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About Dudester

  • Rank
    Master Sergeant
  1. Can someone tell me what filter the new game mode (Arma Warfare) is listed in. Is it Coop, Team Mission, Etc... It’s just I don’t see any servers or anything mentioning Arma Warfare!!
  2. Dudester

    Extremely bad performance on 1.12

    Have the latest drivers still no good. Well how come I run vista and don’t have any problems?
  3. Dudester

    Extremely bad performance on 1.12

    I keep telling you to use the 174.74 beta driver for the Geforce cards! I run windows vista 32bit and didn’t have a problem with stutters or FPS!! I don’t play the game myself because I have my own issues with it - but Armed Assault/vista compatibility isn’t one of them!! Remember also to install service pack 1 for vista!!
  4. Dudester

    Arma has it lost or gained?

  5. Dudester

    Arma has it lost or gained?

    Well long time comming, but thanks for telling me that it will not be fixed. "Better late then never" I say. However, I started to figure it for myself after so much time passed without reply, but I just wanted an answer to a question that so many wanted to know. Sorry I have had to drone on about it for so long, with what you call "Bitching" and "Spamming" before getting an answer. But like I said already, this could of been cleared up along time ago. BTW, Sorry for discussing my concerns for a game that is fast fading out. Clumsy animations may affect both sides, but thats not the point! The point is, People don't want to play a game that has clumsy animations. Well not PvP gamers.
  6. Dudester

    Arma has it lost or gained?

    About time you stopped blaming the PVP community for complaining here. Bis themselves could of put an end to our concerns along time ago. Most PvP complaint was about the Animation/Transitions. Now, If Bis had no intention of fixing this, then at any given time, they could quite easily of addressed the PvP community and told them that there was no intentions of fixing it and that they felt happy with it. We all then could of moved on along time ago. People just don't like been ignored and if you ever did play Ofp, you will remember back then, that Bis normally did speak back to the community and address its concerns.
  7. Dudester

    Arma has it lost or gained?

    Thanks MadMatt
  8. Dudester

    Arma has it lost or gained?

    I finished talking its Anths thread.
  9. Dudester

    Arma has it lost or gained?

    Do you want me to list all the PvP that have left? or just the clans? I am not bothered anymore. I moved on, like you told me to do, but i also live in hope. Maybe Anth can elaborate. Nope, none of that is even close to what I asked. Â I asked what BI has done to push away the pvp community, and what reason you have to think BI doesn't care. Well, Your in for alot of reading then, but with your amount of replies.... I'm shocked you didn't come across it already.
  10. Dudester

    Arma has it lost or gained?

    Do you want me to list all the PvP that have left? or just the clans? I am not bothered anymore. I moved on, like you told me to do, but i also live in hope. Maybe Anth can elaborate.
  11. Dudester

    Arma has it lost or gained?

    Also, topics seem to be around for days here, Is nobody answering them? If this was in Ofp days, It would be answered quick and in full by now.
  12. Dudester

    Arma has it lost or gained?

    Sorry Viper23rd but useless crap like what you have posted here really irritates me! most people don't just like co-ops. There are many other games that involve team play. You obviously know nothing about the past community to even write this s**t lets list to name a few of the big games that used to be played every single day of every hour. co-op ctf c&h cti rts dm Most of the hardcore players did not even get involved in this forum because most people don't even bother. Why should they with one way comments like yours. There's many people on this forum like you that think about nothing else but co-op and screw the rest it bugs the life out of me. It may look like most people like co-op to you if you look at the server list lately but that's because 95% of the pvps hate what bis have done to arma... End of the day to put my point across of this type of thread I see time and time again on this forum, is that the game was not just about co-op it never was. Hey Anth I remember you from the Ofp days and great days they were to M8. I really wouldn't waste your time posting here, believe me, its pointless. Your only going to attract idiots telling you to find another game and move on. Most PvP have gone already m8, thats a huge amount for Bis to lose, but they dont seem to care? Most PvP already voiced there concerns here early on about the changes, but sadly its fallen on deaf ears. Seems anyone who mentions PVP now, gets told to move on lol. I saw the PvP dying out each week and tried to do something about it straight away. My efforts were laughed at, but whos laffing now? 3 or 4 CTF servers, now that is a joke. MadMatt can you resist in answering this one?
  13. Dudester

    Will not load

    Maybe a reinstall of the game is called for.