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Everything posted by Sennacherib

  1. Sennacherib

    Binmod Release Thread

    yes :p Sanc's ww4 anims are the best; you should use them; this is my opinion, of course you are free to make what you want ;)
  2. Sennacherib

    Binmod Release Thread

    they are from WW4 anims?
  3. Sennacherib

    Binmod Release Thread

    the anim: run/lean :)
  4. Sennacherib

    Road To Caen Demo

    personally I use BIS faces ;) btw, if someone is interested, I could release US soldiers. I made them a long time ago; the basis was the german soldier. They are not finished (no custom pouches, textures are not perfect, no wound textures), because these soldiers was intended to be only a texturing exercise. :) they use Upminder's weapons (some of them are modified) + SZ_optics.
  5. Sennacherib

    Binmod Release Thread

    I tried your mod, and all is fine (sounds, effects etc etc), you did a good job ;) the only thing that I don't like very much, is the animations. maybe you could try Sanctuary's anims. :)
  6. Sennacherib

    WW2 map

    thx; no, this is the LIB41-45 Gaz mlod. I reworked the model and made the uvmapping ;)
  7. Sennacherib

    WW2 map

    a new building for the cities: I updated also my website with more pictures http://3d-mod.over-blog.com/ :) btw all the objects present on the pictures will be available in game
  8. Sennacherib

    Italian Front Addons

    the brown semovente won't be released; textures are missing ;) currently I check the two other variants (yellow and camouflaged).
  9. Sennacherib

    Unreal Engine 3 Tech Demo Video

    cgi or not; this is really impressive.
  10. Sennacherib

    Vehicles names

    thx. still a strange british vehicle :)
  11. Sennacherib

    Vehicles names

    hi, Someone knows which is the name of the wheeled vehicle in this pic: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/57/Alligators_passing_Terrepin_amphibious_vehicles.jpg sorry to create a thread for that, but I don't know where to put my question? because this is not a request for ofp nor arma.
  12. Sennacherib

    Road To Caen Demo

    yes, but personally I still prefer your animations. I know, this is not a contest, i just give my opinion.;) The grass is nice, the trees too, even if for my taste they are too much green. The weapons and the Brits are a nice surprise :)
  13. Sennacherib

    Road To Caen Demo

    damn', this is crazy mate. :eek: I was member of WW2EC, and I have never put my hands on these addons. Bielow , you are a magician ;)
  14. Sennacherib

    Binmod Release Thread

    downloaded; I'm going to try your mod ;)
  15. Sennacherib

    WW2 map

    thx, in fact only the textures are detailled, I try to keep the number of faces as low as possible;)
  16. Sennacherib

    WW2 map

    excellent mate, and welcome back at home :p
  17. Sennacherib

    (Unnoficial) Invasion 44 patch 2.8

    and some other toys will be soon released (standalone versions) :)
  18. a nice picture: http://www.warmuseum.ca/cwm/exhibitions/guerre/photos/2800/19440025-015front.jpg and the website: http://www.warmuseum.ca/cwm/exhibitions/guerre/photo-e.aspx?PageId=3.B.1&photo=3.B.1.p&f=%2Fcwm%2Fexhibitions%2Fguerre%2Ffirearms-e.aspx
  19. Sennacherib

    (Unnoficial) Invasion 44 patch 2.8

    I have some inv44 stuff, that Bielow gave to me. But like most of the inv44 addons (unreleased), there is a lot of job to do for putting them in game (mapping, texturing, lods etc etc). Instead of crappy comment, Bielow and fuzzmaster would prefer maybe some help. personally I won't try to put in game all the unfinished inv44 addons.
  20. Sennacherib

    brigdes on map

    currently I use BAS bridges from Tonal map. the pillars seem long enough. I tried to lock the p3d in the editor, but that doesn't work, the part of bridge which is over water, is even not visible? :confused: that was more easy to put bridges with the old wrpedit :p
  21. Sennacherib

    brigdes on map

    hi, I try to put bridges on my map, but i don't succeed to put them at the right place. I read the wrptool manual, but that doesn't work. someone would know a good way to put the bridges on a map.
  22. Sennacherib

    OFP Addon request thread

    here : http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9336 here: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8101 or here : http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9459 this is the same vehicle
  23. Sennacherib

    WW2 map

    btw, i'm going to release BatlingBitch's objects : (some objects are missing on the pic: rabbit shed, fountain, ...) I have updated my site with new pictures of a basic town house: http://3d-mod.over-blog.com/ :)
  24. Sennacherib

    brigdes on map

    yes, I did that, but each time the parts don't stay at the places defined.
  25. Sennacherib

    vegetation choice

    ok, after the last test, I decided to use BIS vegetations + some trees, bushes from other addons. I won't use JC vegetation (excepted the fern). :)