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Enemy of the State

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About Enemy of the State

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    Private First Class
  1. Enemy of the State

    PC Gamer game of the year: Ghost Recon

    i played GR at a m8s house and its the same as any other rainbow 6 game but is it related to the rainbow 6 clan or a new type of game built around the same rainbow 6 build plot your teams course choose your weapons notheing changes PC ZONE is the best
  2. Enemy of the State

    Bridges in OFP!

    a bridge would be so cool and even cooler if u could blow it to bits and a railway would be soo cool as welll u could do a james bond style mission a few or questions why ant there any ribs in the game u now thos boats that are made of rubber and have an out board motor they would rule and attilery there is cannon in ofp but u cant use it whyyyy not
  3. Enemy of the State

    PC Gamer game of the year: Ghost Recon

    u all read the wrong mag u should all read PC ZONE the best mag on in the world they review fairly and havent made a mistake yet on any of the reviews but my point is that they loved O F so much they did 2 previews and 2 reviews and they loved it soooo much they gave it 90% thats a good percentage in this mag and they still go on about it but i cant find the mag but im sure they had it as best game of the year and yes i think pc gamer is a pile of S**t and ill take them on any time any place at flashpoint.
  4. Enemy of the State

    Which is the best weapon?

    my weapon of choice is the G3A and why can a russian soldier with a Pk be miles away and still get a head shot first shot i tryed this and it didnt work
  5. Enemy of the State

    .50 cal rifle

    going back the that convention thing saying u'r not aloud to shoot men with a .50 cal there not exactly going to lie there and go that guy is cheating he shot me with a .50 cal no ones going to no so whats the point or are there sad losers who go round after a war saying this guy was shot by an ak-47 this guy a M16 carbine and then oohh my god this guy was shot by a .50 cal someone was cheating we will find him and bang him up in cuba noooo thay dont do that do yey and why isnt there any real landing craft in flashpoint the ones like out of saving privert ryan
  6. Enemy of the State

    Whats oxygen?

    how did u no i copied and pasted that i did only cus cant be bothered to write it out again
  7. Enemy of the State

    Whats oxygen?

    i think they should have an updated version of the the saving privert ryan landing craft they rule door goes down soldior falls down (dead) but while were near the subject why dont the soldiers carry a knife and a pistol i thought the knife is standered in any army and in some army thats all they carry lol
  8. Enemy of the State

    The Malden Express

    what type of recipie a nice one or a rubbish one and what does the food taste like good or crap
  9. Enemy of the State

    New armored vehicle for OFP

    i think they should have an updated version of the the saving privert ryan landing craft they rule door goes down soldior falls down (dead) but while were near the subject why dont the soldiers carry a knife and a pistol i thought the knife is standered in any army and in some army thats all they carry lol
  10. Enemy of the State

    The Malden Express

    what the hell are u talking about I think Malden Moussaka would be more of a priority
  11. Enemy of the State

    The Malden Express

    i like the newspaper very funny carry on the good work boys soz made a mistake
  12. Enemy of the State

    Will we ever get proper Gun elevations

    The smokes on my screen are fine but when my men go in to it i can be right in front of them and they start saying WHERE ARE U and then they go mental until the smoke clears