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About EtErNaL

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  1. EtErNaL

    Major problem!

    still not working..BUAHUAHA
  2. EtErNaL

    Major problem!

    Heh ur right...I just tried PCgamer Demo Cd and it runned okay... I tried the AVONS LADY FAQ search: "logo ctd" and i think my problem is this http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq/trouble/logoonly.htm Il try to clear desktop theme and background and run the ofp and wait few minutes and eject cdrom and again insert quickly and then see what will be
  3. EtErNaL

    Major problem!

    No...I dont need cdburner.... EWm...I only installed McAfee Virusscan ANd Ive got strange fillling that the game doesnt start maybe because the drive cant read the disc well?! Maybe I have some dust in the cd drive?
  4. EtErNaL

    Major problem!

    Oh yeah ...I have the 1.45 version,,noooooo...I just reinstalled the ofp so that is version 1.00 . I have windME-millenum and DX8.0 And no...i didnt use Update never
  5. EtErNaL

    Freezing at desktop?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Kacy @ June 07 2002,02:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">OFP has been working fine for me for the long time that i have had it. Then out of the blue about two weeks ago Whenever i go to start OFP up, it freezes my entire system. I have to reboot (not even alt+ctrl+delete works) manually, then try it again. Usually it takes about 10 to 15 reboots to get the game running. I've tried reinstalling several times, and even cleaned up my memory, thinking it might of been a memory related problem. But no matter what, this keeps on happening. I can't see a cause for this - No new addons, no new patches, no editing, nothing. It just came up from nowhere. I would appreciate some insight to this problem so i can get back to my editing. If you are in need of further information, feel free to ask and i will do my best to provide. Â Thanks Kace<span id='postcolor'> Maybe u have same problems like me... My ofp also started to crash (well not crash...my ofp doesnt even launch) 1-2 weeks ago... and I dont remember which addon I installed that time at last...I thin that something from Taiwan Workshop...well it doesnt matters! But u are lucky because ur ofp launches 10-15 times...my does never!!!!!!
  6. EtErNaL

    Major problem!

    Sorry Im going to try to to tell u how does it look like When I start the ofp(click the icon) the normal orange thing-logo (banner as u said) appears then after 5-15 seconds it dissapears and at that point the game should start... BUT NOTHING HAPPENS, NO ERROR MSG, NOTHING...and when I click ctrl+alt+del I can see in the window OperationFlashpoint that is running...understand??
  7. EtErNaL

    Major problem!

    Yeah well I think so...I mean after a while the game freezes..IT says that operationflashpoint(no response),,and then i click "close the program". The whole problem is why doesnt the game start..I mean this means that the game is running but its not showed on the monitor?? ...of course.until it freezes
  8. EtErNaL

    Major problem!

    I start ofp an d then that sign orangeblack coloured appears ...u know what...well trhats normal..but then when it dissapears and when the game should start it simply doesnts. I mean nothing happens...I stay on the desktop,, shit my english sucks ... No i didnt change nothing...and also other games cant be runned...Well the ofp is the only game I have Should I reinstall OFP?
  9. EtErNaL

    Major problem!

    Yes...just as I said..When I want to start OFP and click on the icon the Operation FLAshpoint logo appears as usual but then when the game should have start nothing happens. ?! The screen should go black and the Bohemia logo should appear and so on... but nothing happens, and when I press ctl+alt+delete I can see there OperationFlashpoint but It says not responding... Well this just happened... 1 week ago I was able to play ofp normal and so I was able to play ofp 6 months ago!!!! Whats the problem?? Are this problems connected wit ofp or my computer or virus??? ??HELP