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About Duffers

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Duffers

    Map Reading

  2. Duffers

    Map Reading

    Dooley, This is a good You Tube vid showing how to use the compass in veteran mode. Â I know it relies on some distinctive features but it's a great tutorial anyway. ArmA" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v....utorial P.S. I tend to use the GPS (especially in EVOLUTION) which centres on where I am and just cross reference it with the main map. Â Edit. Just watched it again and it's actually by =22SAS=. Good work chaps.
  3. Duffers

    PC Gamer ArmA Preview

    The UK version of PC Gamer held its head high with the reviewing remit "We'll only review the finished product you get to buy off the shelves - if the game's not finished we won't review it." then happily reviewed the European (i.e. Czech/german) version - wasn't that not even to 1.04 standards? - and gave it a low score. The 1.05 patch merits a recount.
  4. Is your mouse wireless? I've had similar problems before (not with Track IR Â - don't have it) where USB devices either conflicted with the mouse or proved just too much for my PSU. Especially in BF2 where I used a headset for TS, a joypad, a wireless keyboard and mouse. Buying a PS2 Port mouse got my gaming back.
  5. Duffers


    Slightly linked... but I've been enjoying a resurgence in BF2 with the 'Project Reality' Mod. It supports the excellent ArmA multiplayer games where only a pilot can fly. Â In Project Reality you need to request a special 'pilot kit' in order to board an aerial vehicle. Â Much like most of the larger Co-op missions out there. Like Bob is saying, you're keeping your old helmet in a plane because that's what you entered it with. A pilot entering would look the part. Realistically, you wouldn't be a 'jack of all trades' soldier, flitting between tanks, planes and choppers. Â Makes for fun but it keeps the serious Co-op missions in some order and adds realism when planes are restricted.
  6. Duffers

    Training- Combat Pilot Course

    Heh - you silly sausage. I find Auto Hover quite useful to stop sometimes.
  7. Duffers

    Training - Harrier

    Sent (now might be a good idea to edit your post and hide your email to avoid spammers) It's not a .pbo file as it was made with the Wizard. Â I've sent the directory path with the file. It's the smaller island and a very simple set up. You, five troops, 2 each of Blackhawks, Little Birds (both black and desert), Cobras, Hokum, 1 large chopper thing (forget the name) and 2 harriers. Â To the other side of the ridge (in the town) is a T72, 2 or 3 basic platoons and a heap of trucks. I think there's also a spare Harrier on the runway. I do have some custom content on mine which may be the desert Litle Bird. Â If you get an error simply open the file in the wizard and add/delete to your heart's content. Enjoy. Â
  8. Duffers

    Training- Combat Pilot Course

    I'm using the THRUSTMASTER FIRESTORM DUAL POWER too but with no problems at all. In fact, I find the cobra very easy to fly. If you have the dual analogue joysticks on your pad like I do I assigned the left one to Nose up/down and the right one to Bank left/right. This avoids any slight accidental banking when flying. The shoulder pads are the rudders. Are you certain you haven't got the left and right controls confused with 'RUDDER'. Trying to rudder above 50 causes real problems.
  9. Duffers

    Training - Harrier

    It's probably not there as the STVOL control aspect wasn't implemented until the 1.05 patch. One could've been included with the patch however, it may have caused some issues as the stock standalone missions went toward unlocking 'library mode' and may prove difficult to suddenly stick a new mission in. Do what I do, use the Wizard to create a bog standard MP map. Stick in a few Urals and give yourself every flying machine in the game. Run your own locked server, get your squad to STOP (so they don't bugger off and you can spawn in one of them should you die) and enjoy free flights with some truck targets.
  10. Duffers

    Cant move while reloading

    I hear what you say MeNez. I too got shot and killed whilst switching to an M136. My colleagues even shouted out, "Oh No! 2 is down!" but I happily continued to shoulder the M136, with bullets still ripping into me, dropping lifeless to the floor as soon only as the animation ended.
  11. Duffers

    Fps counter

    Doh? It does display the real FPS and the reduced FPS when recording, because recording is hardware intensive. Sigh... My answer was just an alluded example of why FRAPS isn't accurate. Â Why would you need to 'record' to test the FPS anyway? Â It's just an extreme suggestion to show why the programme can be up to 10% out. Â I wrote it to point out FRAPS isn't 100% (thank you for agreeing dirtylarrygb) so that players wouldn't get upset if for some reason they were displaying 15fps. Bore yourself with some more accurate findings; http://www.digit-life.com/articles2/video/fraps.html
  12. Duffers

    Fps counter

    FRAPS is good but not reliable as a Frame Counter. Most of the frame count actually goes on running FRAPS itself. You can check this by pressing 'record' and watching the frame count plummet (FRAPS is working harder). Aside from that interjection, I don't have a solution I'm afraid.
  13. I'm not 100% if this is what you're after. I created my team not as MEN, but AIR then PARACHUTE. Â They seem to default to saboteurs so I used the removeallweapons this; and add weapons...; commands to give them the desired kit. This started the game with my team and I chuting in. Â For the height I entered the following into each man's INITIALIZATION field: this setpos [(getpos this select 0), (getpos this select 1), 120] Â where 120 is the height. Change that value for your desired chute/spawn height. Hope this helps.
  14. If this is the ambush in the woods, I drove a vehicle and parked it across the road. Can't remember the armament exactly but I placed mines to the side of this vehicle (to get the tank that tried to wobble round). By then, the rest of the convoy stacked up on the bend and the satchel charges I already placed took out everything but a BMP (M136'd) and a truck. I solved the truck by killing the driver and driving it away. Mission completed.
  15. Duffers

    I enjoy ArmA!

    I agree. The number of issues directed toward a game made by a small development company, when compared to the 'cash cow crap' churned out by the likes of EA (BF2 still isn't fixed), tend to drag. This is THE soldier sim. Move over America's Army. You know what as well...? if you take time to understand the ballistics, movement and tactics you will actually become good at the game. Since buying this gem I've uninstalled COD2 and cancelled my STALKER pre-order. COD2 is just a point and click bunny hop fest in comparison, with the victor being whoever fires in a straight line first. The community >and my heart felt thanks goes out to all you guys< will keep ArmA afloat for years. Looking forward to addons BIS