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Evil Weasel

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Posts posted by Evil Weasel

  1. You're quite right, I did mean aimprecision. I really should proof read my posts first smile_o.gif

    The various stances have definable aimprecision values, but I just can't see any reference to values for when the unit is wounded. It seems to automatically increase the value for the non-wounded unit. When you increase the aimprescion value, the aim wobble when wounded also increases compared to the normal amount of wobble. If anyone has any ideas on how to change this I'd sure appreciate them

  2. This is a question for all you config experts. I hope that this is the right forum for it.

    I've been messing around with the Y2K3 config, in paticular changing the gun recoils and the aim dispersion values to make  the ai ( and myself! ) a bit less accurate. I'm  happy with the increased aim dispersion values that I've put in; there's now enough gun wobble to make life interesting. The problem is that the wobble increases enormously when you are wounded, turning aiming into a game of roullette, where the odds are stacked against you. I can't seem to find a value in the config giving the aimdispersion value for wounded units. Am I just being blind, or is the aimdispersion value for a given stance automatically increased by a certain factor, e.g. x2, when the units damage value has reached a certain level?

    Any help will be gratefully accepted as ,at the moment, being wounded ends any chance you have of hitting the oposition. This may be realistic but it sure ain't fun. smile_o.gif

  3. As one of the faceless thousands (?) who can't make addons or modify configs, but who love OFP I'd like to thank you for all the hard work that you put into into this Pappy. It's the perfect use of all those great addons and scripts that are out there.

    I believe, that if there is one thing in paticular that is keeping people involved in OFP1, then this is it. smile_o.gif

    P.s. The new gunsmoke script is fantastic; it really adds to the atmosphere during missions.

  4. Thanks for all the hard work, and for constantly raising the bar of add-on standards. Given some of the crap thrown at you guys on the forums you showed a great deal of restraint and dedication in keeping going for the length of time that you did.

    I hope that you realise just how admired and appreciated your work has been by the vast majority of OFP players.

    Once again thanks and good luck in any future projects you may have.

  5. Thanks for the replies.What I'm trying to do is play around with the main game config.bin; in paticular the ECP one, but at the moment I can't find a program that will open it "cleanly" and I definately had one in the past (I lost a lot of files with a hard drive crash).Frankly I'm getting very frustrated by this as, although I,ve got very little editing skill, it would be nice not to fall at the very first hurdle! crazy_o.gif

  6. Basically I need to find a program that can read config.bin files as at the moment I get a mix of text and nonsense whichever program I use.I've tried notepad/word etc.. plus every possible script editor that I could download (Chris's script editor etc..).

    The annoying thing is that I've definately had and used something in the past that did the job, but I just can't find it mad_o.gif

    Thanks in advance smile_o.gif

  7. Thanks for the advice so far and Avon,your probably right,I should just save the money-but hey,who's sensible when it comes to computers? sad_o.gif

    Joltan do you think that a better motherboard would make a big difference? I must admit that one of the things that got me thinking was the disapointing increase in performance when I doubled the ram from 512Mb to 1Gb.

    As for the hard disk,I've got loads of space left (mainly due to one of the drives crashing a few weeks back mad_o.gif ). Is there any point swapping in purely performance terms?

    Bring those answers on smile_o.gif

  8. This isn't strictly an OFP question,although I suppose it does refer to pc performance when running flashpoint.

    I've put my own pc together over the last couple of years,buying what I could afford at the time and replacing components one by one.

    The specs are :-

    AMD Athlon 2000 chip

    Jetway KT266 motherboard (133 MHz I think)

    1 Gig ram (2100 DDR I think-the cheapest DDR anyway)

    Geforce Ti 4200 128 Mb graphics card

    V.cheap Mercury soundcard

    One 40 gig and one 20 gig hard drive

    Windows XP pro

    It runs OFP reasonably well,giving a mark of arounnd 4200.

    Although I have enough knowledge to put it all together,I don't actually know that much about pc performance,so my questions for all you OFP pc experts are-

    1.Are any of the components obviously weaker than the rest,dragging the overall performance down?

    2.If I was to spend about Å100 (about 150 euros) on improving it,what would be best to replace-i.e. what would give me most bang for my buck?

    Any advice willl be gratefully accepted,ta  smile_o.gif

  9. This isn't strictly an OFP question,although I suppose it does refer to pc performance when running flashpoint.

    I've put my own pc together over the last couple of years,buying what I could afford at the time and replacing components one by one.

    The specs are :-

    AMD Athlon 2000 chip

    Jetway KT266 motherboard (133 MHz I think)

    1 Gig ram (2100 DDR I think-the cheapest DDR anyway)

    Geforce Ti 4200 128 Mb graphics card

    V.cheap Mercury soundcard

    One 40 gig and one 20 gig hard drive

    Windows XP pro

    It runs OFP reasonably well,giving a mark of arounnd 4200.

    Although I have enough knowledge to put it all together,I don't actually know that much about pc performance,so my questions for all you OFP pc experts are-

    1.Are any of the components obviously weaker than the rest,dragging the overall performance down?

    2.If I was to spend about Å100 (about 150 euros) on improving it,what would be best to replace-i.e. what would give me most bang for my buck?

    Any advice willl be gratefully accepted,ta  smile_o.gif

  10. The problem with AI scripts is that they might and probably would muck up most missions. We could add some scripts and leave them turned off by defualt (users could turn it on when they wanted)

    Thanks for the quick and considered response Red.It must be a bit annoying at times when you spend what I assume is many,many hours of work to make something so good,only for people like me to come along and say "great",but what it really needs is .......

    Anyway, I see what you mean about improved A.I. screwing up missions not designed with it in mind,so I would agree that the default setting should be "off",but I do strongly think that the inclusion of any possible improved A.I. scripts can only be a good thing.The A.I. in OFP is pretty good considering the number of factors it has to take into consideration but in human terms it's round about the intelligence of a 5 year old. smile_o.gif

  11. First of all I've got to say how fantastic the ECP is!Playing "vanilla" OFP is no longer an option smile_o.gif

    Now for my suggestions for inclusions in future versions:-

    1.The burning and smoking damaged building effect from the later versions of the GMR_mod.It adds great atmosphere to missions.

    2.Something similar to this script A.I. info share.it allows A.I. groups to swap info on known enemies.I'm no scripter but I think that all the info it needs would be in the ECP init.The only thing it would maybe need would be an option in the ECP settings to change the distance over which the A.I. could swap info.

    3.A fire-dispersal script such as this fire dispersion or this Spray.They both decrease the accuracy of the A.I.,leading to longer,more involved firefights.

    The use of this is probably down to personal taste and so would be probably be better "false" as default.

    I hope that these ideas give you inspiration for further improvement of an already mighty fine piece of work.

  12. This carrier is fantastic!

    I'm feeling really thick though,as I just can't land on it.

    I come in nice and slow and select the "land in line" option but I don't slow down at all when I touch down.Basically I either fly right across the top and then drop into the sea or the plane explodes about half way along the carrier.

    Can somebody tell me where I,m going wrong? sad_o.gif

  13. have a look at this OFPEC thread:-


    It's more based on getting the copter to attack infantry but it might be useful.I've spent a while fiddling around with it by increasing the distance that the copter stands off from the unit it's attacking but it's still far from perfect.

    The two main problems are that it could do with some way of ranking the targets in terms of potential threat and,more annoyingly,the copter keeps getting stuck,just hovering in one place whilst there are still enemy units alive.I think that it's trying to target the chosen enemy unit and not being able to as it's facing the wrong way so it can't kill the unit and allow the script to continue.Basically the copter needs to be told to face the enemy!

    Hope that this is helpfull and if you do get a script together could you let me know as it also drives me insane when hi-tech attack copters,armed with 3 mile range missiles,go charging in like the bloody 7th cavalry crazy_o.gif

  14. I managed to find the Tarawa addon and it is a model of the USS Tarawa.Superficially it looks quite good but it's lacking in detail and has big LOD problems;you can fly through most of it!To be fair it is named as an alpha model.

    My addon making knowledge is non-existent,but there definately seems to be potential there as even now a lot of the deck is solid and it has working doors to the internal dock. If nothing else it looks good as background to a beach assault.

    Unfortunately there's no readme in the zipfile,so I've no idea who made it.

    I found the Zubr hovercraft as well and it looks pretty good biggrin_o.gif .If someone can do a bit of work on the textures and make it carry vehicles (Hellfish6?) it would be fantastic!

  15. I would reckon that pretty much every plane or copter released in the last six months has some form of flare countermeasures.

    In a lot of cases they're a bit too effective,making the aircraft almost impossible to shoot down with missiles sad_o.gif

    However it does look good when you see the missile tailing off towards the dropping flare biggrin_o.gif

  16. BTW, took a look on JohnnyLump's Militaria - Webpage and found a DL-Link for a Helicopter Carrier (USS Saipan, LHA-2 [helicopter carrier]). Sadly the DL-Link didn't work for me right now, so i cannot say anything about that ship sad_o.gif .

    There are some other interesting ships, too. Perhaps the right one for you  smile_o.gif

    That will be the one.

    If I remember rightly it's got a helicopter deck and an internal dock which has 'walkable' gantries down the side.

    I'll see if I can find the file on my backup cd's later.

    Sorry to keep leading the topic astray. smile_o.gif

  17. I hope that I'm not causing too much confusion.

    I've got a couple of back-up cd's from before my harddrive crash which I'll check out when I get back from work tonight to see if  I can find the ship I'm thinking off.

    I've tried to find it on the Johnny Lump addon directory site but it seems to be down at the moment.

    If it turns out to be the U.S.S. Ashland I'll feel a wee bit dumb sad_o.gif

  18. Quote (Evil Weasel @ Jan. 20 2004,18:23)

    As far as I know there is no actual landing craft(US or otherwise) avaliable.The nearest thing is a Tarawara(spelling?) class assault ship which can launch helicopters and has an internal dock for LAAV's etc...

    I don't have a download link to hand but if you search on OFP.cz or OFPNEWS you should find it.

    I don't remember seeing any screenshots of one's being developed,but who knows when it comes to OFP

    Ive never seen a Tarawara class carrier,Seems interesting thought.Maybe your talking about the U.S.S. Ashland LSD 48 addon?

    I might be getting confused,paticularly as I lost aload of addons when my hardrive crashed!

    I'm pretty certain that I had an amphibous assault ship which was installed as tarawara.pbo,but it may have come up as something else in the editor.

  19. As far as I know there is no actual landing craft(US or otherwise) avaliable.The nearest thing is a Tarawara(spelling?) class assault ship which can launch helicopters and has an internal dock for LAAV's etc...

    I don't have a download link to hand but if you search on OFP.cz or OFPNEWS you should find it.

    I don't remember seeing any screenshots of one's being developed,but who knows when it comes to OFP smile_o.gif

  20. Thanks for the replies;would it be possible to utilise footmunch's roundel changeable roundel system (or is it trenchfeet's-apoligies if I've got it wrong) as it would make this addon very versatile indeed.

    It's the size of cargo aircraft that OFP has been screaming out for.
