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About Danner

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  1. Danner

    Arma around the world

    where in california? now i'm at california(noth) but Im from spain. And california on the north is cold!!!!!!!! xDDD Saludos
  2. Danner

    Sahrani map!8

    now I'm thinking: 'cause of those names look like cuba LoL
  3. Danner

    Sahrani map!8

    the names are supposed to be in spanish? If the answer is yes, there are some problems, some names in more that 2 words doesn't match examples: -Puntas occidental- the right will be- puntas occidentales -valle de carmen-is right but will be way better--valle del carmen -mataredo-wuhooooooooo, if this is spanish is a big mistake- matadero -sierra de revolucion-seems better like this-sierra revolucion Other names seems to be in portuguesse (but i don't know)... and those??? Ancor??? porto??? It's not bad at all but for me was weird...(for a spanish guy)
  4. Danner

    Arma around the world

    yeahhhhhhhhhh and here Cantabria (spain), but right now I am at california...