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Everything posted by DeadlyArtist

  1. DeadlyArtist

    Vista Black load screen?

    UpDate I have My 2900xt sapphire working with the vista 64 after using beta 7.8 drivers and vista updates found herehttp://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?det=1687 Hopes this helps It worked with 1.06 I am now updating will report back Game is running in 1.08 now I have to find the tweaks as the game degrades during playback textures fade and fps second drops. Atleast I can now launch the Game in Vista64 and try to figure out the problems before there was just no hope.
  2. I cannot Play the game can we get this stickyed until its resolved please? System Specs Q6600 Asus P5W DH Deluxe 6gigs ddr2 800mhz Ram DHX Hd 2900xt Sapphire Card 500gig sata2 Maxtor Drive PhysX Card Asus model PCI Sony DVD burner X-Fi XtremeGamer card Windows Vista Ultimate 64 I know its does not mention Vista on Box spare me that response please I would just like to know if anyone that have or had this problem found a fix if not can we get a sticky till it is resolved. Side Note:It works Under Vista 64 and My GTS setup also a QuadCore Setup with 4gig mem and evga 680i mobo identical setups with the exception of mobo and vid card, no PhysX in this setup. Thanks In Advance