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Everything posted by D007

  1. Hmm.. i tell my pilots to get out.. I Can't even get them to land..lol.. Idk why.. they wouldn't land for me on the road. at the airport on level ground.. nothing lol.. I tried unload and load and all that.. only thing that worked.. was get out.. then a delay or no delay and get in nearest lol.. if they land though I'm pretty sure they shut down.. if they didn't the blades would keep spinning.. idk though.. do vehicles just like normally run out of fuel at a pace once they hit a certain level of fuel? like red zone just keeps dropping til it's out no matter what? maybe I'm wrong but I recall seeing something like that happening.. maybe I was damaged though.. once your hit. your leaking no matter what if it's a good hit.. or even a decent hit from what I've seen.. then again I'm old..lol my sight may be failing me
  2. D007

    Why the fascination with Evolution?

    lol it'll be a cold day in hell once I get hooked up on a server before I run an evolution match lol.. theres already a million of them.. 30 rooms with 3 people in them? lol.. ug.. people.. drop them all and join one room...lol... then you could have some fun maybe.. I beat evo too easily and after u do it once to me, it's just kinda old.. But I like Co-op.. CTF and Hold and this and that.. all the same thing.. kill eacother.. points.. kill eachother..points.. call it what u want.. u kill eachother for points..lol.. all the same to me pretty much.. thats why I'm concentrating on making new boards that are more interesting with more to do.. weather it be more vehicles or more general originality, more freedom to roam or space to work in, or solid teamwork thats actually moderated and enforced.. I can only host like 8 on my pc until I get a server .. but I keep anyone who joins it playing as a team.. if they don't play as a team, i boot them.. they rejoin and act up again.. banned... no question.. That way I at least end up with good team players only.. idc if i have 2 people on it as long as they play well together.. I've only been running this for a few days and I've already banned quite a few people.. I'm to old for nonsense.. wish i could set a minimal age requirement or maturity test for people to have to complete before joining...lol.. But I need some originality, otherwise I feel like im playing the same game all the time.. Me and my brother are 30.. we both makes maps that are very likely to only end up on our private server.. why? because the little immature brats out there don't deserve to play them.. These maps are wayyy better than the crap thats out.. sorry.. bersker.. was a good place to start.. it's old now.. evo.. eh.. im over it.. ctf and pvp... working on that.. I like co-op.. Sahrani virus unleashed and a 2 ver y nice maps my bro made... one based after Predator the movie.. sound files etc.. another, just an all out brawl to one heavily fortified base.. and i mean "heavily" lol.. all 3 are way more extreme than anything I've seen.. and we do cutscenes and all that so everything seems professional when they apply.. feel free to join us when you see the UNLEASHED server and see for yourself.... our names are D007 and DavidB. just wish I had a better bandwidth, im on dsl 6.0 extreme and getting comcasts new and best 8.0 connection on the 5th of august.. eh, best I can afford..lol....
  3. D007

    a-10 feels weird

    Absolutely agree with most statements.. The A-10 seems drawn to the ground like i have said on several occasions as is it's attached to a giant magnet and the ground is the opposing magnet.. if you don't get the A-10 to about 300 mph before trying to turn it you go down.. if you don't keep the nose up at all times, you go down.. It could really use a fix.. big time.. It's not accurate at all.. to low of an idle speed maybe.. no thrust... definitely needs a fix though.. Air combat for ps2 had it right I think..
  4. D007

    A.i. skill.

    I say hard but It's hard to find a true comparable and universal equalibrium.. it's like.. im 30 and patient and have common sense.. some people are 12 and suck and are impatient and have no common sense..lol.. so if it's hard to me, it's absolutley terrifying to them lol.. line up 50 shikas on me I'll dodge their shots until my gas runs out.. unless i get cocky..lol.. "which happens" but the ai are hard.. unreasonably hard when it comes to foot soliders.. armor vs aircraft, i like it.. radar gives advanced warning of approaching aircraft so they should know im coming.. and i can be 1k away from a target, drop behind a hill, pop up and bam, no more target.. i can use every hellfire like that so i feel in no way is it uneven with air combat.. if they didnt shoot at me the second I came into range then I'd be dissapointed, I'd barrel through them all like a joke. I do that anyway now.. if you can't fly.. practice.. tell me whan your doing 600 mph 30 feet from the ground or less, inverted. then you can fly.. same thing with the chopper except 10 feet at 300 mph and not inverted..lol. Ai should not shoot me in the eye after I shoot one shot..doesnt matter if their behind a building or their back is to me, or their missing both eyes.. they turn and shoot u right in the eye..lol.. AK 47's are not accurate weapons..lol.. the bullet tumbles out head over feet so to speak and it throws off the trajectory.. it's meant to take chunks out of people and injure them making more soliders remove the injured solider form the field.. it's not a sniper rifle..lol..
  5. D007

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    oh thats rich..lol... he was lost? lmao.. oh you gotta love that. me and my brother play ARMA everynight..lol.. like we might want to make the first church of ARMA and get tax exempt status..lol.. feel free to pop in on the D007 on UNLEASHED server if u want to have some zombie fun.. On weekends my 6-8 spots fill up very quick..
  6. D007

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    lol @ Bonzai... they so should say that.
  7. ok first off allow me to say.. did you read the hotfix? yea.. for some reason i doubt it.. the dang thing specifically says it's made to help the pm timer synch up better with single threaded applications, because things geared toward single threads can cause the processor to calculate the timing ratios incorrectly leading to "POOR PERFORMANCE".. dude read before u speak.. I have a porche.. not a fiat... my system costed me 2200 bucks. whats about yours? yea.. ok then... my tv alone costs more than 2 8800 gtx ultras.. lol a fiat.. I have an overclocked beast.. 3.2 ghz e6400 conroe and 2 8800's in sli.. on top of themro cooling and air flow that makes the weather forcasting system call tornado warnings.. not to mention a 680i sli mobo.. among other things.. i build, overclock and maintain my own systems.. I have a feeling your talking to see yourself speak... nothing you said applies to that hotfix and you no where even refrence the timer situation. and holy poop I hope your not actually trying to say a single core at 3.2 ghz is just as good as a dual core at 3.2 ghz, cause it sure sounds like you are, and you couldn't be more wrong.. yes the raw ghz matter more than anything.. but if this game was optimized better or at all for dual cores, single cores would not even compare.. bottom line.. i'd love to see you put 1000 men on the field in supreme commander with a single core.. yea good luck dude.. your dreaming..
  8. D007

    Bohemia Interactive you let me down

    Theres better ways to ask for help that using profanity.. your lucky your not banned for it on the spot .. If you can act mature we can likely help you.. If you want to start flames and tell people off, well this is a forum and BI like never responds to anything here so your barking up the wrong tree.. But tell us the problems your having exactly in detail and your system specs and we'll help ya the best we can.. alot of us are very computer savy, i for one build, maintain and overclock my pc's. as well as do my own tech support.. so it's not like we can't help you.. just know your talking to normal people in here. BI really won't respond often at all. so if you start cussing people out, your only cussing out normal people, not employees of BI.. and if you were cussing out BI employess or they read your post, then your just asking for trouble anyway.. ever heard the saying " u catch more flies with honey"? well it means "you catch more flies with honey than u do with vinegar" .. meaning being nice gets u responses.. cursing gets you attitude.. you give vinegar, expect to get vinegar back.. not a good way to start off your posts here buddy...lol.. anyway let us know "in detail" your problems. I'm sure we can very likely help you..
  9. D007

    Why a harrier?

    oh come on.. why are you asking "why is there a camel in arma"?.. Maybe BI should ask you before they put things in the games they design? lol.. the camel is alot of fun in dogfights.. it's a game.. it's fun.. enjoy it.. jeeze.. people just can't help but try to find things to complain about even if it's just a nice bonus to have.. like the camel.. why the harrier? why not? it's fun to fly and you can land in small spaces.. it's perfect for this game. I agree if anything is out of place it's the su34. the a-10 is perfect too.. other than the fact it's drawn to the ground like it's being pulled to it by magnetic force..lol.. I hope they fix that.. it just can't be that hard for it to maintain altitude. if you want f-22's go play air combat.. this game would suk with planes like that.. flying at mach 3, lagging the hell out of everything. no way.. I agree though, a C-130 would be so awsome.. it would give such a true battlefield feeling.. loading and unloading cargo, tanks and stuff inside it, troops waiting to land.. would be perfect..
  10. D007

    harrier vertical lift off

    to take off. flaps down, pull the nose up, gas it only enough to start moving then pump the gas from time to time as needed.. still not totally vertical though.. landing.. auto hover.. then tip your wings from side to side and reduce gas, even brake it.. if u roll backwards, starting to loose control, gas it only slightly or youll nose dive, then level out, and start again. tip the wings from side to side.. helps alot to land, and makes u land faster.. better for hostile situations..
  11. lol rgr means.. You haven't played enough arma. oh and landing the harrier vertically.. np.. taking off..good luck.. very short take off, but not vertical, keep pulling back to bring the nose up and only gas it slightly for best results.. when landing, try pitching the wings left and right it drops you faster.
  12. lol you know you played to much ARMA when.. you go to sleep hearing and wake up hearing the arma theme song... Even though the game is off...
  13. D007

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    lol Ben... nice.. 12 hours.. yea.. I can't believe I'm friggin 30 years old and yet theres still a game that drives me to not sleep for 2 days..lol.. GO ARMA! Hey I pay my bills and work..lol.. I'm just tired alot..lol.. Map editing, scripting.. love it.. theres just no limit to what you can do.. and when there is.. someone makes a mod to break it..and the bar goes higher.. don't want to play as a solider?.. well, you can turn into a zombie and kill people.. sahrani virus.. you start as an solider.. if you die, you turn into a zombie.. or in my newest revision to that mod you can stay a solider fighting zombies.. I edited it for over 3 weeks and have compiled a 13 objective massive zombie board and i love it and it has had great reviews from players.. wish i could host more than 6-8 but it's all I can handle.. (and im always expanding and changing it so it's always kind of new and different things happen). I can fly?! I can driver armor i can stay on foot, i can recon and laser target things for bombers.. i can i can i can.. and if i can't do something.. well someone makes it so i can with a script or something.. new skins, phenominal.. i can put my real life face on my character.. the map is huge for a multiplayer like this. everything looks great. (when it works right) but still looks great.. huge variation of weaponry and vehicles.. all kinds of playable servers (even if they all run evolution) lol.. don't like evolution? make your own map.. get a template and go to it.. it's not that hard.. ok it is hard..lol.. but man once you figure it out it's just... awsome.. best military simulation game I have ever played. No question.. I'm all about military simulation games..Yes, it has quirks, but in the end, I think it will all work out. and yet again.. same thing in here as in the complaint section..lol.. people just have to make sure everyone hears them.. I hope the rules are enforced and infractions given out for posting negative things in a positive thread layout and vice versa.. rules are rules for a reason.
  14. D007

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    Ok, people who get shot out of aricraft.. learn how to fly.. I can outmanuver 20 shikas all firing at me at once for quite a while.. if ya can't fly.. don't..lol problem solved..lol.. reloading should not make you stop running "regardless if peoples opinions say you shouldn't try to reload while running" honestly what does that have to do with anything? It's dumb to stop running to reload.. period.. AI's are retards.. getting them to do anything reliably is near impossible.. Some weapons sights are severly off aim.. the A10 handles like garabage and falls out of the sky way to easily. it should not be drawn to the ground like it has giant electro magnets in it. fyi: a cobra can take out 8 shikas before it goes down if you learn how to use it... you do not frontal attack a heavily defended line with a helicopter.. what world do you live in when you do that? helicopters are not frontal attack vehicles..until the line clears some.. like in real life.. they strafe with bombers or planes, level the area to reduce enemy AA, then send in choppers and infantry or fire ranged rockets, missles, etc.. use the hellfires.. clear the area... if u attack AA in a slow moving chopper.. what do u expect? it's called AA for a reason.. their not called happy go lucky, say hi to airplanes vehicles. The other aircraft handle very well I think.. Characters hands are the ugliest hands I have ever seen lol.. and being in 1st person looking at those ugly hands always makes me think "what a crappy thing to have to look at in such a great looking game". tools.. enough said... frame rates drop to unplayable levels to easily.. sniping at range is near impossible and is only possible by sheer strokes of luck.. people make 20-30 foot jump in my scope.. thats just no good.. Enemy AI's are to intelligent.. no one knows exactly where u are and shoots u right in the eye 2 seconds after u fire at them, even though their facing the wrong direction and have no way of knowing exactly where u are. the ai's do open fire fast on aircraft... but thats what radar is for guys.. radar lets ground targets know aircraft is enroute "before" it reaches the target.. If I wasn't being shot at the second I was in range, I'd be disappointed and it would be to easy to kill the targets.. if you fly in straight lines and try to attack them like a noob.. expect to die like a noob.. Polygonal effects.. still happen. bad texture loading.. the game doesnt handle alot of things well it seems and textures are one of them.. the fps rate needs to be fixed or the game looses way to much playability. yes mostly in foliage areas but in alot of other cases as well...in cities.. and sometimes it just runs bad.. period.. the game wasn't dual core optimised? ok that doesn't make sense to me really.. we're on quad cores people.. can we get with the times? I'm paying good money to have the best so I can run like the best.. not have isues for it. and on a last note: the topic starter stated quite clearly that this thread is for "bad" reviews... it is not for good reviews.. if you post good reviews here, like alot of you have been, I hope you get infractions.. read the forum rules.. follow them... they "do" apply to you, you do not have special rights.. I hope that is enforced as well.. I'm Tired of dealing with kids who don't want to follow the rules.. I deal with enough of them when i join online.. my hand stays on the boot button, one inch from ban button at all times for people like that. I wish there was an adult server for people over 20... im 30.. i just can't handle another 12 year old singing in the mic for 20 minutes.. I haven't joined another servers game in a month because of a lack of enforced rules and childishness. least that gives me the pleasure of booting them when they join my games with that nonsense..
  15. D007

    X-FI Soundcard users

    I had the x-fi extreme ( not a cheap sound card or fake ).. it still causes problems with this game.. and even more if you have an 8800.. they battle for resources like two friggin gladiators..until one just dies.. regardless your going to crash from one or the other if you use it. all other games.. no problems.. arma.. no luck.. got rid of it and wala.. in business..
  16. D007

    Vista Black load screen?

    this topic is 2 months old and there are alot of vista topics that are current.. Anyway Vista is horrid with this game.. I recommend making a partition and using xp or getting rid of vista until it becomes stable. vista in general is still a horrible operating system anyway. this game does not support vista as well and is not indicated as doing so on the box. I went through these same problems as you guys and the only thing that saved my arse is removing vista and installing xp.. or making a partition for xp and arma.. i spent days on this.. and nothing.. vista is just a terrible OS, especially for this game.. yes I have vista fyi... it's in my box of garbage microsoft products.. like ME...lol.. and the pinnacle that is made for vista, that doesn't work with vista... yea... nice..lol. also i see you have X-fi. it caused me some serious conflicts with the 8800 video card.. Idk if it appplies seeing as your using ATI but it's something to take into consideration.. x-fi in general is known as a resource hog and has issues. I had the exact same sound card as you and I removed it and am using MOBO sound now because of it.. I recommend you get the hotfix for dual cores also when u do get it running.. it's in the "tips and tricks" section.. it helps intel dual cores work better with single core programs "like arma" and since i installed it i have much less polygonal effects and slow loads in my opinion.
  17. Have you downloaded the beta 162.18 driver yet? it's new.. also if your using a dual core you should try the hotfix for dual core optimization on the "tips and tricks" section or the AMD optimizer if your using an AMD.. read up for that hotfix.. it's made specifically for threading single core programs properly.. this game is made for single cores so it helps. the 8800 still has issues, I'm using 2 in sli and I get awsome frame rates and max everything in every game I play.. except arma..lol.. arma also still needs work so it's a combination of issues.. bad drivers and arma.. I think it will get better as the drivers are optimized and arma is patched. it has been so far anyway.
  18. D007

    ARMA freezing after 10-20 mins

    You could try, but we have very similar set ups and I'm pretty sure I know the outcome.. you won't run well or like at all.. this game tends to hog up about 3k paging.. check it out in task manager.. disabling paging i think will just hurt.. it hurt me.. i think the 8800 has alot to do with it. when i bumped it up to 4k "recommended was 3096" it helped me noticeably... hey, but everythings worth a shot.. you just never know with things now a days..
  19. D007

    Too much for my PC to handle?

    Amd's are known to not be as stable as overclocking cpu's as intels.. don't push it to far, the dies are not as good as intels.. thats why their inexpensive. great processor for the money. but it's not the best of the best. also get the amd dual core optimiser.. this game is single core threaded so it runs better on single cores.. if you use that it should help you quite a bit. the intel dual core hotfix helped me anyway. overclocking you cpu will definitely help you though.. this game screams for cpu power.. overclocking your video card does poop..lol.. on 2 8800's in sli i oc from stock to 660 core and 920 memory.. and see close to no difference.. game still needs some serious optimization. shading is huge in rural areas and trees shrubberies etc.. just keep it normal.. if u put it low things start to look like bad.. but normal is ok.. if you need to you can go low though. it's still not that bad.. I'm just use to super high def is all so my brain gets mad at me if i go for less..lol.. Ai's hack the hell out of this game..lol.. ai's start spawning and it's lag city.. Sniping at range at a target in motion.. idc what card ya have.. aint gonna happen.. you can't shoot somoene who makes 20 foot jumps instead of moving like a normal person. well u can.. with a whole hell of alot of luck and a truck load of ammo.
  20. D007

    8007000e Error in Vista

    Well I hope the upcoming patch Arma will correct this issue. How are your experiences with Arma in Vista? Arma runs a lot faster under Vista then under XP. I'd love to know in what world arma runs faster in vista in.. would that be Bizzaro world where everything is backwards? thats a crock if I ever saw one.. man look at the 3d mark scores they tell the tale.. there is no vista system in the top scorers at all.. not even close.. xp stomps it like a joke.. vista immediately takes half a gig of your ram and uses it constantly on the worst set of background programs I have ever seen.. don't mislead people just because you have an OS you "want" to be the best.. It's not.. it's still garbage.. and yes I have used it.. i removed it and reformatted because of it too.. it does not compete.. idc what ya say.. Please think "before" you make someone waste hundereds of dollars on an OS that is about as stable as a one legged horse. Unless you intend to give them their money back when they get pissed as soon as they see how many problems it has.. the error was related more to the 8800 card and arma combined.. the os wasn't causing that issue..
  21. D007

    Multiplayer select screen is blank

    I Try not to give what if scenarios as if their some kind of fix.. But I do recall my brother trying to install xp pro and using this game and it made it freak right out.. anyone have this problem with xp pro? it might be the os causing the conflict.. please don't take that as "it is the os causing the conflict" i can't be sure.. but it's soemthing to take into consideration if you have xp lieing around.. but please don't go reformatting just because I mentioned this to you.. it may not apply at all. but if you get to that point where your just gonna blow up.. it's something to try to help you hold onto hope..lol.. your not using anything x-fi are you? if so remove it.. i had to.. stopped half my problems in their tracks.. the other half i had to work on..lol.. turn off firewalls. turn of anivirus.. It's such a strange thing to happen.. it's like your system is half loading the game.. just strange.. I never seen that before, though I have seen something similar. but that was what happened before I would crash.. and I still saw the info for the board.. you just don't see anything at all.. u uninstalled the nvidia network access manager too? i did.. it's not very reliable either as per some reports I read. hasn't caused me any trouble without it. It may very well be the operating system.. but again.. I can't be certain.. Well, I hope ya get it fixed... good luck..
  22. D007

    This warning should have come with the game...

    Certainly it wasn't Fallschirmjager who asked where the 'any' key is. I have read no YouTube video comments written by Fallschirmjager. If you can point me to some very stupid comments on YouTube that he wrote about computers then I'd be interested to hear about it. It is of course true that operating and maintaining a personal computer requires some knowledge and skills. It is an undeniable fact. The point Fallschirmjager made in his first post was that getting ArmA to work without problems and with good performance requires more knowledge and skills about setting up, operating and maintaining a personal computer than what can be reasonably required from him. And I agree with him. But I think it is not the fault of BIS. It is the fault of the whole technology. The whole personal computer technology is flawed in this aspect. It is way too unreliable, complex and unstable regarding from what hardware components and software programs a personal computer consists of to be called a good technology. Don't take me wrong, I have fiddled with computers like there is no tomorrow. I have spent way too much time using computers, setting up and adjusting all sorts of things that really could just have been let as they were. Now, the technology blindness is that if I now go to other people and tell them to do the same that I have been doing, because that is what needs to be done in order to be succesful, now that is certainly technology blindness. Here Fallschirmjager has a very valid point. He should not need to know about overclocking. He should not have to know how to fine-tune a computer so he could get the last 5 % of performance out of it, in order to play a game. He should not have to know what exact driver version has to be used for ArmA to work the best. He definitely should not need to know those kinds of things in order to be able to enjoy a computer game. As you can read, Fallschirmjager already stated that his computer fulfills the minimum requirements that BIS thinks ArmA requires. This is not the fault of BIS, it is the fault of the personal computer technology. I already said at least two times in some other threads that games for consoles might be a good idea after all, after spending lots of time throughout my life using a personal computer and fixing all sorts of certainly un-obvious problems, and after reading what problems others were having while trying to get ArmA at least running without a Crash To Desktop. 100% on the mark, correct.. I couldn't of said it better.. I use to counsel game until last year.. I decided I'd try pc due to the complexity and options that become availalbe on pc that are not on counsel..like game editing and map creation, script editing, etc. I came to find out very fast that pc's are totally unreliable in general.. A gaming counsel handles one thing.. Games.. it doesn't care about OS's and Drivers and updates and and and.. it just does what it does.. the only thing it knows how to do.. So there are very few instances of conflicts because you don't have the problem that some hardware causes conflicts or some programs cause conflicts.. it's all geared to one purpose.. gaming. the pc industry is turning into one giant hack.. developers are working together less and less to provide tried and tested working products and have become complacent in allowing us to fix their problems for them, because why? because we let them.. we still give them our money, so they take it.. no one buy a pc for a whole year.. see what that does to the pc industry.. "it wont happen" but if it did it'd dam sure let them know how quick the people could put them all right out of business if we get tired or it.. and i for one am indeed tired of it.. Os's. drivers. hardware. games. memory. cpu. gpu. problems.. problems.. problems.. problems.. problems.. problems.. it's sad really.. there is nothing I can always rely on about a PC. That to me screams "anti-trust lawsuit" the pc indusry is a monopoly basically.. what they are doing is definitely a breach of trust and companies "like AT&T have been sued because of things very similar to this. we trust them to provide us with working products and reliable fixes and they do not meet that expectation at all.. My 8800 video card has 2 HD out's on it.. I can't use the 200 dollar gold plated cables I bought for it because it doesn't work right and overscans terribly.. but the card on the box says it is HD ready... thats a blatant case of false advertising. been like what? 6 months since the card came out and still no HD... I have HD cable, Hd connections and a 1600 dollar HD 1080 TV.. with a video card that wont work in HD........ Vista... I don't even need to say anything else... Just vista.. thats a law suit right there if i ever saw one.. forced into a series of extreme upgrades by a power and money hungry pice of S#!^.. then nothing works.. people spent thousands of dollars to be "vista ready" and now... vista isn't vista ready.. months have past.. vista still is not ready.. nvidia drivers, still not ready... Honestly, I just want them all sued, they need to be.. Nvidiad site has a link on it that says "test our beta drivers and tell us what you think" Does Nvidia write me a paycheck? no they don't. but apparently they expect me to work for them for free.. even after I spend over a grand on a MOBO with their nforce chipset and 2 8800 graphic cards.. I paid them to make me work for them is what it comes down to.. I gave them money.. and they said "oh sorry that doesn't work even though we said it does" mind fixing it for us? These people need to to be sued.. or they will continue to run over the consumers like they have been more and more over the past years.. it won't get better unless they are sued.. it will in fact get worse.. watch.. business ethics at it's best.. take the money and push off all responsibility..thats how it works.. customer support will never say "we're sorry we messed that up" ask them to say it..they won't.. their specifically told not to say that because it adds liability in case the conversation is being recorded.. so it's "woops, yea thats messed up, let's see what we can do" nothing about it being their fault.. nothing about how they rushed out a not ready product to be the first out with it and "make more money" and not care about the consumers.. Anyone with any intelligence should be able to see this.. Has microsoft ever told you "we messed up"? no... nvidia? nope... anti-trust at it's best.. lawsuit time I say.. But thats my 2 cents.. I'll switch to ps3 or an xbox if this keeps up.. ARMA is coming out on it anyway.. well arma is coming out on ps3.. idk about xbox.. so to the pc industry all i can say is.. I hope you get !!
  23. Flush is the shift and minus key? i always heard the word Purge.. cool, yay I helped...lol..
  24. D007

    ARMA freezing after 10-20 mins

    im using 2 8800's in sli myself. on xp.. i wouldnt get rid of the paging file.. i have mine at 4000 actually.. this game i think wants a paging file.. seems like it.. your freezing quick... have you tried the intel dual core hotfix? this game is threaded and optimised for single cores and that may help u as well.. it's in the tips and tricks section ( which I hope you have read over and applied anything you can use to your system ) theres a beta driver for the 8800s i recommend u get.. 162.18.. alot of game fixes.. just google 162.18 ntune does suk..lol.. but in some cases you cant open the nvidia control panle for the first time unless u have ntune as well. but once u open it u can remove ntune and it wont matter. open the control panel, then delete ntune. you did enable (all) hardware accellerations in the 3-d settings? in the nvidia control panel and enable sli technology? if not i would do that..you have your sli bridge attached i assume..also you are running it as "single gpu" not forced split frame or something I hope.. then try things like in the "limit extension string" of the 3-d setting in the nvidia control panel. try turning it to yes to limit the strings.. then try enabling DEP protection for all programs.. it's a microsoft OS option.. just search for it in help.. go through the tips and tricks section and try everything in there that applies to you. Make sure you get that beta driver also. just google 162.18 and it will come right up. I had the same problems as you for a long long time.. I haven't had a serious crash in quite a while now. you don't overclock, so no problem there.. try setting your paging file to a larger size.. also with paging files it is a good idea to make it non variable.. set it too 4000 minimmum and 4000 maximum.. i did anyway but i have 400gb hd's in raid 0. you will see this game utilize tons of paging file when it gets out of hand. If you look at the processes at "used" paging file size while the game is running you can see it. whatever you do, have the max and minumum amounts the same.. a paging file causes excess drain on your system while it adjust it's page file size if you let the system manage it.. locking it into a constant number will save you that system drain. If you have norton, get a new antivirus.. trust me, norton messed with me so much it's not funny. if you have an X-fi sound card, remove it and use motherboard sound. FYI: Yes I did have that experience as I was using X-fi and it did indeed cause tons of conflicts.. it's not the x-fi and arma.. its the x-fi and the 8800.. the x-fi and the 8800 battle for resources leading to an inevitable crash. seriously.. get rid of it.. that may be your ENTIRE problem.. If you have firewalls up, disable them. and make sure you don't miss the microsoft firewall. if you have auto installs enbled for programs, disable them, just check for updates manually from time to time. turn off all background applications you can. don't use teamspeak yet.. it's a big drain and leads to alot of issues from the last i heard.. the 8800 card is a whole different animal and it doesn't play well with this game.. the beta driver may of fixed that.. teamspeak overlay is also a no no. I had alot of crashes because of it. besides.. talking is overrated..lol.. end up listening to some 12 year olds screaming about a bunch of the stupidest things you could imagine, singing songs, acting like fools.. I'm so happy when I kick them off my server..lol.. I can't stand teamspeak anymore.. show me a mature teamspeak line and i might.. but good luck..lol.. fyi: Xp will not utilise your 4GB of ram.. it maxes out at like 2 or 3.. you need to do something to xp to make it even realize it has more ram than that. vista will use it.. but don't use vista.. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DO NOT USE VISTA!...lol..
  25. D007

    This warning should have come with the game...

    Ya know.. there wouldn't be so many people having problems if these things were written better in the first place..lol.. yes I agree there are some seriously stupid people out there, but even I, when trying vista, had serious complications that I just had no control over at all, short of editing the actual operating system and regedits. ( which still didnt help anything ) most people just want people to hold their hand and do everything for them. when in most cases they can indeed fix most problems with just looking for their problem and applying whatever was used to fix it to their situation. on the other hand though... Vista...lol.. unless your bill gates you ain't fixing vista..lol.. if your using vista on arma all i can say is "partition" lol.. xp is soo much better still. and sooo much more reliable. video cards, don't press that OC to high on this game, it will indeed run it into the ground and your temps will fly like no other game I have played yet. ( which I feel is a nvidia driver issue ) I dropped my GPU oc's from 660 core and 920 memory to 650 and 900 just to be safe and drop temps a bit more. memory timings, unless your using realy good ram be safe with the timings.. don't hold them to tight. this game has a tendency to push that envelope and memory either handles it.. or it doesn't.. theres no real medium there.. if you let the timings go optimal you give yourself a safe zone to let the memory catch up if it needs to.. if you hold them to tight you can likely have physical memory dumps due to it and all kinds of corruptions that may even make you reinstall your OS if you let it go to long. the 162.18 beta driver was geared toward fixing alot of game issues, so it's very worth using and I saw a definite stability increase after using it and using that hotfix for intel dual cores in the "tips and tricks" section. very worth looking into if you have an intel dual core. and that driver.. I don't recommend beta drivers as a rule of thumb in general, but as it stands now, I have to admit, I will recommend this one. well I hope this helps someone..lol.. took forever to friggin write it..