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Everything posted by Sennacherib

  1. Sennacherib

    weapon fans of the UK

    i always thought that the weapons are for the guys who have nothing in their pants. In the civil society we don't need guns. and of course guns are not toys but lethal objects no offense, this is just my opinion.
  2. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    sorry if i didn't post some news since a long time; i'm really busy in rl, but i find some times to finish the new ifv for the thyrian army, and also the new wtu ifv, the new weapons for the wtu army are also finished + the thyrian blackops are finished and also the texturing of the wtu soldiers. 4 others vehicles are almost finished and i begun to work on a new wtu soldier (a modification of the Sanctuary's soldier):)
  3. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    hi, i need some help; currently i try to find a lot of pictures of vehicules prototyps like this one : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d3/XM808-Twister-haugh.jpg or this one: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a6/XM800W-haugh.jpg if you know other prototyps, could you send me the links, thx. :)
  4. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    The MX-C3 in game + an update of the soldier's textures.:) btw: the objects are from the OPGWC mod, currently i try to remove all the problems of these objects (geo lod, roadway lod etc). And i'm going to release some objects useful for my own mod, but with full credits for the OPGWC mod which did an amazing job.:)
  5. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    The MX-C3 almost textured, I must finish 2 or 3 details + the magazine. more stuff: http://3d-mod.over-blog.com/ :)
  6. Sennacherib

    Unreal Engine 3 now free

    wow great news, EPIC is an excellent company, thx to them
  7. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    yes i know, i try to find where is this problem ;)
  8. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    yes, i planned to make some artillery systems but later, i must finish the texturing for the new vehicles and the weapons ;)
  9. Sennacherib

    WW4 Modpack 1

    thx a lot Sanct i'm going to try this release asap :)
  10. Sennacherib

    When did you purchase OFP?

    2002 :)
  11. Sennacherib

    WW4 Modpack 1

    nice stuff Sanct :eek: yes, i was always annoyed by the attitude of the BIS choppers against infantry, thx to have improved the CPP :notworthy:
  12. Sennacherib

    New Sci-Fi Mod

    try to change "3148", the number doesn't match the picture :)
  13. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    thx mate, i'm not the best, but the second yes :D i'm kidding of course:p well, the modelling is stopped for now, it's time for the boring stuff; the uvmapping and also the texturing. I'm going to make them quickly ;)
  14. Sennacherib

    New Sci-Fi Mod

    sad news, mate. I had the same, 4 months ago. I hope your mother will recover quickly :)
  15. Sennacherib

    OFPWH40Kv3 MOD

    i can help you for the french translation :)
  16. (edited to avoid problems), but this is a funny sentence @The Sun, amazing job
  17. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    the new reworked MAV-20 IFV: more pictures: http://3d-mod.over-blog.com/ :)
  18. Sennacherib

    Weird textures

    for the screenshot, this is a problem with the anti-aliasing, try to increase the level, and enable the temporal anti-aliasing (ati catalyst center) :)
  19. Sennacherib

    SAW VI has been banned in Europe!!

    there is a different between a fiction and the reality. personally i like horror films, brrr nightmare nightmare :p in fact nobody knows the status of UK in Europe :j:
  20. Sennacherib

    Weird textures

    I have never seen that before. in the Flashpoint.cfg, some values are missing: - your cpu - the geometry performance try to put these values: textures: cockpits, objects, landscape at 2048x2048 (this is my settings, i don't have any problems) special effects: 64x64 auto drop-down: x8 my geometry value for "geometry performance" is 6341 I have an ati serie x1000 128mb, and i can use direct 3d HW T&L. this is strange that you can use 3D HW T&L :confused: try to increse the value for Mipmap level of detail, i can run the game at Hight quality. try to increase also the anisiotropic filtering, you can try 6x
  21. Sennacherib

    Dragon Rising has been released

    how many copies of Arma2, did you see? 1 or 2 ? :p
  22. Sennacherib

    sdk-we can get it

    this impossible because the rights are divided between bis and codemaster:) but that would be cool to have the sdk
  23. Sennacherib

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    np mate, you can use them. yeah! i'm curious to see the result;)
  24. Sennacherib

    Dragon Rising has been released

    way of thinking dictatorial:icon_rolleyes:
  25. Sennacherib

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I prefer a playable game than just a gadget. And I hope that BIS have changed the lighting, too shiny in Arma2. if Arrowhead has the same lighting, be prepared to play with sun glasses. + the ridiculous voices and sentences