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About EEK

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    Private First Class
  1. EEK

    New version 2s19 msta

    The swiss mod team have just realesed a brand new version of there m109 and its definately the best one yet. sadly i cant get the link too work but its on ofp cz site.
  2. EEK

    New version 2s19 msta

    Wow am i glad i clicked this thread i didnt know about the scripts there really cool. I have been able to hit targets from like 4000 meters away with this behind hills or not. Great addon, just hope it gets updated. Im in the same boat as R71 i cant get it too fire without the scripts either strange.
  3. EEK

    Mt-lb relise #2 pack

    Thanks cervomix the link worked. I have also tried every site to get this but no luck strange how no site has it.
  4. EEK

    Challenger tank

    Excellent work great model i love it. But there is a few little things that let the model down the textures while top quality dont really match the challenger i dont know why they just dont look spot on too me. The wheels kinda flash when they spin which looks a little strange. I know it sounds like a bit of a moan but its not i just want it too look perfect. Like i said the model is really good lots of detail and the damage it takes seems ok ie it can be destroyed by other tanks. Please please please start working on the updated version its already good just needs a little more work and it'll be perfect.
  5. EEK

    Challenger tank

    Sweet!!! you dont know how long i have been waiting for this going to test now.
  6. EEK

    Swiss m109 kawest

    Here are some pictures of this beast
  7. EEK

    Swiss m109 kawest

    After many hours of testing i can say this is the best m109 available. The gunners sight not working is a big problem but can be overlooked no pun intended the rest of this addon is really good the model is detailed and the textures are good but a little too dark. You can do indirect fire by using a spotter like a black op with laser near too the target he will spot the target for you while your a few thosand meters away. Then you tell the gunner to fire simple. This also allows you to fire from behind small hills this can be helpful because the enemy tanks cant shoot back. All in all its a great addon apart from a few small bugs.
  8. EEK

    Swiss m109 kawest

    Yeah i just found that out it also looks like you need there leopard for some reason the tracks and wheels are not textured unless you have it.But it does have a real good model and textures i just hope they update it.
  9. EEK

    New btr-70

    Can someone give me a link too the old version id like too see it for myself thanks.
  10. EEK

    New btr-70

    Well i just got this one and its pretty damn good only thing i dont like is the textures the rest seems perfect.The turning circle apears to be spot on for a vehicle that has four steerable wheels the other addons with this configuration seem too have trouble turning correctly.
  11. well i was just browsing some web sites when i found this nice looking addon http://membres.lycos.fr/swissmod/ scroll down its at the bottom of the page havent tried it yet just giving everyone a heads up.
  12. EEK

    New mh6 addon

    This is one top notch addon the look the sound the way it flys feel's perfect and the cockpit is the best i have seen. Come to think of it this is the best user made chopper i have see. In a word perfect
  13. Well all that said i still think its a bloddy sweet addon the textures are really nice they fit into ofp well. Infact i love the whole thing except. It Just needs some decent sounds because the old generic jet engine sound is or shoud be dead and buried same for goes for the cannon. still great work from all the addon makers all i know is that i wouldnt have the time or patcience to do any of these great addons keep up the good work lads.
  14. EEK

    New island - ia trang valley

    Well i think this is the best user-made island to date i cant say i have been to vietnam but i could imagine this is what it would be like its got that really dense jungle feel to it and flying the uh1 around is great fun. Considering its not using the new high res textures i still think it looks good. It also runs pretty well im on a p3 700 with a geforce 2mx and i have no slow downs its well worth the download.
  15. EEK

    Ofp is finally getting somewhere

    Yeah im going to agree im on a 56k modem and im with Aol not a good combination. But i can still get 240ms whatever that means on average. Little lag but i cant really expect any better with my setup.