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About Enigmus

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. The bus in the Single player goes from stop to stop and picks up passangers. Great realism, but can we the public do that? I'm sure I could write a script or what not to mimic those effects but I was curious if anyone had found the script that controls that in the game, or if BIS had possibly released that somewhere? Further more, I've been experimenting with BIS's new console generating features. I've simply been tweeking the one from their demo mission to create the effects that I want. However, I had noticed that the "Cancel" button had not been programed to do anything. It doesn't escape the Console. Sure you can use the actual 'esc' key to get out but I was wondering if anyone had successfully enabled the button.
  2. Enigmus

    Constructive criticism

    I think some people are too use to playing with Direct play. All the Quake based games use sockets and do quiet well lag wise. You see people flick in and out of exsistance is equal to seeing a person running but them not actually being there. Sure there are some bugs in the new MP but that is to be expected when converting to a new system of play. Direct play is still available if you want to play Resistance with the old netcode. It is not like we've actually lost anything.
  3. Enigmus

    Invisible weapons, help!...

    Don't Exaggerate, you can still use it. You just can't see it. Have you looked through the scope, can you still see the crosshair (assuming you have it on)? Then you can still use it, just not see it.
  4. Enigmus

    Any word?

    Is there any ETA on the release of an Offical patch to OFP yet? The new Net improvements are very exciting. I was hoping we would all be able to jump to the next level soon.
  5. Enigmus

    1.55 is fantastic

    Further more, Ping and lag may not be Directly Related there is a connection between them. If you have a ping of 1 sec no amount of netcoding will save you from a second delay between what you do and what is going on.
  6. Enigmus

    Great mp test

    I see it with Direct3d HW & L, but I haven't tested any other way. Very nice effect, Graphics get better all the time. Heah, The Vulcan floated in version 1.46 too, right?
  7. Enigmus

    Great mp test

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I personally think JIP would ruin the game. You start out with your squad, you know who they are, having people constantly quitting and joining would remove the "teamwork" and continuity of the game and just make it like quake. For all you ofp veterans out there who don't mind waiting for a decent match, i'm sure you'll agree.<span id='postcolor'> Jip would be great for pubbing. Â I don't know about you, but I don't aways have a team that is always around to play OFP with. Â Sitting around waiting to play with a bunch of strangers doesn't sound any more advantagious to me then jumping into the game. Â If someone drops out I'd rather have some one fill in or rejoin then be down 2, 3, or 4 guys. Heck you might just get someone who is a better team mate. Sure the option should be available to disable JIP for tournies or practice, but it's still a bunch of ppl you don't know without it. Â I find a lot of wasted time waiting for a game. Plus the games stay so small, most times, with out an organized play. Â The game is for entertainment not a hassel. Â that's just my two cents. Heah, did anyone have a chance to see if you can reclaim or disable mines? Â I haven't had a chance to test that.
  8. Enigmus

    Great mp test

    Then that is a serious oversight, as the Flashpoint community has ask for that function on several occations and it is not an unreasonable request seeing how games of a simular mission requirement have that function. For example Freespace and it's sequal Freespace 2. However, I still have faith that they are working on it. They are as ever, Vague on the multiplayer improvements that resistance will cover. It's been an outstanding game outside of that ofcourse. Is it just me or are the Bots now local to the officer incharge of them? They seem to lag with the officer incharge.
  9. Enigmus

    Great mp test

    During the testing that I did, I found it difficult to admin the Dedicated server. Voting was Enabled and I was voted into teh Admin possition fine, However, as Admin I couldn't get to mission selection, change any Params, or even put myself into a slot to play. When we all tried to vote for differant missions, or even to just reassign it wouldn't do it. Anyone else have any problems Admining or voting? Oh, and the Join during play feature didn't work at all.
  10. Enigmus

    Request: mission parameters

    I doubt Time of day could be changed on the fly, but I have noticed that Missions on Dedicated servers run the Default mission Params when selected by Admin or by vote. Â The only other way to set them is in the map rotation order. Â It might be nice if the Admin had the ablity to change the Score, time, etc params while logged in. Â The Same way you can when playing on a listen server.
  11. Enigmus

    Wish list for OFP

    Ehh.. doesn't have to be that hard. I'm a mapper and That wouldn't quite fit without overhauling the entire game engine. I would just suggest that we a game is in progress that you can choose from the unused or AI spots in the game. so you make a 20 player map 15 players are in game 5 slots are free. Easy concepted. They had this in the game Freespace. No biggy I'm sure it wouldn't be extensive to have put in.
  12. Enigmus

    Wish list for OFP

    I'll tell you what would be on my wish list. Fix the AT and Custov Lock-on problem. Make plane flight a little more acurate. Add a few Silenced Sniper Rifles Add feild Artillary. most important: JOIN DURING PLAY!! ok, my rant is over.