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Everything posted by DaveyBoy

  1. Hi All, I am looking for guidance on creating a cpp to support custom flag and billboard images that I have created for the prupose to include them in an addon. Any useful guides our information you could help me with? thanks :)
  2. well it would be simpler if i knew how to do it
  3. i know that part Loopdk :). I am looking how to write a CPP to create an in game addon of preset billboards an flags and not to pull an image to a particular mission.
  4. Insignia: The number of Insignia with colors are as follows: Imperium of Man: 1 x 1st Tanith. White on Black. 1 x Adeptus Astronmica. Black on White. 1 x Adeptus Custodes. Black on White. 4 x Adeptus Mechanicus. B/W and Color on White. 1 x Adeptus Titanicus. Black on Red. 1 x Cult Mechanicus. Black on White. 2 x Imperial Aquila. Gold on Black and Black on White Chaos: 1 x Blood Pact. Black on White. 1 x Chaos star. Black on White. 4 x Dark Mechanicus. Colour and B/W. 1 x Eye of Horus. White on Black. Eldar: 1 x Biel-Tan. Color on White. 1 x Dire Avenger Aspect Rune. Black on White. 1 x Iyanden. Color on White. 2 x Ulthwe. Color on White. Tau: 1 x Tau Empire Insignia. Black on White. 1 x Tau coat of arms. Black on White.
  5. ARMA Community, This is my first Addon for ARMA 3 so any feedback you have would be really appreciated. Steam Subscription Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1096111437 Included in this addon is 25 Faction Insignia's included are for: Imperium of Man Chaos Eldar Tau This is my first Addon for ARMA 3 so any feedback you have would be really appreciated.Would you like to have other warhammer 40k insignia's included? If yes then please feel free to contact me. Please try include an image if you have one and I will see want I can do to include it in a next version. Lastly I do hope to create further Warhammer 40k addons such as posters, billboards, fonts etc. So add this to your favorites, give me a 5 star rating and subscribe. Cheers Dave :) My contact details: Discord: https://discord.gg/pe48rhdSteam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ShootinnScuttin Example Screen Shots:
  6. DaveyBoy

    Whats the secret to building a good clan?

    http://nakedsquid.com/ :)
  7. [LOL] clan are looking to set up a dedicated 32 player vanila COOP server. Performance is the most important factor. Can you provide your genuine suggestions? Thanks :)
  8. Squad name: [LOL] Timezone/location : EU and US Gamemode preference: veteran coop Contact email: can't remember Website address: http://www.nakedsquid.com Short description:description on our website. Welcome to the [LOL] Armed Assault / Operation Flashpoint Multiplayer Co-Operative Site. You are welcome to join the clowns on any of our servers. Our servers are run in Veteran mode with co-operative missions No Respawns, No Crosshairs, No muppets Language: English
  9. DaveyBoy

    Multiplayer - Connection Failed!

    Yeap this is the dsame for me i.e. with windows 7 i must join by IP address otherrwise I get a connecting failed message.
  10. DaveyBoy

    Server List not Showing

    and so u did ... apoligies i just jumped on the problem when I saw it cause I had expierenced it b4 and the wiki helped me solve ;)
  11. DaveyBoy

    Server List not Showing

    Try wiki BIS ;) : I have found it helped me with the same problem you had. try the winsock reset and the localhost bit http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Troubleshooting
  12. DaveyBoy

    'essential' addons for multiplayer

    Here are some useful addons which can help with perfromance, add some more environment Kegetys - Lowplants[/size] & Lowplants QG Free Mark XIII - HiFi Sound FX WGL.Q - PROPER UI HDR Button in Video Options HeinBloed - GDT Mod HDR
  13. DaveyBoy

    battlefield bad company2

    Dont you mean "Bruders in Arms" :D
  14. one question I would have of such a tool also to be considered Mr G-C would be that you may have to consider the varied install paths that may/ can exsist for different versions per region or publisher of ARMA I.E. the diference between languages or atari versus 505 games (am not sure if there is a differences?). However there should be a workaround cause i see with inno setup you can allow the user to specify there own install path(s). One real power of learning this scripting would be the ability to script for these regional/publisher/language differences
  15. For this desktop shortcut just create a custom one (Just right click on it and edit the target path with the start up parameters you want) and include it as part of the install exe. ... http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Startup_Parameters good luck
  16. DaveyBoy

    Looking for intelligent casual gamers

    Feel free to drop by LOL anytime as it sounds like your cup of tea ;)
  17. DaveyBoy

    Lol majors coop

    LOL Majors ARMA server is still up and running with vet mode set and playing CO-OP missions only. The TS server is No passwords are in place for either server. If you would like to submit missions to be placed on the server please go to the forums first and check out the mission requirements we need in place before any missions get on the server . Most important ... have fun!!! Go to www.nakedsquid.com for more details
  18. DaveyBoy

    OFP alive?

    The [LOL] squid OFP CO-OP servers are still very active. Go to www.nakedsquid.com and get the game server details and TS IP
  19. DaveyBoy

    Arm Paches for ARMA

    Is the XML code for placing arma patches on your squad members remain the same as what was used for OFP? This is a sample of what I use currently in my suqad XML file : <squad nick=""> <name></name> <email></email> <web></web> <picture>picture.paa</picture> <title></title> <!-- End of squad properties  --> <member id="" nick=""> <name>h</name> <email></email> <icq></icq> <remark></remark> So what else would I need to add to this code to enable arm patches? And does the picture.paa need to be resized? Anything else I need to add? thanks Dave
  20. DaveyBoy

    Arm Paches for ARMA

    And the arm patches are visable for SES guys? if so I must test more. Thanks Junker
  21. DaveyBoy

    Server Commands

    Would anyone have a working example of how these "#exec" commands are used?
  22. DaveyBoy

    Server Commands

    I saw these new ArmA admin commands and was wondering how they are implemented as the #userlist and #kick function already carry out these 2 same functions? #exec users Show a List of the connected players #exec kick ID Allows you to kick the player ID #exec ban ID Allows you to ban the player ID and what is the context/syntax and medium they are used in? source : http://community.bistudio.com/wiki....mmands.
  23. DaveyBoy


    Must agree with Mr Burns - more MP CO-OP maps with lots of slots
  24. DaveyBoy

    Failed to read the Shader cache file

    Deano's Cheers Mate