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Everything posted by Dimitry

  1. Dimitry

    new leopard 1a4 model

    I think 11.000 faces are way too much! If you have a look at some other addons you'll see that they are also high-quality but with less faces than yours. An example: Put a squad of your tanks on a map. Then place some enemies on the map, too. And remember, your squad has over 40.000 polys! If you put a squad RHS tanks and you add some infantry you'll it isn't funny anymore 'cause perhaps you have now over 80.000 polys on your map. A mission with your tanks would be impossible for lower CPU systems. Greetz Dimitry.
  2. Dimitry

    Semper Fidelis

    I agree! This would be a very good solution. This Abrams is awesome! Your textures fit exactely to the real camo! Very good job. Keep it up!
  3. Dimitry

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Can we set up a rule that no pics by Inv44 are allowed in this thread? It makes me feel sad Hell, NOOO!!! Show us more, please!!!
  4. Dimitry


    I can send you the wings if you want. Just Pm me.
  5. Dimitry


    You should better say: "We are working on good textures."
  6. Dimitry


    Oh yeah, it´s a plane! A very great plane, by the way! There are some very good blueprints of the Phantom and its versions at: http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw/f4phantomatl.html and http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw/f4.html. German Air Force used the RF-4E which is a Reconnaisaince-Version of the "normal" F-4. I can sent you a bunch of pics, if you want to. But tommorow, I´m really tired now. Greetings Dimitry
  7. Dimitry


    Are you going to do RF-4E Phantom? I´m just asking, because I´m looking for a good model for quite a long time now. I would like to have one, to complete my German F-4 Pack! But don´t see this as a must-do! You can do what you like...
  8. Dimitry

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    Just wanted to show some old screens from Eastborder by FDF
  9. Dimitry

    Semper Fidelis

    Oh, I haven´t seen that it´s the same helmet... A version with the visor down would be really nice.
  10. Dimitry

    Semper Fidelis

    Those helmets do look amazing! One suggetsion: I would prefer this helmet for heli-pilots: But it´s only because I like this one
  11. Dimitry

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    Addons: Bas_Blackhawks/Photoshop_Sun
  12. Dimitry

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Yes, I have a bigger version: http://img131.exs.cx/img131/1527/dxdshot11big9re.jpg
  13. Dimitry

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    Great pics @ all. Addons: Dak_Seang, SebNan, CSJ´s Hueys.
  14. Dimitry

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    Addons: Dak_Seang, Col.Klink´s Boat and CSJ-Hueys.
  15. Dimitry

    the ultimate airport

    Mapfact Nogova has also a very good airport!
  16. Dimitry

    B52 Textures

    Just have a look at http://www.jpsmodell.de/dc/luft_flug_e.htm#b52 There are a few good camo schemes. greetings, dimitry
  17. Dimitry

    Semper Fidelis

    Yeah, that´s okay, I´m busy with homework, too.
  18. Dimitry

    Semper Fidelis

    Hey FischKopp, have you received my last PM?
  19. Dimitry

    Mapfact discussion thread

    Yeah great pics! I like the small base on the last pic
  20. Dimitry

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Hi, It is the reflective water that comes with dxdll. It´s photoshopped, but only the colors. That makes it look quite interesting, I think.
  21. Dimitry

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    Nice animals! EDIT: Sorry, forgot the addons: M1A2SEP and NewLand
  22. Dimitry

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    Thank you! But this time every pic is less than 100kb Forgot to mention the addons: Footmunch´s excellent Jaguar and TomiD´s and Footmunch´s F4. Also excellent of course!
  23. Dimitry

    Csla 2

    Yes, looks very nice! I like this FIA Bmp.
  24. Dimitry

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    Some photos from NewLand Sorry for 101kb Addons: NewLand, dxdll
  25. Dimitry


    Yes, that´s right. I was quite dissapointed, when King Homer stopped working on his excellent Hk pack.