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Posts posted by Daskidd821

  1. I am trying to write a script in which AI moves into positions within a building then do some action like go prone or kneel or w/e.

    From everything I've read a simple waitUntil { unitReady _unit } should do the trick but it's not working at all :391:. These units aren't grouped because I noticed that when assigning house positions to units in a group via move the whole group is given that waypoint so I have the group move up to the building, ungroup and then move to their positions. The script currently looks something like:

    _nBuilding = getPos player nearestObject 7024;
    _unit = _this select 0;
    _pos = _this select 1;
    _stance = _this select 2;
    _unit move (_nBuilding buildingPos _pos);
    waitUntil { unitReady _unit };
    _unit setUnitPos _stance;
    _unit disableAI "MOVE";

    I also noticed that the sleep keyword doesn't seem to do anything and if you place a ; after ~# it fails as well. I've been through a bunch of different versions. All of which had specifically assigned the variable values. Was trying a more ambiguous version with this one. I also tried doMove with the same results.

    I placed a hint immediately after the waitUntil statement and it fired as soon as the script did so I'm really at a loss. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!


    I think I solved the problem by using execVM instead of exec... :P testing some more now but it seems to have resolved the issue.

    If you're having this problem too in the init (or however you call the script) I had been using:

     [this, 12, "Middle"] exec "Building.sqf" 

    but am now using:

     test = [this, 12, "Middle"] execVM "Building.sqf" 

  2. I'm having trouble with a basic fire mission script.

    _myBattery = this select 0
    _Target = this select 1
    _heTemplate = ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", 0, 15]
    if {[_myBattery, getPosASL _Target, _heTemplate select 1] call BIS_ARTY_F_PosInRange} then
        [_myBattery, getPosASL _Target, _heTemplate] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission;
    } else
        hint "Target out of range!";

    then a radio alpha trigger containing

    [RIPPER, tg1_1] exec "mf.sqs"

    I've tried to target a trigger, marker and now is targeting a rifleman. Every time I try to fire it comes back as out of range. I initially set it up as

    _myBattery = this select 0
    _Target = getPosASL "tg_1"
    _heTemplate = ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", 0, 15]

    and tried getMarkerPos with a marker nothing seems to work

    I've tested the ranges by using the SecOps artillery support via the same battery which works like a charm. I want artillery support called in when I execute the script and not have to target it myself. I plan on creating a random artillery strike script for future missions so the enemy will randomly fire on targets throughout the course of the mission until the element is taken out but I can't get the simple script to work.

    I'm sure its something simple that I'm just not seeing any help would be appreciated.:)


    [group mt_1, getMarkerPos MarkOne, ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", 0, 15]] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission

    seems to do the trick instead of referencing the arty module like in secOps. mt_1 is the group leader for the mortar team

  3. Could we get a list of possible support options to call up? So far I've found "transport", "supply_drop", "tactical_airstrike", "artillery_barrage", "aerial_reconnaissance". I think I remeber a CAS option given to me while running secOps. And then there's the secOp for reinforcements though that seems to function as a mission.

    for the BIS_ACM module, you can create a marker called BIS_ACM_X where X is a number from 1 on, and that should exclude spawning. Not sure if the same works with SecOps and Animal module.

    I haven't had a chance to test this yet but out of curiosity is there a way to execute this with a trigger instead of a marker? Seems inconvenient to have multiple random markers around the map. Also I assume this means the area covered by the marker is a dead zone for spawning, problem is this is hard to test because of the random nature of the modules.

    I love the randomness, don't get me wrong, but its a pain in the ass for testing as you can be in a mission for hours and there would be no way to conclusively say it did or did not work.

  4. Idealy: Run up to fence, time it press jump to get over obstacle goes from a running pattern into a timed jump all in one transition.

    That would be nice for aesthetic reasons but you have to take into account that a fully loaded soldier is carrying 75+ lbs. of gear. Getting over the smallest of obstacles can be quite a chore when loaded down like this, so its not really that unrealistic that the animation is slower.

    You'd almost have to calculate the weight of the gear the player is carrying and have animations play out accordingly, if you're going for realism. Still though you're not gonna find a whole lot of jumping around on a battlefield, gives away your position and neutralizes any cover.

  5. I think I found the solution I'm just not really sure how to get to it. The animation for on map bargates, supposing it exists, is probably in czech like some of the door animations for at least several buildings. I don't know how to find out what the animation is called however (I tried the method in the above post with no luck), the only thing I could think was some form of zavora because that's what the bar gate is called in the buildings and object list.
