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About Eekster

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Eekster

    WPS mini mod

    Aloha! you can always export the model to and 3party 3d unwrapper. Unwrapp the modell, save > import. there are some few free unwrappers out there. There are a great need in this comunity to lern this. Like the BW mod, you dont need 13 textures for a gun or vehicle. Thats just crazy. You need one 512*512 or one 1024*1024 for a hires texture. This makes it more preformancefriendly too. /Eekster
  2. Eekster

    Strf 9040 | cv 9040

    looks good /Eek
  3. Eekster

    Strf 9040 | cv 9040

    looks good /Eek
  4. Eekster

    Portable hellfire atgm system

    Aloha! Here is a rb 17 I did a while a go =) /Eekster
  5. Eekster

    Operation white night demo 1.1

    Aloha! Humm... What makes you think SFP dont make any vehicles? For now its one vehicle included, and we are working on a JAS gripen, a TGB 11, HKP10 and the boat VISBY. /Eekster
  6. Eekster

    Recoil problem

    Aloha! Hummm...ok...i changed a little in the config and now i start without the riffle and he shoots from his belly and between the shots he snaps his neck... it looks really funny! a little movie.(8 mb) http://hem.thn.edu.stockholm.se/~penil006/wolf/ofp/ofp_0001.avi http://www.angelfire.com/me4/tomspillar/Downloads/SP54Codec.htm im going crazy! /Eekster
  7. Eekster

    Recoil problem

    tested it but it didn´t work =( still gets the
  8. Eekster

    Recoil problem

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches { class SFP_ag90 { units[] = {sfp_m90soldierak4}; weapons[] = {SFPag90}; requiredVersion = 1.85; }; }; class CfgRecoils { SFPsniperSingle[]={0.080000,0,0,0.200000,0.040000,0.080000,0.400000,0.032000,0.074000,0.800000,0,0}; }; class CfgModels { class Default{}; class Weapon: Default{}; class SFP_ag90: Weapon{}; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default {}; class Mgun: Default {}; class Riffle: Mgun {}; class M16: Riffle {}; class SniperRiffle: Riffle {}; class SFPag90 : Sniperriffle { scopeWeapon=2; scopeMagazine=2; accesss=3; ammo="bulletsniper"; displayName="Ag 90"; displayNameMagazine="Ag 90 Mag"; shortNameMagazine="Ag 90 Mag"; initspeed=850; optics=1; opticsZoomMin=0.070000; opticsZoomMax=0.070000; distanceZoomMin=450; distanceZoomMax=450; model="\SFP_ag90\ag905.p3d"; modelmagazine="\SFP_ag90\sfp_ag90mag"; picture="\SFP_ag90\aginventory.jpg"; magazines[]={"sfpag90mag"}; modelOptics="\SFP_ag90\optika_ag90.p3d"; count=9; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=2.000000; recoil="SFPsniperSingle"; opticsFlare=1; valueWeapon=1000; valueMagazine=1000; aiRateOfFire=5.000000; aiRateOfFireDistance=900; maxLeadSpeed=50; //sound[]={"\sfp_ag90\ag90.wav",1.000000,1}; }; class sfpag90mag: sfpag90 { picture="m21"; modelmagazine="\sfp_psg90\sfp_ag90mag"; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All{}; class AllVehicles:All{}; class Land:AllVehicles{}; class Man:Land{}; class Soldier:Man{}; class SoldierWB:Soldier{}; class sfp_m90soldierak4:SoldierWB { displayName="Prickskytt (AG90)"; vehicleClass="Men (Swedish)"; nameSound="soldier";<span id='postcolor'> when I test the addon in the editor it says "no entry config.bin/CfgPatches/CfgRecoils.unit" Someone who could help me with my little problem?
  9. Eekster

    Swedish forces pack

    Aloha! Nice soldiers! and another link to the pack http://home.no/flood/SwedishForcesPack.zip and  GOD JUL! /EEk
  10. Aloha! WOOHAA, I got it ingame, but it was a little small =) had truble finding it at first... here is a pic: http://hem.thn.edu.stockholm.se/~penil006/wolf/YEAHWOOHAAA.JPG /EEKs
  11. Aloha! Thanks alot, it worked! Now I only need to learn what to do in Oxy... Or if someone will else that know the stuff could put it in game, i could sent the model? /Eeks
  12. Aloha! Someone out there with an answear? /EEKs
  13. Aloha! I have done a 3d model of a humvee in lightwave, and now when i shall export it to .3ds format i get an error. 3ds export : Operation failed - Code: 1 3ds export : Polygons with 3 vertices only And i just stared modelling and my English isn't verry good, so someone know what I can do to make it work? pics: http://hem.thn.edu.stockholm.se/~penil006/wolf/hummer7.jpg http://hem.thn.edu.stockholm.se/~penil006/wolf/hummer8.jpg http://hem.thn.edu.stockholm.se/~penil006/wolf/hummer9.jpg Hope this is the right place to post this, otherwise someone can move it... Thanks /Eeks
  14. Aloha! I have done a 3d model of a humvee in lightwave, and now when i shall export it to .3ds format i get an error. 3ds export : Operation failed - Code: 1 3ds export : Polygons with 3 vertices only And i just stared modelling and my English isn't verry good, so someone know what I can do to make it work? pics: http://hem.thn.edu.stockholm.se/~penil006/wolf/hummer7.jpg http://hem.thn.edu.stockholm.se/~penil006/wolf/hummer8.jpg http://hem.thn.edu.stockholm.se/~penil006/wolf/hummer9.jpg Hope this is the right place to post this, otherwise someone can move it... Thanks /Eeks
  15. Eekster

    My air rifle

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">That think looks like air soft, is it?I've never seen a pellet gun like that. <span id='postcolor'> yes, yes...same thing...just that it has a battery that does the hard work... /Eekster