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About EvilMadcat

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. EvilMadcat

    Problem with Server Config

    you musst say there server exe to get your profile get behind the arma_server.exe -name=profilname -port=xxxxxx -config=yourconfigfilename.cfg and so one you can start the server and he is loading to your config file the profil to Have fun i hope i can help :-)
  2. EvilMadcat

    Problem with Server Config

    My Problem is is a ded. Server not a game server i start from my game .... work it with this to ? EvilMadcat
  3. EvilMadcat

    Problem with Server Config

    Hi all How i can in Server Config disable the white Cross hairs ? Pls Help EvilMadcat
  4. EvilMadcat

    Vietnam warfare: burned battlefiels

    LoL yes is not the desert Sa-4 oh man ..... Henk
  5. EvilMadcat

    Ontos m50a1

    Can you animat the Back Door Is cool EvilMadcat
  6. EvilMadcat

    Ontos m50a1

    Okay i have testet The position of driver and gunnner is bad or wrong the gunner site under the tank and the driver can not see out of obtics can you fix this???
  7. EvilMadcat

    Ontos m50a1

    Looks Great very great we need it for ofp Nam missions. Â Â Â
  8. EvilMadcat

    Vietnam warfare: burned battlefiels

    The M-16 is a Beta Henk
  9. EvilMadcat

    Vietnam warfare: burned battlefiels

    Okay her a news or better Pics. Look is nice . Report of Work....VWBB MOD TEAM SA-2 ZPU-4 Skyraider A-1E M-16 and many many more..... We search for Modeller and texturer and Scripter. Contact:lt.henk@operation-nam.de
  10. EvilMadcat


    A Mirror @ www.operation-nam.de DOWNLOAD InQUisiToR's Vietnam M113/M163 V1.0 [5.55 Mb]
  11. EvilMadcat

    Vietnam warfare: burned battlefiels

    Hallo I have A Bad news for Drow He Drow hammer work on stolen Modells the Owner of the Modell have give Me the Modelles and Hammer have work on the Tank modell on my Mod he have Stolen the Modells and give you the Modell and the A-6 Intruder have made by Ksk you have Problems Boy great Problems Have you the Right to work on the Modells No have you tell Ksk you have the Modells no have you any tell to ksk ? no Unsung work with stolen Modells lol and you super Modell hammer have no made on of the Modell noway you can question to KsK he have made the Modells and i can you give a contact in Icq. cy Drow
  12. EvilMadcat

    Vietnam warfare: burned battlefiels

    He @all Okay we have more Projekts on the Start and work on many Modells Wracks rockets weapons and Soldiers BeErZyMoTiC have you pics of yours Tank and of the Wrack form the uh- 1 ? Henk www.operation-nam.de
  13. EvilMadcat

    Can you modell soldiers?

    Okay Boys and girl we need for the Projekt: Modellmakers Skinner Islandmaker Scripter is the community a bad boy club or can any help all need addons not will help is bad.
  14. EvilMadcat

    Sad news

    For my Team, Mod Team Vietnam Warfare: Burned Battlefields and me owner of www.operation-nam.de we remember Lawrie and we hope he rest in Peace.
  15. EvilMadcat

    Woodland hummers

    He have a eta on rerelease the cars ?