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About Dragonia

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    Private First Class
  1. I have the ACE2 full config file which I downloaded from their site and there appears to be no other throw weapon than the default one. It also has the ACE grenade classes in it. They are also using the default put weapon. Even the inheritance path is regular, for example: Throw : GrenadeLauncher : Default and ACE_TeargasMuzzle : ThrowMuzzle : GrenadeLauncher : Default I'm baffled :confused:
  2. I've been wondering, how does the ACE2 handle throwables (hand grenades etc.) and puttables (mines & c4 etc.)? I searched through the configs and found out that they use their own user actions with conditions for the put commands (if the player has a certain magazine, the put action is available). The action runs a script that handles the actual creation of the charge etc. Is there more to this? If not, good. My main problem however are the throwables. Simply adding my own class to the magazines of the throw weapon doesn't seem to cut it. Even if I have my own grenade in my inventory, I cannot select it with the weapon switch. It just doesn't show on the upper right menu. I wonder if this has something to do with their own hand grenade system where you can choose the throwing style etc. Are the approved throwables listed in some config I don't know about or am I missing something else? Thank you for your answers, - E
  3. MadRussian's proposed melee system sounds interesting but as he said I would also like things like that to be optional. Not only because some people wouldn't like it but because all things that complicated eat that precious CPU and thus limits the number of zombies to be used.
  4. Great job 5133p39! Using as much of the engines own features as possible is of course the best way to go. The attack system sounds like a good catch. I'm still hoping you will keep it simple and don't try to bite too big of a slice. Light scripts, low CPU load and MP compatibility is what most people are looking for anyway. Keep up the good work! :ok:
  5. What I'd like to see is a simple MP compatible zombie addon which provides zombie units that when placed in the editor or created via scripts follow non-zombie units and try to kill them. Also they should be considered as an enemy to all sides. this way all the scenario elements are left to the mission maker: me. also I would like if only soft vehicles could be damaged by the zombies. Tanks etc. would be indestructible by them. Good luck with this project and all the FSM stuff. You're gonna need it. I'm really looking forward to it :bounce3:
  6. Dragonia


    I don't know about other people but this is not working for me: The unit just lays on his back and does not do any twitching nor gasping. I tried both playMove and switchMove. Any suggestions what I'm doing wrong?
  7. Dragonia

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    The videos are looking good. Is there a possibility to switch off the blood splatter? It could be OK for those gore-fest-kind of missions but I'd like an option to disable it for some really atmospheric missions I might make. Thanks.
  8. Dragonia

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    Yes, that makes sense. We don't want any additional load on the scripts that cuts the amount of infected we can use effectively. Keep up the good work.
  9. Dragonia

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    I think that it's a good idea to let the mission designer decide if the pilot can be in any danger so I vote for the global variable. In my opinion the infected should be fast enough to catch a fleeing civilian. I understand that sometimes the infected stop and "think" awhile because of the engine and that slows them down but in that case I think it's a good thing to let the mission designer have this one too like you said. How about a some kind of counter + randomizer that makes the infected change target after pursuing one for too long?
  10. Dragonia

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    I was thinking of starting to config and script my own infected but I just read through the whole thread and I must say I admire your determination, Charon. I halted my own project before even starting it since you have a really good thing going on here. I kinda feel sorry for you having to find your way around all those engine limitations. I know how frustrating it can be but on the other hand it can be really satisfying when you get some things to work like you want. Best of luck to your project, I know I will be using it for missions in the future.
  11. Dragonia


    Since there was discussion about drop pods I would like to present you my Deepstrike Script 1.0: README: Deepstrike script 1.0 by Dragonian ---------------------------------- Files: ------ -pods.sqs -dismount.sqs Function: -Drops a defined number of drop pods on the location the user has defined -the user can define scattering of the pods -the user can define the time between pods -the user can define the units in the pods -After the drop the units will disembark and move to an user defined location Usage: ------ -Copy both of the script files (pods.sqs and dismount.sqs) to your mission folder -Make a trigger -Make two markers (object/trigger/game logic) and name them what you like -Call this script on activate or deactivate: [Position marker, Number of pods, Xrange, Yrange, Starting height, Minimum time, Variable time, "Type of unit", "Type of leader", Friendly unit, Separate squad?, Waypoint marker] exec "pods.sqs" -Example: [marker1, 6, 100, 200, 300, 1, 2, "uterminator2", "uterminator3", chapterleader, true, marker2] exec "pods.sqs" Explanations: ------------- -Position marker: -Type = object/trigger/game logic -The marker you want the pods to be dropped on -Example: marker1 -Number of pods: -Type = number -The number of pods you want dropped on the location (Maximum of twelve (12) pods is recommended) -Example: 6 -Xrange: -Type = number -The X-axis range of the area in metres the pods will be dropped on -Example: 100 -Yrange: -Type = number -The Y-axis range of the area in metres the pods will be dropped on -Example: 200 -Starting height: -Type = number -altitude in metres the pods will be dropped from (Don't know if this really affects anything because the pods seem to take their own altitude if they are spawned in air) -Example: 300 -Minimum time: -Type = number -The minimum time in seconds between the creation of the pods -Example: 1 -Variable time: -Type = number -The variable time in seconds between the creation of the pods (a random value between zero (0) and this value will be added to the Minimun time value) -Example: 2 -"Type of unit": -Type = string -The type of the units in all the pods other than the leaders pod -Example: "uterminator2" = terminator with assault cannon -"Type of leader": -Type = string -The type of the leader of the squad -Example: "uterminator3" = terminator sergeant -Friendly unit: -Type = object (side = resistance) -Unit in which squad the dropped units will be assigned to if the squad is not separated as it's own squad -Example: chapterleader -Separate squad?: -Type = boolean (true or false) -Will the unit be separated as it's own squad or will it be joining the Friendly unit determined above (true = the unit will be on it's own / false = the unit will be lead by the Friendly unit) -Example: true -Waypoint marker: -Type = object/trigger/game logic -The marker you want the units to move after disembarking from the pods -Example: marker2 FILE: Deepstrike Script 1.0 Please give me constructive feedback about errors and bugs in the script on this board or with private message.
  12. Dragonia


    Since there was discussion about drop pods I would like to present you my Deepstrike Script 1.0: README: Deepstrike script 1.0 by Dragonian ---------------------------------- Files: ------ -pods.sqs -dismount.sqs Function: -Drops a defined number of drop pods on the location the user has defined -the user can define scattering of the pods -the user can define the time between pods -the user can define the units in the pods -After the drop the units will disembark and move to an user defined location Usage: ------ -Copy both of the script files (pods.sqs and dismount.sqs) to your mission folder -Make a trigger -Make two markers (object/trigger/game logic) and name them what you like -Call this script on activate or deactivate: [Position marker, Number of pods, Xrange, Yrange, Starting height, Minimum time, Variable time, "Type of unit", "Type of leader", Friendly unit, Separate squad?, Waypoint marker] exec "pods.sqs" -Example: [marker1, 6, 100, 200, 300, 1, 2, "uterminator2", "uterminator3", chapterleader, true, marker2] exec "pods.sqs" Explanations: ------------- -Position marker: -Type = object/trigger/game logic -The marker you want the pods to be dropped on -Example: marker1 -Number of pods: -Type = number -The number of pods you want dropped on the location (Maximum of twelve (12) pods is recommended) -Example: 6 -Xrange: -Type = number -The X-axis range of the area in metres the pods will be dropped on -Example: 100 -Yrange: -Type = number -The Y-axis range of the area in metres the pods will be dropped on -Example: 200 -Starting height: -Type = number -altitude in metres the pods will be dropped from (Don't know if this really affects anything because the pods seem to take their own altitude if they are spawned in air) -Example: 300 -Minimum time: -Type = number -The minimum time in seconds between the creation of the pods -Example: 1 -Variable time: -Type = number -The variable time in seconds between the creation of the pods (a random value between zero (0) and this value will be added to the Minimun time value) -Example: 2 -"Type of unit": -Type = string -The type of the units in all the pods other than the leaders pod -Example: "uterminator2" = terminator with assault cannon -"Type of leader": -Type = string -The type of the leader of the squad -Example: "uterminator3" = terminator sergeant -Friendly unit: -Type = object (side = resistance) -Unit in which squad the dropped units will be assigned to if the squad is not separated as it's own squad -Example: chapterleader -Separate squad?: -Type = boolean (true or false) -Will the unit be separated as it's own squad or will it be joining the Friendly unit determined above (true = the unit will be on it's own / false = the unit will be lead by the Friendly unit) -Example: true -Waypoint marker: -Type = object/trigger/game logic -The marker you want the units to move after disembarking from the pods -Example: marker2 FILE: Deepstrike Script 1.0 Please give me constructive feedback about errors and bugs in the script on this board or with private message.
  13. Dragonia


    A new issue: The ammunition link between marine's heavy bolter and his backpack doesn't have a texture.
  14. Dragonia


    A new issue: The ammunition link between marine's heavy bolter and his backpack doesn't have a texture.