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Everything posted by Sennacherib

  1. Sennacherib

    Armée Belge WIP

    good job, the news is posted: link
  2. Sennacherib

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    yeah, but if you have 3ds max, you can also see the final result i also hope to see near the christmas tree the BIS tools
  3. Sennacherib

    BTR-4 Armoured Personnel Carrier

    why did you remove the rivets? you can keep them, and add a lot of details. that would be great for a high polys model. you just need a low poly model, and you can do the normal mapping for the whole low poly model.i think, that for this kind of vehicle is the best way, instead of drawing the rivets in photoshop (and use a plugin). btw nice model, and a great idea.
  4. Sennacherib

    Invasion of Europe: Part 1   RELEASED!

    i tested it, i just can say, great job
  5. Sennacherib

    Mods/Addon Ideas

    some scifi stuffs: star wars for example
  6. Sennacherib

    p3d export tool

    yeah, great news.
  7. Sennacherib

    Using shaders in ArmA

    what about using the "merge textures" function from OË› ? http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....extures its woriking very well! if your uvmapping is good, you don't need to do that.
  8. Sennacherib

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    @Xonudix, for the tank you should use unfolding for the turret. @Sentry. you have 2 ways to create a normal map. 1- with photoshop, you draw all the details with black, white, grey, colors, it's a bump mapping, but to have the normal map you just need to use a plugin for photoshop made by Nvidia. 2- the 2 models (low and high polys), if you have a modern 3d program, you can do that easily. you don't need the BIS tools.
  9. Sennacherib

    American Motorcycles

    some OCC choppers would be cool too.
  10. Sennacherib

    Norwegian Rangers addon

    dl also available at Armed Assault.info : http://www.armedassault.info/index.p....temid=1
  11. Sennacherib

    Invasion of Europe: Part 1   RELEASED!

    yeah, great news.
  12. Sennacherib

    Which effects do you prefer ?

    the question was asked the february 26 2005
  13. Sennacherib

    The Middle East part 2

    France is not a real democracy the iranian people is a great pepole, child of the Persia, but unfortunately, their government is a stupid fundamentalist government. i agree with Nemesis6, Iran must not have nukes. this is too dangerous not only for Israel, bul also for other countries.
  14. Sennacherib

    Tonal Special Forces

    thx Ebud, your mod is definitively a, must to have
  15. Sennacherib

    The Art thread

    assembling: assembling
  16. Sennacherib

    Tonal Redux

    can't wait
  17. Sennacherib

    World War II CZ MOD

    or you can use the lighting map, i suppose that you have that in C4D
  18. Sennacherib

    high definition Tropic island

    are you crazy dude? try to learn to use a real 3d problem, where it's possible to cut or add edges. btw nice job, mate
  19. Sennacherib


    why you don't use the binarize iT made by col klink, you don't need to write a cmd
  20. Sennacherib

    S-400 Triumf Help

    no in mlod textswap (or something) can't change the path of the textures when the model is an odol.
  21. Sennacherib

    The Art thread

    @Verbal it's just a modified picture i like your drawings, but i don't like their backgrounds, the first face is really awesome, but its background, destroy the drawing. because this is the first thing, that we can see. i don't know how to explain that. you should try with some other colors. can i copy your picture to show some things?
  22. Sennacherib

    S-400 Triumf Help

    no, your file must be a mlod, to change that, you need to have odol explorer.
  23. Sennacherib

    S-400 Triumf Help

    for your problem in the other topic, your model must be a mlod
  24. Sennacherib

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA modding?

    i'm not sure for the first years because that will be harder to make addons for Arma,. After 1 or 2 years, yeah of course we will have 323423423 billion M4
  25. Sennacherib

    Tonal Redux

    great news, can't wait for the south african mercs. i guess, they will be in the resistance side with the government units. i was afraid for one thing; that you didn't keep the word "Tango", i like to hear the BIS voices tell this word.