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Posts posted by Dimitriv

  1. I have a question, I have Arma (Czech ver, patch 1.01 applied). I open the editor and load Sahrani island, and if I go near some trees and I want to press "Esc" to return to the editor the textures fall down and I need to close it with the Task Manager

    Here's a pic took by me with the textures falled down


    My PC Specs:

    CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2500+ ~1.8 GHz

    RAM: 1 GB

    Video: ATi RADEON 9800 Pro 128 mb

    The config I run ArmA



    Obj detail-Very low

    Shading detail-Low





    Terrain detail-very low

  2. DarkPhantom @ Nov. 30 2006,10:13)]You want to play Armed Assault I say upgrade very quickly....

    or stay  goodnight.gif ....

    To play I would look at aleast 3.0 cpu and at least 1 gig ram 2 would be better and very strong Graphic card with 256mb min biggrin_o.gif

    Too bad in my country the PC components are very expensive...BTW why req this huge performances?

  3. DarkPhantom @ Nov. 30 2006,10:13)]You want to play Armed Assault I say upgrade very quickly....

    or stay  goodnight.gif ....

    To play I would look at aleast 3.0 cpu and at least 1 gig ram 2 would be better and very strong Graphic card with 256mb min biggrin_o.gif

    Too bad in my country the PC components are very expensive...BTW why req this huge performances?

  4. Hi guys, I've bought online ArmA 3 days ago and I've wanted to play it. After 20 mins (low details, AA and AF and Shadows disabled) I start to see extremly low textures on the ground and buildings and If I want to exit it remains on reciving screen (very low resolution) and I have to shut it down it with Task Manager.

    My PC specs

    AMD Athlon XP 2500+ ~1.8 GHz

    1 GB of RAM

    250 Hdd space

    ATi Radeon 9800 pro 128 mb (driver date 24/7/2006)

    Microsoft Direct X (last version)

    Any help? what should I do? Should I update my drivers or change my video card?

  5. Hi guys, I've bought online ArmA 3 days ago and I've wanted to play it. After 20 mins (low details, AA and AF and Shadows disabled) I start to see extremly low textures on the ground and buildings and If I want to exit it remains on reciving screen (very low resolution) and I have to shut it down it with Task Manager.

    My PC specs

    AMD Athlon XP 2500+ ~1.8 GHz

    1 GB of RAM

    250 Hdd space

    ATi Radeon 9800 pro 128 mb (driver date 24/7/2006)

    Microsoft Direct X (last version)

    Any help? what should I do? Should I update my drivers or change my video card?
