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About Dawid

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  1. Dawid

    Fernau island

    the map is nice but you can more with german sign making and where you from? in germany? beacuse the sign come from germany and i too ^^
  2. the map and to projects see super out however can for me someone several Polish describe to make for me? I send you also to pictures of the Polish describe that would be super of you, thank bye
  3. hello, i have problem with TxtPathSwap.exe, beacuse if I the TxtPathSwap.exe start and the p3d load then occur such an error can it me help ? thanks you, bye bye
  4. hey ag_smith what do you make now further with yours objects?
  5. the download side is error, can you me correct give please
  6. hi for example I meant that i wish that you more polish signs make because I have tried however have not functioned . I have a new sign made from a15 from config.cpp, znaki.hpp with "zd" lista znaków.txt and in "zd" and i have then again packed up and had not functioned can you me help? dzieki bye
  7. czecs ag_smith your object is very good but make you later with your team more object for example more sign beacuse i wish more polish sign and i have try myself make more sign but has not functioned i hope you write back bye