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About DLcmdr

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. This. They want to remain this game as sim as possible. Even people say the speed of the game is too fast... go figure. What they dont know is that too much sim is no fun for a game.
  2. DLcmdr

    Widescreen / Multi-monitor set up

    how is specs demanding this triplehead thing?? Im planning in a future to buy three 22 inchers for a res of 1680x1050 and would like to know if the hardware requierements are 300% bigger than in a single monitor setup.
  3. DLcmdr

    Will it ever get better?

    Youd dint play ofp right?? Try playing it two year later with a geforce 2 and a amd 1300 which was the top specs at the time... it wont go smooth. Mp will demand most of the game, new rigs to do new addons that will require more and more power. And i dont agreea about the cost thing. Anyone that bought a 8800 ultra in its time three and a half years later still has a card that can run every gamein high except for crysys and Arma 2.
  4. DLcmdr

    Will it ever get better?

    wait till november. New octocore processors. New graphics cards. In my opinnion buying a new pc right know is an error.
  5. DLcmdr

    Why does CTF feel different...?

    I dont care a bit this a game, not real life. The problem with arma was that the anim at aiming was so slow and clunky the game failed at all levels. This games need and increase ins peed, i dont care only if its for sprinting, but running needs to be toned up.
  6. DLcmdr

    Why does CTF feel different...?

    you must be joking.
  7. that is not a solution.
  8. DLcmdr

    Why does CTF feel different...?

    Campers are a consequnce of the extreme breathing pulse system and that affects rounds dynamism entirely. Without so much campers due to the difficulty of aiming after running like in OFP it would change for good.
  9. I agree. The slowness of the soldier is not realistic. Imagine putting thsi soldiers in any kind of amateur american football match?? They would get destroyed because in those you need fluid hips and fast feet, two things the soldier doesnt have and is not realistic preventing a nice cqb battles.
  10. DLcmdr

    Why does CTF feel different...?

    Guys people camp for a reason... and that is to abe able to hit something. its so obvious its not even funnny. The reason for the lack of fun is that in Arma 2 the aim is severly affected when your soldier runs a mierable 20 metres. Unlike in OFP. This favours camperism, which favours boresome and therefore lack of excitemet. In OFP you could actually hit something if you have been running, not in Arma. Therefore the lack of flags, if ppl want to kill something they need to camp every corner. This game will only succeed when the severe of the pulse breathing system gets tone down to ofp levels and ppl can hit something after sprinting. Right know it is imposible to play a urban ctf withput camping.
  11. DLcmdr

    PvP: An Endangered Species

    camperism in ctfs like hexkensel. Camperism is directly a consequence of the too hard breathing pulse system which makes the player not move so he can actually aim with some kind of stability..
  12. Seriously this game improves at least 75% with a decent squad or clan and teamspeak. Im spaniard and my clan is www.clanedm.es and today i remembered days from OFP. That and install windows 7, the improvement is dramatic. Im running arma2 at high7medium settings at 1680 with a: e8500 and gtx275. MP is much better than the campaign. If you want to play the campaign wait for some patches.
  13. Dramatic improvement installing windows 7. I reccomend.
  14. Your cpu is much better than mines whilst your graphics card is not so much worse than mine. Dont quote me as if your hardware is worse, cause it is not.