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About Dyne

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Dyne

    ARMA2 put you off the Army ?

    Then I stand corrected. I don't remember hearing or reading a lot of news articles on it though. Thanks for the information.
  2. Dyne

    ARMA2 put you off the Army ?

    The difference here is that it was a select group of US personnel that committed this atrocity. It wasn't condoned or ordered by the US government, so it doesn't reflect on the United States military or government as a whole. And so what if the United States refuses to allow its servicemen and women to be tried in front of an International Court of Justice, do you think that would be fair? I sure as hell don't, seeing that everyone else in the world thinks the United States is always wrong, and they (rest of the world) are saintly and beyond reproach. The US military has its own system of justice, the USMCJ. I guess we all seem to forget the amount of money the United States sends to African nations to battle HIV, and the countless times the United States government has sent military aid to countries in the Pacific and elsewhere who faced natural catastrophes. Did any nation help the United States when Katrina struck, like we would have helped them? No. Not to mention our countless peacekeeping forces all throughout the world that protect peoples lives. Gonna have to see some statistics on this, cause I don't buy it. And does everyone forget what the European superpowers did during their heyday, to countries in Africa and throughout the world? Thoughtless foreign policy. Well, I guess you could say that about every nation in general. Sometimes, stuff just doesn't make sense. It's just not the United States who is guilty of "thoughtless foreign policy". Again, it's time other nations get off their high horse of sainthood, and stop putting all the blame on the United States. There are numerous reasons for terrorism, and it cannot be pinpointed on one specific cause. America isn't the only target, most of the world is. Israel, Pakistan, India, Spain, Indonesia, Russia, China and Great Britain are just a few of the many countries in the world that have terrorist problems.
  3. Dyne

    ARMA2 put you off the Army ?

    No, I agree. I don't think it justifies crime and oppression, I just think that is how nations operate.
  4. Dyne

    ARMA2 put you off the Army ?

    I edited my point
  5. Dyne

    ARMA2 put you off the Army ?

    Every nation does most likely, but even if the United States does break international law, it isn't for some heinous crime. Every nation uses foreign aid as a political tool, and when it is in their national interest I agree. But we are still the world's only country with global reach (militarily, etc), and with that comes greater responsibilities and justifications. Every country can be guilty of this at some point or another. Nations don't do things for others without an incentive for doing so.
  6. Dyne

    ARMA2 put you off the Army ?

    How can you promise that America is safer under Obama than under Bush? You don't live here for one, you live in Europe. You don't know what life is like in the United States. Our Homeland Security and other security measures enacted under Bush HAVE and continue to disrupt terrorist planning and acts of violence. That is FACT. What war crimes has the United States committed in any of the conflicts you mentioned? Our country abides by the Geneva Conventions, unlike the terrorists we are currently battling. The United States also doesn't round up its citizens and throw them in prisons, execute them, etc, like many OTHER nations do in this world. The United States has plenty of respect for another nations. IF ANYTHING, the world treats the United States with disrespect. The American people are some of the most generous in the world, in any kind of catastrophe, Americans are always giving money to charity to help those displaced, and the American military is always first on the scene to provide aid. Not to mention the massive amounts of foreign aid our country throws out to the nations of the world. And for what? Lots of these nations scoff at us, and still take our money. You sound like you think the rest of the world is saintly compared to the United States, with nothing to forgive. Well I have news for you, NO ONE is perfect, even countries. I am proud to be an American, and of what my nation stands for, and every nation has a past. All of Europe, Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany among others, did as they pleased in the previous centuries of the world, with no regard for its inhabitants, i.e, the spread of slavery, colonization, etc, all for power and politics. You could say that they imposed themselves on other nations, with, well, no respect for others! President Bush is no where near being a horrible leader as many others have been in history. He served his nation, and made the decisions he thought necessary, with Congressional approval I might add. If that cost us diplomatically with some nations, so be it, but he still showed them respect in how he dealt with them. Just because some of our European allies disagreed with the president, doesn't mean he is wrong, and they are right. The United States owes the world an apology? PLEASE. As for your insistence that terrorism has to do with American diplomacy and meddling, I think you are wrong. It just isn't an American problem, it is a world problem. Terrorism has existed since the dawn of man, it didn't just magically appear because of the American government.
  7. I did exactly what you posted, with the "SEARCH" option before I posted my thread, and I found nothing relevant to what I needed. Next time, check your attitude at the door. This is a help forum afterall.
  8. Thanks for the help, much appreciated!
  9. I'm sure this has been asked before, but I have searched the forum extensively and couldn't find an answer. I created a simple sabotage mission, in which the Spetsnaz have to destroy several CDF armor. I got these objectives down fine, but what if I want the Spetsnaz team to have to reach a staging point after they blow up their targets, in order for the mission to end? For example, in one of my triggers, I put !(alive t1) AND !(alive t2), to check if the tanks have been destroyed. That works fine. But the mission ends before the Spetsnaz reach their staging area, or in this case, my End1 trigger. Any help would be aprreciated. Thank you, Dyne
  10. Dyne

    Arm Patches...

    Thank you very much for the advice, and reply!
  11. Dyne

    Arm Patches...

    I tried the search engine..couldn't find anything. My question is... How do you add custom arm patches to units? If I wanted to put a certain countries flag on a units arm, or vehicle, for example, how could I do that? Thank you, Dyne
  12. Dyne


    That's the pack I get the "need version 1.02" error. I downloaded it, but..not sure how to operate it.
  13. Dyne


    What error do you get? The error that I am getting for the flag pack is telling me that I need version 1.02.
  14. Is there a flag pack addon? The only one I am aware of if Jerry's...and that always gives me an error. Any reply would be appreciated. Thanks, Dyne
  15. Bingham67, what I did was to create a trigger, activated by BLUFOR, and on the activation field I typed: Â m2 playMove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_CarCheckWheel" and my marine, named "m2" did the animation. Â I then snapped the screenshot as he was inspecting the car . Â I downloaded something called OFPECGameViewer to find the different animations . Â Hope this helped. SLA terrorists attack the Arcadia resort. Police respond to help the victims. ADDONS: Hit_Sqd_Ack's Protect and Serve: Dallas SWAT