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Everything posted by EmperorVader

  1. EmperorVader

    Tank missions

    I have 2 tank missions for a LAN there were fairly quickly Done but still very good most ppl at the LAN love it . But we haven't updated to 1.75 so i don't know if there will be any probs withthe scripts etc. if you are still intereted email me lvader@hotmail.com
  2. EmperorVader

    Ai and vehicle respawn

    lvader@hotmail.com for anyone that can help.
  3. ok inserting a vulcan with gunner and driver - no problem, give it waypoints to follow - no problem, making it repawn and continuing its patrol - problem same for east. I have no problem geting the vehicle to repawn but I want the ai in it as well and contining its patrol. Just using it for a LAN to make life hell for those ppl who are in chopper that like to spam the base. help plz would be very grateful. also removing of dead bodies script would be nice too. also can anyone give me an example of a intro cut scene to add credits and stuff??
  4. ermm on http://www.ofpediting.net/weapons.html there are missing BMP2 and M2A2 can some one give me the ammo names plz
  5. EmperorVader

    possible to disable "Manual Fire"

    anyone plz I would to get this working
  6. k vecle respawn works like a charm now All I need is a list of the ammo from M2A2 and Bmp 2 so I can add them to the script another feature I would like to install in my missions is to disable manual fire - ie allow the gunner to fire especially in heli's I'm not to worried about tanks well I would would like to have manual fire in tanks but just want to diable it for heli's can anyone help me plz?
  7. EmperorVader

    Respawning Vehicles

    #Respawn ; Respawn delay, could've been made into a parameter ; but I didn't find it necessary. ~5 Does this mean 5 secs or 5 mins?
  8. EmperorVader

    Respawning Vehicles

    can you post oa link of a example mission?
  9. EmperorVader


    thats if http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com does actually work :/
  10. EmperorVader

    Vechile Respawn

    could some one send me a sample plz?