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Everything posted by DB-ERAUPilot

  1. DB-ERAUPilot

    The best war movie ever

    I've seen BAT21 mentioned alittle..I don't know if many know but that movie was utter bullshit. It was made when the actual story of BAT21 was still classified so they just put together a movie with very general "facts". BAT21 was actually rescued by a US Navy SEAL a south vietnamese SEAL the rescue was as "exciting" as running away from a napalm strike but the SEAL, tom norris was his name I believe did recieve the medal of honor during the war if I recall correctly...just figured I'd shed some light on that movie...
  2. DB-ERAUPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    But, he keeps changing over the years. Billybob...I respect you as a board member and as a person but that has got to be the DUMBEST thing I've ever seen posted on any board period...what person doesn't change ideas over the years...when we were kids we used to think girls had the "koodies", do you still think they do? I hope not..people change the way they think about alot of things it's called GETTING OLDER..not flip flopping..if your not a republican why the hell are you defending that "fuck-up of a president" only a true Bush hawk would defend this idiot with as much heart as you do..if your a republican then be proud to be one..even though your wrong..if your not then stop defending this prick...if you even noticed...Bush isn't too popularin American(the world for that matter) for a number of reasons(the one I hate him most for is that fact that because of him over 900 of our bravest for his own personal vendetta)...oh and yeah Bush hasn't changed his thinking one bit and look where it has gotten us...
  3. DB-ERAUPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    It does? Please show me where Billybob2002's words say anything about flip-flopping. There's a reason he doesn't state his opinions more directly. You see, as soon as someone posts a successful argument against Kerry flip-flopping then Billybob2002 will conveniently respond with, "I never said he did." I'll wait until he finds the courage to state his argument more openly before I invest any energy composing a counter argument. A-freakin-men, it's kinda sad someone can just be spoon-fed stuff just because they belong to that politcal party. And no one on this board can argue against Bush's inability to make decisions that can lead to the loss of life(Bush thinking="hmmm should I continue reading this childrens book or act like a president try to get a hold on the current situation..I'll continue reading..don't wanna scare the kids..") yeah this is the guy that should lead American..NOT
  4. DB-ERAUPilot

    The best war movie ever

    Mine are: 1.Band of Brothers series 2.We Were Soldiers 3.A Bridge Too Far 4.Tour of Duty series(mainly season 1) 5.Battle of Britain(A TRUE classic)
  5. DB-ERAUPilot

    OFrP New Releases!!!

    are there any more links to the missions? that site is running kinda slow now...thanks in advance
  6. DB-ERAUPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    LOL..thas some funny stuff...but sad at the same time cause it's true
  7. DB-ERAUPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    Maybe a candidate...I'm not a bush hawk... umm yeah u are...you follow his BS blindly without question..I bet if he walked outside and said the sky was purple u'd be on the boards arguing it was true...LOL its cool though vote for who you want just don't do it because he belongs to your chosen party that is MINDLESS and takes no effort especially when it's someone as unqualified as bush
  8. DB-ERAUPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    well, if they wanted him he would've been a presidental nominee out of the two times he's ran instead they just place him on the back burner until they need someone to lose...oh yeah and he's gonna lose even a Bush hawk like you can admit that Obama is sure to be a canidate for president one day
  9. DB-ERAUPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    Dude you post too many articles...what is your point...ohhhh he's lost FOUR times...ok...and your point...
  10. DB-ERAUPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    Your kidding right... you do realize he ran TWICE for your parties nomination for president and barely even got out of single digits...and I know its uncle tom..thomas just sounds more "sellout-ish"
  11. DB-ERAUPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    Bush is an idiot surrounded by yes-men, I used to think Colin Powell was a great man with fortitude till I relized when it mattered he won't stand up for what is right either I don't see how in the world Bush's cabinet hasn't spoken out at all about so many lies and short comings..I guess to some its more important to stay loyal to your political party than the AMERICAN PEOPLE. Anyone who watches that vid and who doesn't get mad should have their citizen stripped and deported to fallujah with a bullseye strapped to their ass. Republican don't relize when this idiot was reading(and even doing a bad job at that) a childrens book to kids thousands of innocent people(republicans, democrats, independants..ALL AMERICANS) were being slain. HE JUST SAT THERE people on this board try to explain that away by saying oh Kerry froze..so the fuck what...Kerry wasn't president on that day alot of us froze but we look to our president to show leadership and push forward not read a book to kids just because your afraid you might scare some kids. I wish people would use their COMMON SENSE and not their political party BS to see what happened..he just sat there on a side note...Alan "uncle thomas" Keyes has chosen to run against Barak Obama for the senate seat of Illinois. Keyes has lost TWICE to win the republican parties nomination for president I guess he wants to open up his losing score in the senate..he hasn't relized his own party doesn't even want him...he's such an embarrasment...
  12. DB-ERAUPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    OMG...Kerry froze !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey ummm billybob, I know its hard for some of yall bush hawks to know the difference so let's go slow on this.THERE-IS-A-DIFFERENCE-BETWEEN-A-SENATOR-WHO-ISN'T-COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF-TAKING-LONGER-TO-MAKE-A-DECISION-THAN-BUSH-WHO-IS- AND SITS-ON-HIS-ASS-WHILE-HE-ALONE-HAS-THE-EXECUTIVE-POWER-AND-RESPONSIBLITY-TO- ACT...PERIOD... try again here chief btw..have you watched the compressed tape? you might want to before you let yourself get blindly spoon fed his "save and re-elect my lying and indecisive ass" BS
  13. DB-ERAUPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    Denoir's "Forsearch" rocks WOW...I can't believe it..that DUMB ASS sat there for an awefully long time anyone who sees that and still votes for this guy on his "decision making" outta be mailed a huge stupid sign to wear around their neck so people know not to ask them questions about anything that may be deemed important...and what was his excuse again for not snaping into action something like "I didn't wanna alarm the kids" WTF!? what a dumb ass....
  14. DB-ERAUPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    It's VERY nice to know some republicans still believe in whats right and wrong when it comes to a political campaign.. McCain on Anti-Kerry Ad
  15. DB-ERAUPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    It's times like these I wish someone would feed that idiot another pretzel maybe this time he won't be so lucky I am sure this retard will go down as one of the worse presidents in U.S. History
  16. DB-ERAUPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2004-08-05-bushism_x.htmCan some one tell him to engage the gears in his brain before letting the clutch out on his mouth. I shake my head in wonder that they allow any one so thick to be commander in chief of the worlds biggest nuclear stockpile Flummoxed walker walker if I only knew how to answer that question
  17. DB-ERAUPilot


    not to sound rude or anything..but are you an operator? you making alot of assumptions as though you are in the know. Any guy who shoots weapons on a regular basis will tell you having two mags at the ready is always better than one..this is common sense. And on the militaryphotos.net ..that site is questionable to say the least most of those guys on that site except a VERY few are wannabes and and airsoft junkies. Something to think about. You just got a reply not long ago from someone I would call "in the know" take it at that or leave it alone..if Extraction and Drill Sergeant decide to use or not use double mags it ulitmately up to them..lets leave it at that and get back to more constructive topics...
  18. DB-ERAUPilot

    ORCS RF Motorized Riflemen

    People were crying like babies when BAS went "tango-uniform" and called it quits. Mod groups like ORCS make me truely believe OFP will be just fine great work on another quality addon guys
  19. DB-ERAUPilot


    well, to keep it short they DO, as a matter of fact alot of soldiers (don't have to be spec ops) tape mags together in the combat zone just cuts down on reloading time..I'm sure real life pics will be inbound soon.
  20. DB-ERAUPilot

    Us presidential election 2004

    hey I have an idea let's ask bush jr's squadron mates how bush stood up in combat....oh wait bush didn't see any I think what bothers republicans is the fact that they have two COWARDS in the white house and Bill Clinton was right when he said him, bush and cheney could've served their country but chose not to. Now all the republicans can do is try to split hairs on how Kerry earned his medals and how he acted in combat since the Cheney and Bush are such expects....lol NOT
  21. DB-ERAUPilot

    Korea... next?

    With what forces, seeing that much is in Iraq right now? How long to mobilize and get there? Would most probably require a callup. And what about other country's military getting involved? well, airpower is there...we've always got atleast one carrier battle group in the region the problem would be inserting additional ground forces. A call of up reserves would be almost impossible since the army has been "back-door" drafting people to go to iraq and afghanistan. The 82nd Airborne or 10th Mountain would probaly be the way to go at first but as stated before they're busy chasing iraqies and terrorists..getting armor there would probaly be the biggest problem especially if NK special forces were successful of taking out airfields closer to the parallel ie Osan AFB I'm not sure how long it would take to get a Marine MEU(SOC) in there but they too wouldn't be able to last long without support..the situation would be really iffy at first...
  22. DB-ERAUPilot

    Korea... next?

  23. DB-ERAUPilot

    Korea... next?

    this sounds alot like the bullshit Bush tried to sell us on Iraq..."oh yes, the koreans are waiting for their American savior..." please. Judging how most of the current generation SK civilian thinks its our fault the two koreas aren't united I think it'll be pretty hard to convince the average NK citizen to turn on their country. Now I LOVE this country(America) but we are invincible...we may have not loss in korea during the first war but we sure as hell didn't win either and btw that war is still going on there was never a treaty just a cease fire. They may not be as up to date in equipment as us but they are trained from day one on who to carry out an invasion(they call it reunification) of the south and let's not forget CHINA...yeah everybody thinks China is an allie the sad thing is NK is a lose/lose situation and things have only gotten worse with Bush's "nose thumbing" at HIS axis of evil...
  24. DB-ERAUPilot

    Korea... next?

    Actually that was the current leaders father..
  25. DB-ERAUPilot

    Korea... next?

    lol, bucket man your funny...50,000 a day...been watchin too many movies bro....if anyone would be losing large numbers of lives a day it would be the SK civilians for the simple fact that the war would be in THEIR cities and NK doctrine would not be like ours to avoid civilian casualites at all costs..we'd be almost pushed into the sea before reinforcements could arrive..get off the holllywood hoopla dude as said before a war with NK would be costly on ALL sides