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About Etraman

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Etraman


    If you want the unit to die right at the beginning of the mission, then in it's initfield you type: this setdammage 1 If you want him to die if some action is perfomed, say if this unit (let's call him eastsoldier) walks into a certain area, you create a trigger (the area) set it activated by east(assuming 'eastsoldier' is an east unit) and in the triggers 'on activation' field you type: eastsoldier setdammage 1 This will kill him as soon he walks into the trigger area.
  2. Etraman

    custom missions...where?

  3. Etraman

    detailed map listing

    I've got a list of places and their coords in .doc format. Mail me if u want to have it. etraman@hotmail.com
  4. Etraman

    detailed map listing

    (Edited by Etraman at 3:57 pm on Dec. 15, 2001)
  5. Page cannot be displayed...
  6. Come on guys 'n gals! It gotta be possible!
  7. doesn't seem to work for the player. I created an init.sqs with the following lines: #loop ~0.00001 pl dofire target ?(pl ammo "hk" == 3): goto "endloop" goto "loop" #endloop target setdammage 1 target setpos [30000,20000,-5] exit (pl=player, target= a jeep) the last lines(#endloop) where to remove the jeep from the playfield, since this jeep was not planned to be in the mission. I just created it to be a sitting duck All this works just fine for an ai unit, but when i trie it on the player's unit, it just creates a target-thingy over the jeep and waits for playerinput. i also tried: pl ammo "hk" = 3, but this resulted in an errormessage. The ammo command is just to verify how many rounds a unit has got. pffff....i dunno how to do it. Please experts, take a look at this. It would be nice to use for difficult missions! Grtz, Etraman
  8. Thanx MP but nope, doesnt work. In unit's (name=pl) initfield i typed : removeallweapons pl; pl addmagazine "hk"; pl addweapon "hk" so the ammoslider has no use of what so ever... If i leave out the pl addmagazine "hk" Â there's no ammo at all (duh..) Somebody else wanna have a go at this one?
  9. I want to make a mission where player starts with just 3 rounds of ammo instead of 1 full clip. Is this possible? tnx.
  10. I want to make a mission where player starts with just 3 rounds of ammo instead of 1 full clip. Is this possible? tnx.
  11. how to setup triggers to engage a searchparty once player is detected?