Hey guys
Got a few problems
first off I seem to have some stuttering when flying it will be smooth for a bit and then pause then smooth again then pause etc etc. Any idea on what setting I need to tweak or is this a common problem?
The textures also seem to take a while to load I could be looking at a tank that looks like crap for around 1 min until it loads the textures for it. Is there a way I can increase the load speeds?
My PC isnt really low spec and I wouldnt expect to see these kinds of problems. I get this in Vista and XP
Thermaltake Kandalf LCS
Asus Crosshair 590 SLI
AMD X2 FX62 3.3ghz Water cooled
4Gb OCZ SLI 8500mhz DDR2
2x 8800GTX
BFG Ageia Physix
Creative Fatl1ty Xtream Gamer