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Everything posted by Darkseed79

  1. It's a very good mod but in desperate need of well made missions. Operation Lowlands is great but unfortunately only singleplayer. It would be awesome if someone could make more RP-type missions like Operation Lowlands, perhaps one playing as the VC? I can just imagine it now, looking around for US patrols to ambush while trying to stay hidden from choppers going overhead. It would be very atmospheric.
  2. Is there a coop version of Operation lowlands somewhere?
  3. Darkseed79

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    Using fast time option in 1.03 can give you the repeated stutters/pause bug as reported here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1395804#post1395804
  4. Even without CBA i've found out that if you try to play crCTI using the fast time option (not the same as time acceleration) you can get the cycling pause bug. With long regular days crCTI will run fine.
  5. Darkseed79

    Sonic Crack of Bullets

    I can't believe this thread got overlooked. This is IMHO of absolute priority. You should be able to use the bullet cracks (and they need to be LOUD) to know when to keep your head down. As it is now they have pretty much no point whatsoever. Please BIS, fix this asap!
  6. Darkseed79

    Do You want PunkBuster in Armed Assault?

    If I didn't know better i'd say Dwarden is getting paid by Evenbalance as a forum Punkbuster PR guy. And a big NO to PB in ArmA for all the same reasons mentioned already. Plus the fact that the owner and founder of Evenbalance has a really bad attitude (he's a complete jackass) towards people that doesn't think PB is the best thing since sliced bread.
  7. Darkseed79


    This mission really sounds outstanding, I just wish it could be played as a coop with perhaps 5 people max. How much extra work would that be?
  8. Darkseed79

    Zoom for tank commanders

    Why was this removed? The tank commanders only use now in ArmA is to fire the turret mounted mg since without zoom he can't see anything that isn't really close. I really wish tank commanders could be given binoculars to use while turned out in order to spot for the gunner, as that position is what a tank commander will be in most of the time in real life.
  9. Darkseed79

    Zoom for tank commanders

    In combat, yes. But when not in combat will he not stay unbuttoned with a pair of binocs? I'm more familiar with World War 2 tank tactics than modern ones, so I might be wrong. Though in either case the commander badly needs zoom for his optics.
  10. Darkseed79

    Zoom for tank commanders

    You can zoom with your naked eye as well (although a limited zoom it helps out quite alot) and not with the tank commander optics, it makes no sense. I really liked the commander position in OFP, it still missed binocs when turned out but atleast you could zoom with the optics in order to spot for the gunner. Now he serves no purpose at all whenever there's not lots of enemy infantry around close enough for him to actually be able to spot them. Please BIS, give the commanders some love too. I'd trade the turret mounted mg for binocs or zoomable optics any day of the week.