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About Ex0dUd

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Ex0dUd

    Use checkfile on single files

    hmmm, as i know linux server doesnt need res/dta/hwtl/merged.pbo, therefor it could be that the file isnt on ur server, upload it and test it again, anyways have to test it on my own 1st :P
  2. Ex0dUd

    Cheat and cheat prevention discussion

    thx BIS cant wait for linux version of server 1.96a :P
  3. Ex0dUd

    Cheaters creating m1a1 or cluster bombs

    yep, that would be gr8, and a better default check of config and wrp files, and a feature that only admins can see mod msgs
  4. its in the main config <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class WeaponHolder : ReammoBox { scope=1; model="\misc\dummyweapon.p3d"; accuracy=0.200000; class TransportMagazines { }; forceSupply=1; showWeaponCargo=1; transportMaxMagazines=1000000000.000000; transportMaxWeapons=1000000000.000000; displayName=""; };
  5. Ex0dUd

    Patch 1.95 beta will not install

    u need sharutils installed, u can get it here
  6. Ex0dUd

    1.95b discussion

    u can rename the 1.94 flashpointbeta.exe to flashpoint194beta.exe then u can install the 1.95 patch which creates a new flashpointbeta.exe and u can rename it to flashpoint195beta.exe so u got both versions in ur ofp folder and u can start them without probs but then u have to make new shortcuts for ur mod folders... or edit the old 1
  7. Ex0dUd

    1.95b discussion

    thx a looooot
  8. Ex0dUd

    Cheaters, bans and id copiers.

    i got a solution for logging ips, its not that gr8 but it works ;) download ethereal from http://www.ethereal.com works on windows and linux, its a packet logger, sniffer and u can log the packets on connection with the nickname in it start it from commandline as root or admin: for ofp 1.91: tethereal -f "udp port 2302" -R "data[(0:4)] ==7e:00:01:08" Â -s "90" -x -l -t "ad">>ip.log and for 1.94: tethereal -f "udp port 2302" -R "data[(0:4)] ==ce:00:01:08" Â -s "90" -x -l -t "ad">>ip.log EDIT: change the port if needed ;) its working gr8 but u will get a big logfile after some days ;)
  9. Ex0dUd

    Booting players

    first try to ping a server ip on ur console if the ping is the same as ingame u cant do anything then call ur provider and ask him bout solution i had the prob that i had 60 ping on console and 200 ingame, called isp and 2 days after they fixed it and i had also ingame 60ms next thing u could do is make a traceroute to the server ip "tracert $ip" in win console and check if some hop has a much higher ping then the others, normally ping goes up from hop to hop, if it isnt so and 1 hop as a much higher ping then the others call ur provider too and tell this him. next solution could be to change provider: some isps have really bad routing tables: u can check them with tracert for example i lived in north italy and my server was in london, i used dubble isdn and tested bout 10 providers, the most of them routed me from millan to frankfurt, amsterdam, london and i had a ping bout 170 1 of the isp routed me over new york too lmao 300 ping then i found 1 wich routed me over paris and 1 had 80 ping to same server ex0
  10. Ex0dUd

    Anti cheats

    isnt punkbuster for Quake engine based games only?
  11. Ex0dUd

    Pst! 1.92beta is out!

    u have to start OFP 1.92 beta by running Flashpoint192BETA.exe in ur Flashpointfolder Ex0
  12. Ex0dUd

    Anti-cheating project

    ofp community isnt that big as for example cs, that many cheaters are around wich have the knowledge about hacking tools, modifying netcode... i think a better checkfile system (support for -mod, cz pl and eu/us version, are there more versions out there??? ) could be enough to stop all current cheats, expect ammotrainer and those famous, very funny and useless to cheat speed tools , btw if the biggest brains of ofp community get together they can beat all ofp cheaters out there or do u think cheaters are smarter then u? ;)
  13. Ex0dUd

    Ofp server traffic

    thx guys  i will try it with 150gb maybe the hardware allows a 2nd private server too
  14. Ex0dUd

    Ofp server traffic

    Can some1 tell me how many traffic does a well visited OFP dedi server have in 1 month? 8-10 hours 10-30 players every day 40kbit/sec /8 *3600 * 20 * 9 * 31 = 100440000 kbyte /1024 /1024 = 96Gbyte teoretical ;) what do u think? are 100 Gb in practice enought? maybe with ts2 server...