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Evil Weasel

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Posts posted by Evil Weasel

  1. I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this question but here goes anyway:-

    Would it be possible to change the ai behaviour when piloting attack helicopters either through scripting,changing the config or by making whole new add-ons?

    I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that the usual tactics in real life are to skulk low down behind cover and engage at range when engaging enemy armour as opposed to the OFP tactic of simulating the charge of the light brigade by rushing in at speed and firing AT missiles that have a range of 3-4km from 200m out.

    Would it also be possible to improve the ai's ability to attack infantry?At the moment it seems quite random,sometimes the ai will rocket and cannon an infantry squad to hamburger in seconds,other times they treat them to numerous fly pasts without opening fire.

    I appreciate that there are problems with the ai seeing the enemy before being able to engage and with the time taken for the targeting command to be passed from the pilot to gunner(i.e. by the time the gunner is given the target and told to fire the target is several meters behind them).

    I think it would be great if one of the many scripting/addon geniuses in the community could take a look at this and turn the helicopter gunships into the objects of fear for ground troops that they should be. smile_o.gif

  2. Hi Goldmember,first of all could I say what a fantastic piece of work the GMR mod is.If BiS aren't keeping an eye on it for OFP2 they should be. smile_o.gif

    I've got an idea to give you more work-would it be possible to incorprate the smokescreen effect that BAS have used on thier OPFOR T-55?IMO it would fit perfectly as it both looks great and is historically accurate(I think?)

    Hope that you can include this(or something similar) in your wonderful add-on.

  3. Hi,thanks for the replies!

    My home internet connection has been down so I've not been

    able to try out the servers but hopefully I'll be able to soon. I'm from Scotland so UK/other European servers would be paticularly useful.

    Ta for all the help smile_o.gif

  4. Hi,don't know if this has been asked already but can anyone recomend some good co-op servers;paticularly ones using some of the more modern addons.

    CTF and CTI maps are ok but you don't usually get any teamwork or a sense of being part of a real military operation.

    Any sugestions will be much appreciated. Ta
