;@Choppers;@weapons stuff like that, but its not working and it works on my shortcut on my desktop. Â Anyone got any info on this thanks later. Eagle
  3. Eaglesionu

    Man killed by teen video gamers

    If Someone Cant tell the difference between reality and a video game then they need to be in jail or a mental institute. Too many people think games corrupt kids into killing, but those kids have to be sane in the first place. I love GTA 3 AND Vice City, but that dosnt mean im going to go kill some people because i did it in a video game. ARRGGGGGGG.
  4. Eaglesionu

    Ammo crate bug

    We all have seen the ammo crate bug in resistance, at least i think we have. Â The thing is that i havent been able to find any info on it, no posts no discusions nothing at all. Â Well, anyone, comments suggestions. Â I know that it is hindering the ability of resistance in mulitplayer games. Â 10 minutes into a CTF like St. P in resistance and everyone frame rates are at 5 because of the 30 m16 models sitting by their ammo crates. SOMEONE RESPOND, this problem needs to be addressed.
  5. Eaglesionu

    Mp turret bug

    I dont know what you mean by the mp drag bug, i dont seam to experience anything like that, mabyee if you explain a little better i will know what your talking about. Later, Eagle
  6. Well guys, i hope no one has placed a fix for this problem before, but im here if not. The problem occurs with any turret type gun in a multiplayer mission. Â The Turret (mostly visible on tanks) always points to the north. Â This is a known bug, and is present through Resistance. Â My Friend had asked me if i could fix it, and i made a simple script, that is pretty easy, and works. Â ****MAKE SHURE THE TANK IS POINTING NORTH IN YOUR MISSION EDITOR!!!!******** <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;=======Turret.sqs======= ;=======By Eagle======= ;Execute with the name of the tank you want to use, and the dirrection you want it to end up at....... [yourtank1, yourtank2, dir] exec "turret.sqs" _tank = _this select 0 _tank2 = _this select 1 _dir = _this select 2 ~.50 _tank setdir _dir _tank2 setdir _dir exit This script is simple, it lets the game load up with the tank pointing north (hence the turret will be lighned up with the front of the tank.) Â Then a half a second into the game it moves the tank to your wanted dirrection. Â Verry easy, verry simple. Â This is only set up for 1 or 2 tanks, if you need more, and dont know how then just post here, or e-mail me and i will be happy to help. Just my way of doing things, hope this helps someone. Eagle
  7. Eaglesionu

    Bas blackhawks

    Guess you didnt read my entire post blackdog~ heheheheehhehdehe
  8. Eaglesionu

    Bas blackhawks

    BUG??? Nahhh just bad addon placement. Hopefully this hasn't been posted before, i really am 2 lazy to read through the 38 pages of replys that have been posted about this EXCELENT ADDON. Â If this has been said before i apologize. Recently i had my firend install the Blackhawks with a new -mod folder he had never done before. Â When in game he experienced an error right before the mission brefing screen. Â I dont remember exactly what it is, but it said something like cannot load file BAS_Soar/BAS_Soarman.p3d. Â He Clicked ok like always, and when in game found out that he was spawned underground and was unable to move. Â I suspected that this could be a problem with not overiding the old BAS_Soar.pbo file, so i messaged Boblouder, and he confermed my theory.. Â If you do have this problem, i would suggest finding the duplicate BAS_Soar.pbo file, and either replacing it with the new one or deleting it. Â Boblouder suggests just delete both soar pbos and re-install the one from the Blackhawk pack. Â Hope that helped anyone that has had the problem. Â And i would like to say again how i really appreciate the time that BAS Takes in making the best addons there are, everyone should be proud of that. Later, Phil Eagle ATLAS GEN Eagle
  9. Eaglesionu

    Geforce fx 5600 problems

    Had that problem myself, and fixed it by turning transform and lighting off, i do beleive the fx cards support T&L but i would give it a try if i was you. Only bad thing is that it takes some of the effects away from resistance (blood pooling at dead body, ect.) Hope it helps, Eagle
  10. Eaglesionu

    Class cfgsfx

    Thanks dude, I seen most of those before, just never seen any definate information on what the things mean (ie, empty, and the extra numbers on the end of the file extention. I was just lazy the other nite, really didnt want to mess around with it too much. I will to some trial and error to find out whats up with that stuff. Thanks dude, Take it easy
  11. Eaglesionu

    Request script

    I think i get what you are sayin, u mean since there are multiple groups you dont want a person to not be able to respawn after every ai in his group has been taken, u want it to also check the other groups so a player can respawn into them. Â Yeh i get ya. Â Â Well i really dont think there is any way for a script to handle any kind of respawn, except for mabyee a little bit with the marker names. Â Since the description.ext is loaded up at the begining and cant be changed i dont think it is possible. Â Now i could be mistaken. Â Â Your best bet is to use "Base" respawn, insted of group, or just only have one group. Â Anyway, I DO HOPE someone proves me wrong for your sake. Later again, Eagle
  12. Eaglesionu

    Request script

    I dont know if i understand your question right, but if i do then all u need is to set respawn to group like you said you did, that will respawn dead muliplayer humans into ai's, once there are no ai's left then you will become a bird. If i missed anything in what you wanted your script to be like then sorry, just say it again with a little bit more explination, but if i am correct then that should work for you. Later, Eagle
  13. Eaglesionu

    Class cfgsfx

    Well, i have gone crazy searching every ofp site i could find trying to find some kind of tutorial, or information on the class CfgSFX portion that u can add to description.ext. I found one person that asked the same question here, but he never got an answer. Hopeflly BIS can help us with something for adding our own sound effects to missions so i dont hear say for example a dog from across the map when using class CfgSound. If you dont understand what im saying then please tell me i have a little snippet here, i can post but it dont make sense to me, too tired to find it right now but i will if anyone asks. Just need to find out how to add the SFX so i can play 50 from a trigger, that is not heard from halfway across the map. Thanks, Phil
  14. Eaglesionu

    Unpbo problems

    Well, least i can do is try i guess. But anyway here are my sys specs just incase its a problem on certian OS or any other hardware type stuff. Dell P4 1.6Ghz 512Meg Ram GeForce 2 Mx 400 Win Xp Home DSL Connection Thanks Again Phil
  15. Eaglesionu

    Unpbo problems

    Well i tried using EVERY other pbo decrypting program and it either decrypted it with the wrong symbols (and with lots of scripts in a mission it kind of sux) or the programs wouldnt work at all. AHH but i have found that if i go into the pbo decryptor, and select a pbo that i am able to decrypt, Then go back to the one that i am unable to decrypt, I find that decryption for that file is now able to be pressed. Only thing bad is that the file name is saved as the mission i selected before For the people who dont understand: Open a pbo u can decrypt in unpbo---> Something.pbo Now open the pbo u cant decrypt----> Cant.pbo AND NOW U CAN... Cant.pbo decryption saves as---> Something.pbo with cant.pbo's mission.sqm. Im sending an explination to the creator hopeflly he can find the problem and figure something out for a later version, but for now this solution is fine for me. Thanks guys, AND GALS. Phil