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Everything posted by egwal

  1. Can we please get a some kind of signal from the devs about ACE + STEAM! Right now it seems that most cant get it to work, me included. Just a "stay cool, were looking for a solution" would be enough.
  2. OA seems to be the top #1 seller in steam =) Congrats guys
  3. egwal

    Patch 1.04 suggestions

    All of the above, and M16A4 with m203 AND AIMPOINT How did this get missed? Also add some new variants of the weapons already in game, eg. M40A3 without camo, G36C + eotech, mp5 with aimpoint, AK107 + supressor etc. Shouldnt prove too much of a nuisance =)
  4. egwal

    Armory Missions..

    'Nuff said?
  5. egwal

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    Add the following: M16A4 with M203 AND aimpoint M1014 with aimpoint M40A3 without camo Some AK107 variants with supressors aimpoints/kobras to bizons and mp5s g36c with just the eotech without a supressor and more camopainted weapon variants These additions shouldnt prove too much wirk as most of the stuff is already in game. A biig plus for the already implemented rpg ammunition variants =) these will provide to be useful.
  6. egwal

    patch 1.02 suggestions

    Add the following weapons: M16A4 with aimpoint and M203 M40A3 without camo G36C Eotech without SD MP5SD6 with aimpoint MP5A5 with aimpoint All of these weapons already exist in the game in one way or another, so it wouldnt require much work.
  7. Could somebody please post a simple mission with arty that can be opened in the editor. Despite the documentation Im unable to get it to work.
  8. egwal

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    Those galleries bug like hell, cant see half of the screens.
  9. egwal

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    Some niiiice new nature pictures at devblog =) http://www.bistudio.com/developers-blog/finally-water_en.html Actually it doesnt look all that bad. I like how the ponds look a lot more alive and habited when there is some greenery around.
  10. egwal

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    -Starforce-free Armed Assault DVD-ROM -A bigass map poster -Soundtrack -Track IR bundeled with it or at least somekind of -50% coupon -Big manual
  11. So Im making this mp mission where I want a certain player to be injured on the legs so that he cant run/walk and is forced to crawl. Like when you get shot in the legs. The unit will be human controlled. How to do this?
  12. Try this if you want to vaporize him : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> [player, 10, 0, 180, 200, "LaserGuidedBomb", 3, false]exec"hitunit.sqs" <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ; hitunit.sqs by Mandoble ; Shoots a projectile against a unit at the indicated speed and height. ; Will keep shooting until target gets damaged ; ; Arguments: ; target ; altitude of the projectile ; angle relative to target direction from where the projectiles will come ; distance from target from where the projectiles will be fired ; speed of the projectile in m/s ; type of projectile ("BulletSingleW", "BulletSniperW", "Bullet30E", "Bullet4x23", "Bullet7_6W", etc.) ; delay between shots in seconds ; if the projectile should be deleted after the indicated delay ; Example: ; Player will be hit in the legs ; [player, 0.2, 180, 1, 200, "BulletSniperW", 0.1, true]exec"hitunit.sqs" ; _target = _this select 0 _alt = _this select 1 _ang = _this select 2 _dist = _This select 3 _spd = _this select 4 _type = _this select 5 _delay = _this select 6 _delete = _this select 7 #shoot _dir = _ang + getDir _target _pos = [(getPos _target select 0)+sin(_dir)*_dist, (getPos _target select 1)+cos(_dir)*_dist, _alt] _vel = [sin(_dir+180)*_spd,cos(_dir+180)*_spd,0] _bullet = _type camCreate _pos _bullet setDir (_ang+180) _bullet setVelocity _vel ~_delay ?_delete: deleteVehicle _bullet ? damage _target == 0: goto "shoot" exit This script seems to work, but the victim has to move for the script to start, even though i put the exec into init.sqs. And the unit starts inside a car so its kinda sketchy: he gets out= nothing, he moves a bit=bam and argh. Whats the bullet name for the silenced HK?
  13. I tried experimenting this, but I was unable to make the player have his legs injured.
  14. egwal

    FDFMOD 1.4 OUT

    Thank you.
  15. egwal

    FDFMOD WW2 Expansion

    As some of you might already know, the english version of the intervew can be found here.
  16. egwal

    Finnish Defence Forces Modification 1.3

    Try this http://koti.mbnet.fi/fdfmod/readme/missionediting.html
  17. egwal

    The New FDF

    Some new images on mil.fi and i19.mil.se
  18. So Im making this mp mission where a Russian naval squad defends a bridge on the East Border-map(FDFMOD). There are two streetlights near the bridge. One in each end. And now i want to be able to switch them on and off when a player gets near(addaction?). But the problem is that i havent placed them in the editor, they came with them map, so I guess I gotta fool around with the IDs. Thanks in advance.
  19. egwal

    The New FDF

    Naah, I prefer the new new Finnish uniform Ofcourse you have to take in account that this is the first picture about the new uniform. Hell, these guys might not even be finnish at all But.. but, they have rubber boots and the pic is situated in the offical FDF website.
  20. Sweet, works well with my gf4ti4200. Although my computer cant quite keep up. Anyways, good work.
  21. Thanks tracy, it worked fine, but its not finished yet. I want to have it so that when someone gets near the streetlight in mp, a new action appers in action menu, eg. "switch the northern light off". How do I do this?
  22. egwal

    Lost in the forest

    In this mission it seemed to be impossible to get kinda straight to the extraction point, so i took the longer way. At the start i turned ran north untill montignac and then turned east and went all the time further from the extraction. At some point far, far away from the theatre a single gunshot fleed the air and i was dead. At this point when youre dead, the camera scrolls to the ai guy that killed you. But no. The camera just rises while pointin at my body. Seemed like i got killed by a trigger...
  23. egwal

    The Forgotten Battles

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tovarish @ Feb. 25 2003,17:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (EgWal @ Feb. 25 2003,17:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Flyin under a bridge isnt that difficult. In ofp i can fly under the davle bridge<span id='postcolor'> Nuff said... you're comparing Extreeme stunt cycling to being able to ride a bicycle with training wheels . OFP is an awesome infantry simulator, but make no mistake, it's no flight sim. P.S., awesome screenshot DayGlow .<span id='postcolor'> Thats just what i mean ofp is not a flight simulator its an infantry simulator. I think in IL2 its much more easyer because the controls are more stable. Try flyin Keges hawk with joystick and you'll understand what im talkin about =)
  24. egwal

    The Forgotten Battles

    Flyin under a bridge isnt that difficult. In ofp i can fly under the davle bridge with Keges hawk, upside down.