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About ddcp

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    Lance Corporal
  1. ddcp

    VAS Error

    Edited -- figured it out! Thanks so much m0nkey!!!
  2. Any fix for this error? Happens upon first opening VAS in a MP game -- works fine after, but kind of an annoying glitch. Thanks in advance! http://postimg.org/image/dlaz63uu3/
  3. Hi there, Anybody figure out how to open the UDP ports 2302 - 2305 via the Apple router? Still can't host a MP match since gamespy servers shut down. If there is a really good FAQ or how-to for my brothers and I, we would super appreciate it. They don't know how to forward ports, so all the help would be great! Thanks much, DDCP
  4. Hi .kju, No not yet, but that was something I was thinking of looking into -- I don't have anyone nearby that would do that, but it was a thought... I'll still tweak away in hopes. Thanks for the help / suggestions... I'll keep updating this thread if anyone else is having trouble still...
  5. Boy, still cannot host (nor my 2 brothers) for months now. We've tried the port fixes, but still no joy. Anybody else find a workaround? It's killing us! Best, DDCP
  6. Hi .kju, Yes, I've seen that and have tried that many times... of course I could be doing something wrong, but I'm pretty confident with opening UDP ports, etc., and still no joy. Thank you anyway though! I've definitely run the list of tweaks... Best, DDCP
  7. Hi sillyflip, Unfortunately no, it hasn't worked. I've tried all the port forwarding tweaks, had my brothers do the same, etc. (been through the whole work of fixes)... still nothing! So frustrating... we haven't been able to play for some months now. I just wish there was a more intuitive fix (I know to some port forwarding is nothing, but given my trials here I think it's such an iffy round about way to fix this). I'll keep a look out for other solutions, but I guess in the meantime it's collecting "dust" in my steam library. :^( Best, DDCP
  8. Ah okay, thanks Dreek. I will try this asap and report back if that works! Crossing my fingers... :^)
  9. Hi, thanks for the reply... are these other ports I should forward?
  10. Just bumping this... anyone possibly know how to help me with this? The patch a bit ago quite simply cut out our online play... Sorry to push this up, but it's just a tad bit frustrating when one of our staple online games just doesn't work anymore. Would love to get back on, and I've been trying really hard to figure out this port forward business... any help much appreciated! Best, DDCP
  11. Hi there! So since the whole server switch, I've been unlucky to get my host up & working for my brother's and I. I am of course on a PC, but use an Apple Airport wireless router; I have Mac computers to access the router via the Airport Utility. I looked up a "how-to" for the port forwarding via this link: http://gigaom.com/2009/05/05/how-to-port-forwarding-on-a-airport-extreme-time-capsule/ I followed it & forwarded the UDP ports 2302-2305 (just like that), but still no luck. Is there something I need to do re: my ip address? Or any tips & advice would be very much appreciated! I'm pretty confident diving into things like this, but honestly am new to port forwarding... I've read a few articles & links helpful people have posted, and using that link above I thought I got it... most likely I'm doing something wrong though! Thanks again for any help... it's been a long while since we've been able to play MP! Best, DDCP
  12. ddcp

    Grenade Launcher Animation

    Hi there, This may sound silly to bring up again so long after beta & launch, but is there any reason why the grenade launcher tube animation is not implemented / done yet? Big fan, countless hours clocked, etc... no real complaints except the MP hosting issue as of late, but this one little detail really baffles me why it isn't done. Seems like it wouldn't be too hard to do, though I could be wrong! Anybody else agree? Very best, DDCP
  13. Yeah, I'm sure it's the switchover... thing is my friends & I have not been able to play since perhaps... 2-3 patches ago? Something weird happened and I'm sure it was prepping for the Gamespy / Steam switchover... but what is more odd is the last few patches have been focused on MP stability, etc., so clearly they are trying to address the issue. I've just seen the problem compounded way more since the recent patch however, so something is really out of order. I really hope to hear something from them asap though... I don't mind waiting, but as many are voicing, it totally sucks! Haha... I need my ARMA fix! ;^)
  14. Yeah, same... I've tried all the possible fixes, reinstalled, etc., etc. We literally cannot play MP anymore.