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Everything posted by Enzoblue

  1. Enzoblue

    New NVIDIA drivers

    Much worse than previous drivers on my 7900gt. Still the same old artifacts but now 10x of them. Texture stretching has been a problem since 1999 and they still can't figure it out? I'm so fucking sick of having to buy a new graphics card every year, I wish hardware/software would either get their shit together or stop charging 400 bucks for their disposable cards., it's getting old.
  2. Enzoblue

    ArmA Graphics Problem

    I'm on WinXP and have this same problem, so it doesn't necessarily mean it's a Vista issue. Dual core Pentium D with a 7900GT, latest WHQL.
  3. Enzoblue

    Itweas Ninjas

    Would help if you give a clue as to how to work the ninja skills. Some, (most?), of us haven't played Hitman II. I guessed how to do the jumping, (hit perform action while turbo running), but when wall climbing he can get on the wall, but any movement just drops him back off the wall. Are there any more skills?
  4. Enzoblue


    I played OFP back just after Redhammer came out, had a blast. Quit for awhile and 2 weeks ago got Resistance. One big selling point was the new netcode. What I'm confused about is why did they get a netcode that's worse than the original? Before lag only seemed to make other players warp, now AI warps too. Just played for an hour and had 2 deaths resulting from mob AI warping to 50m in front of me. What gives? There are some seriously amazing netcode's now, some where I can play with 90 other people in one zone and not notice any lag at all. Why would Bohemia take a huge step backwards then sell an expansion boasting a step forward? With all the vehicles and texture mods and weps etc, this game already lends itself to bad lag for multiplayer, why the hell didn't they get the best netcode available instead of getting a worse netcode than what they had?
  5. Enzoblue


    Wow, great responses guys thanks. Joltan, other select players were having the same problem, not all though and that's whats got me worried. I personally pay 60 american a month for a 1.5mb DSL so I tend to blame everyone else first Gonna go check up on the #ofpec ppl now
  6. Enzoblue


    I edited when I said that about gamespy, saw it when I went to mp later. HOWEVER: I still stand by my first post. The netcode is worse. I tried a few different servers over the last few days and the AI mobs ALL WARP. One server (007's vetserver something), is completely unplayable. I rode a tank down the middle of a completely deserted road, and people laughed and said I killed all the civillians. I looked back and there was a whole line of them dead. I never saw AI shooting at me, just saw tracers, and only AI I did see where either dead or running in place until they disappeared. Let me repeat: ALL servers I played on had some degree of AI warping. Before this netcode NO AI WARPED at all. That = worse in my book period. Whether it's lag or the servers cpu, it happens now and didn't happen then. Also note that there are very very few USA servers, in fact I don't remember getting on one at all. This might be our problem.
  7. Enzoblue


    Um.. Â 1.85. Â Just assumed everyone was, heh. There's more than one? Â Edit: Red, Gamespy doesn'thave to be in the game, when you're installing, just say no to it. Edit2: Errr , you're right red, nm. Stupid gamespy.
  8. Enzoblue


    ok, I'll observe some more. I just can't see how you think that AI lagging when they didn't before is better... /shrug. P.S. I use All Seeing Eye, I refuse to have gamespy on my system. I'm sick of their stealthware telling people what sites I visit and having to tell the setup 8 times that no I don't want a tray icon and getting one anyway. Not to mention being put on every email mailing list on the net.
  9. Enzoblue


    I run a 1.5mb DSL connect. The netcode is worse than it was before, I can't see how you think otherwise unless it's because you're always the server. Before, AI was largely predicted by the client system with only modifier packets sent over to tell them when to move this way, die etc. If the server tells the AI that someone is shooting from this direction, the client took over from there and predicted what he did next. At worse, the AI would look here to me, and 5m to the left to another client which doesn't affect gameplay in practice. Now, all AI presence is sent over the net. There's no predicting done by the client at all. This makes AI the same as players in so far as their location and behaviour etc. So unless you are the server, the AI you see is dependent on your ping to the server, there and back. It's like the AI are all players and the Server is controlling them essentially. This is why mobs warp, because they simply won't show on the client screen, (i.e. not predicted), until they recived a packet telling them to. The older ofp netcode worked better. Mobs never warped at all that I noticed, only players with bad lag did.