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Eda Mrcoch

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About Eda Mrcoch

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  1. It should be stressed that the beta patch can be removed by simple deleting the beta folder or using bundled uninstaller and it coexists with the official release peacefully (almost - see the next point) If you are using bundled Launch Arma2 Beta Patch.lnk you are essentially playig a hybrid between beta's .exe and the official release's data (config, models, missions). By using both the .exe and the -beta mod you can try out the tweaks in the data but it can also make your savegames or edited missions unusable for other versions. You are not out of the danger even if you use only the .exe - for example BIS might change the format of saved files - so remember: You are using beta at your own risk. If there is a bug in the beta, try to reproduce it in the official version. If you can, then it has no place here and should be in the Troubleshooting forum. If you find regressions (something that worked in previous version but is now broken) please take your time to test it again in the supposedly okay version - maybe it is caused by new drivers, some automatic update or spider's nest in your PSU. Also I have a plea to BIS for more detailed changelog. This was always a minor gripe with official patches but if you want the community to do good reporting then it should be clear what we should test in the first place. Now for some §18 infraction: :p I think there should be new (perhaps autogenerated with changelog on top) thread for every build, it is getting awfully crowded in the sticky one. The old build's thread should be closed by the time the new one appears. Allowing individual threads about issues here would make this subforum a clumsy replacement for existing CIT. Now there would be the tracker, troubleshooting forum, the big betapatch thread and also lots of issue threads here that might not even be related to betas itself - an awfull mess for developers and the moderating team. Maybe some dev should shine a little light on how they prefer this to be organized.
  2. Try the flush "cheat" - http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Cheats.
  3. Eda Mrcoch

    3.5 mins to save game?

    Whoa... I've never got over 30 secs or so, even in the last mission when it crashed on out of memory while loading. Which mission is it? How big your save file is (Documents\ArmA 2\Saved\ca\missions\campaign\...) ?
  4. Well I am not in any way networking expert but that sure smells like some NAT traversal problems. Does the friend connect to your public IP address like the rest of the guys or some other IP, possibly on ISP's intranet ? So the way I see it: Your PC over the router -> router over the modem to ISP's network -> friend on the same network * OK Your PC over the router -> router over the modem to ISP's network -> ISP's gateway to Internet -> other guys on 'net * NOT OK Your PC directly over the modem to ISP's network -> ISP's gateway to Internet -> other guys * OK If that is how it is, then the game has problem getting over more than X hops which is kind of weird and is way over my limited knowledge in networking. The traceroute would help if you can compare the one from the outer net to the one from your friend's who can connect. I may be speaking total bullshit here so please take me with pinch of salt.
  5. Eda Mrcoch

    AI in campgain

    This might happen for two reasons: 1) If you order them to embark before you've taken driver's seat, Two assumed he will be the driver so he cannot complete your order. Solution: either wait until you're on the driver's seat or repeat the command for Two, or use complex command to order all of them to get in as cargo in the first place: 4 ->vehicle name -> "cargo"/"in back" (can't recall how is it in EN version) 2) Two is actually stuck somewhere which happens a lot even with supposed centimeter precision AI. Main culprits are the Warfare collections/camps (or in case of Rodriguez the helicopter tail fins :p). Solution: Try to order the guy to move somewhere at the first place, preferably opposite of the obstruction he is stuck on, or if you can, get the vehicle so close he can get iin.
  6. Eda Mrcoch

    ArmaHolic ArmA 2 Optimization

    Out of curiosity, do you have any mouse/kb lag? 8 frames prerendered on 30 fps - if I understand nature of the tweak correctly - is more than 250ms delay which should be noticeable.
  7. Eda Mrcoch

    ArmaHolic ArmA 2 Optimization

    I am still not clear on the VRAM thingy. Isn't it supposed to be in bytes ? I got 1073741824 from autodetection and that divided by 1024^2 gets me 1024MB (which is right). Either way half of the people in this thread have it completely wrong.
  8. Eda Mrcoch

    Problems commanding squad

    I believe this also creates problem when you are ordering all of your team to enter or leave vehicle that is not part of your group (i.e. Maddox's chopper in campaign). The other group's AI do not have the leader in it's "wait for all these guys to finish embarking/disembarking" list since he do not have the order so the vehicle leaves without you or you're stuck onboard when the rest of the team left.
  9. Eda Mrcoch

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Is there a possibility to re-open the Czech forums in some form? They are still here but I cannot see them from the main page.
  10. C2D E6400@3,2Ghz 4GB DDR2 RAM@800Mhz 4:4:4:11 CR 2T P965 chipset board ATI 4870 1GB stock overclock (Sapphire Toxic) This is kinda shitty, but it seems that with 965 chipset you can go only so far (PCIe 1.1). Got some VPUrecovery crashes too. Latency in DPC checker is under 10 microseconds mostly, 2-5 when not doing anything. What interests me more is how the memory subsystem i.e. HDD->RAM->CPU & back affects things. Maybe there is possible to make some ArmA 2 benchmark run by empty persistent dedicated server with unified config file to leave graphics card out of equation, since as seen in results from ArmA Mark Mk.II it is somewhat impossible to force people to run on the same graphics settings to get consistent results. I recall that RAM bandwidth/latency had a major effect for me when testing ArmA and good ol' OFp way back, more than the CPU or GPU performance itself.
  11. Eda Mrcoch

    PVP Paradigm Shift for ArmA II

    I have firm belief that simulation can not be played competitively, since competition has to be fair. You have to push back the realism - for me the reason for which I play the game. I am not bashing the idea, it seems interesting, but it would require either very strong rules for the missionmaking which would "dumb down" the gameplay to make it fair or make it NOT a competition per se with points and the ladder. Even if both teams play both maps on both sides, you can design your mission so you have advantages on either side if you know where to look (reductio ad absurdum: Blue side gets point every second if it camps near that one pine tree in sector AG27, Redfor two points every time they shot their ammocrate in respawn zone). So you have to have some prescriptions for awarding points, authority that reviews every mission in detail and even then one squad would make helicopter mission since they are 100% TrackIr and specialize in air combat and the other guys would make sniperfest which they mastered and love -> End score 2:2 Also the "we don't want to play your mission, it is badly designed and boring" factor making a possibility for whinefest quite real.
  12. http://www.doupe.cz/Doupecz....lt.aspx This is kind of interesting. I am too lazy/busy to translate it and Google translation makes quite mess of it, so in short summary: Add-in modules for civilian life, artillery etc. FSM editor One core dedicated to AI only Some "Game2" dynamic & semi-dynamic elements
  13. So I removed modfolder, Ace-islands uninstall.exe, \Dta\userconfig folder, Start menu entries and registry value in HKLM/Microsoft/Currentversion/Uninstall/. Should it be all? I kinda hate having any leftover files or settings caused by unorthodox "delete by force" uninstallation.
  14. Eda Mrcoch

    tex/model/sound disortion

    What about your mainboard? You didn't even mentioned it in your specs. I would try some BIOS fiddling (default values, fail-safe settings, worse RAM timing and everything related, new BIOS if nothing works) before blaming PSU.
  15. Eda Mrcoch

    Dedicated Server Problem

    Probably yes. Sorry, did not noticed that in the first post. Seems to be something else. What about the log file, any errors in there? If everything works okay, it should spit something like:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Dedicated host created BattlEye server intialized (optional) Host identity created NAT negotiation completed Arma version blah blah + port