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About EvilSanta

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    OpFlash, BABY!; Aviation (real life and simulated).
  1. EvilSanta


    The 0H-58 rules all hands down. I get so many kicks out of just setting up an ammo truck and a couple enemy inf squads, and just blowing them up in numerous ways. the only problem is the low ammo, hence the ammo truck. What would be really awesome was if you could aim a scud with and Oh-58 laser thingy. BTW, does the laser targeter target for anything?
  2. EvilSanta

    what kind of addon would you like to see

    It would be awesome to include islands with rivers, sorta like Apocalypse Now, "PBR Street Gang." Also, to give officers or all of them sidearms would kick, and adding the spy drone copters and mini-planes as mentioned earlier would add a whole new cool demension to the battlefield.
  3. EvilSanta

    IMMERSION - 14th_Fly's Opus *YES IT'S ON TOPIC*

    Yes, it could be like my town here in New jersey where hired guns (called white buffalo co.) hunt deer to control the large population. They go out with sniper rifles and nvgs, and end up giving the meat to the needy. This would make a funny mission type, sort of like those deer hunter games. Just food for thought.