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Enron Exec

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Everything posted by Enron Exec

  1. Enron Exec

    What i want in mp

    How about a .50 Barret sniper rifle. It would have to be the only weapon a soilder could carry, since it is so heavy, and you would have to load each bullet one-by-one, but there would be at least 2 types of ammo. A AP round that could peirce BMPs and M60s but not anything thicker. A HE round to take out soilders and light vehicles. Another addon I think that would be interesting, but may not be eithical, is chemical weapons. How about a nerve gas war-head for the SCUD launcher or nerve gas gernades to flush out flag guarding campers. Someone that had a good enough dose would slowly become injured, like getting shot in the leg or arm, so their aim or their abilities to stand would be hampered. Maybe after 1 min they would just die from the gas unless they get to a medic or a first-aid tent. Think im sick? me too. I thought about this as compared to nuclear or biological weapons. They are either too fast in the killing or too slow. Where is the fun in that?
  2. Enron Exec

    Custom faces

    I have the same problem i think. I followed those instructions at Avon's website but I still have a blank white face in the edit menu. What software do all you ppl use to make your custom faces? MS Paint? Adobe Photoshop? And what formate do you save it in before u put it in the OPF folder.
  3. Enron Exec

    Respawn killing/base raping/camping...

    Spawn Raping is pretty sad, but I dont see it happen much anymore. On some maps with the vehicles only by the respawn, and the respawns are out of sight of the flag or at least a bit far away from teh flag, there is no problem. There are alot of good CTF maps that seperate Spawns and Flag bases at the MTCO server.
  4. Enron Exec

    Funny mp momments

    At the MTCO server I was playing the 6v6 CTF_4 map. I was on the west and i new the teams where unbalanced because east was mostly noobs, so i decided to do a lil Grand Theft Autoing instead. I snuck into the east's spawn on foot, staying out of the auto kill zone, and stole a shinny new BMP. The weird thing is, you can go into their spawn with a vehicle but not on foot. Anyways... I saw a friend on east had just died so i knew he was going to be at the respawn, so I started heading into their respawn in the BMP. He had just respawned and looked at my BMP and then turned away to dig in some crates. So I turned my BMP towards him and ran him over along with the crates. Of course he dies without knowing who ran him over. He yells! "Dont destroy the crates you idiot !!!", thinking it was his own teammate and I took off to camp outside their flag in the BMP. Shortly after, he heads for his flag base, and I knew it was him, so I gunned him down with some 30mm HE rounds. We laughed out loud and I typed, "guess who ran you over in the BMP... lol". In another game, It was a night map, CTF on the desert island. I was going air to air with a friend in my Mi-24 and managed to put a rocket into his UH-60. So I bussied myself typing up something smart to say when I didnt notice i was heading into their spawn area and was about to be crushed by the auto spawn kill. I pulled my helicopter hard left and up but it was too late. MY Mi-24 blew up and I died. I immediately saw my friend typed  "hahahha    ahhhhhhh".  A split second after it said:  "Bodunchar was killed ".  It turned out the chopper I was in landed on top of him right after he respawned. I laughed at the image he must of had when he saw a ball of flaming wreckage coming towards him in the night right after he respawned.
  5. Enron Exec

    Scud vehicle - is there a way to target missle?

    How big of an explosion does it make?
  6. Enron Exec

    Dedicated server

    I think the new patches where done in haste to resolve the crashes. The growing consumption of memory I think is just poor or the absence of "garbage collection." In other words, they simply did not take care of deallocating memory used by the new patches. I would just email your findings to whoever is in charge of the patches and hope they do a better job in the next patch. If only everyone took as much pride in their work as the ppl at MTCP !!! Tell them to practise the 5 P's of software engineering.
  7. Enron Exec

    Screen freezes every 3 seconds

    Ohhh .. Ohhh !!!! I can finally put some of my Computer Science muscles to work. Under the O/S, the CPU dedicates a certain number of clock cycles / second for all its COM port interrupts. I/O devices such as mice, printers and scanners in this case all have to share the aloted time. This may explain why unplugging the printer and scanner improved the mouse sensitivity.
  8. Enron Exec

    What OFP multiplayer REALLY needs?

    How about chemical weapons !!!
  9. Enron Exec

    .50 cal rifle

    Id have to agree with Jub, I dont think the Berrett M82A1A, even when firing special .50 SABOT rounds can kill anyone in a M1A1 or any modern MBT. But oddly enough, I have a friend that just finished his tour of service as an Army Ranger and he told me stories that they did use .50 rifles with special ammo to peirce old tanks they used for target practise. Im guessing "old" as in decomissioned M60s or older. Since tank armors are highly classified, I dont think any of us can know for sure what ammo fired from which gun will penetrate which armor, without being raided my the FBI in the next few days.
  10. Enron Exec

    What weapon/vehicle

    How about a semi-auto assualt shotgun like the SPAS-15 ! Imagine sweeping a room or taking a corner and finding 3 guys digging in crates. No time for aiming.. FIRE FIRE FIRE !!! Or if you like your addrenaline without a bloody soupy mess on your boots, how about a real high powered sniper rifle with AP and HE ammo like the Barrett M82A1A. You could be laying 1 km away and punch a whole in a BMP or switch to a HE round and take out that joker lying under that UAV. How many of you actually succefully use a PK or M60 in combat? They kick way too much to hit anything far off. I have to be proned to get a decent burst off and even then, if the enemy is proned, there is no way a burst is clustered close enough for a chance to hit. I have only found them usefull for gunning down jeeps trying to make a fast get away or a group of guys charging in (and that is rare). What have you guys been using them for ?
  11. How can I get a custom skin to work on a dedicated server? Will this work over any MP game?
  12. Enron Exec

    Your coolest MP kill?

    It was in a CTF game with 6 v 6. Two guys in a hummer fly past me over a hill going full speed. I reached for my RPG and looked down the hill but saw the Hummer hit it's brakes and did a 180 fish tail. I switched back to my Bizon and killed the driver when he came out. I then switched back to my RPG in case the hummer had more occupants that didnt want to disembark. The 2nd guy got out and I fired the RPG. The damn missle went under the Hummer and blew up 20 meters behind the intended target. I knew i was dead but I was persistent and begun reloading the RPG. By then the guy was out of the hummer and walking towards me .... he had his gun drawn but i wasnt dieing. Was he some kind of sicko ? Closer and closer he walked towards me... finally the RPG reloaded and I took aim and fired into his chest killing him but not the Hummer. Turns out he was my most prized target, the text ran: Suchey killed by .... Enron Exec. I laughed my butt off and asked why he didnt send me to my maker. It turned out he had picked up a gun with no ammo. LOL. On another CTF map, the game was drawing to an end and i had finally snuck up to the enemy's base. I saw 2 guys in a look out tower, so i switched to my RPG. One of them paniced and just before i fired, he jumps out of the tower and lands right underneath. The rocket blows up the tower killing both dudes. I stood there and watched the body in the tower flop off and fall. Then the guy on the groud laughed saing he saw his friend's body fall on top of him after they died.