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About Dreamline

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Dreamline

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    I love DS AI, so please don't consider this a gripe... It's "GORY GORY what a helluvaway to die," not "Glory, glory..." Regardless, I was pleasantly surprised when a unit broke into song and others started to chime in and sing along. I've heard them pray from time to time, but never sing. Great stuff.
  2. Dreamline

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    These things wouldn't happen to have anything to do with event handlers, would they? Â
  3. You are so right on with this post, it's not even funny. I always found it odd that a game most celebrated for its "realism" has one of the most unrealistic implementations of infantry combat I've ever played. Now, the simulation of an individual soldier is very well done (ie: scope drift), and taken to a level that is just about as far as you can get short of attempting to implement the physical and psychological affects that combat has on the mind and body. I can only imagine how intense and satisfying OFP would be if the infantry simulation was something similiar to what BIA has in place; however, with such, you would need sufficient cover all across the map.
  4. Dreamline

    Vietcong Soldiers

    No, of course not. I'm not running after you with legal documents, I've just played Pterodon's VC so many times; I know those faces all too well. I think its a great source because, like I said, the VC textures are very well done. I was hoping to convince you to not use the US skins from that game, since a large majority of them are fairly disturbing; and doing so without prior discussion of why I was talking about "grotesque" textures from some seemingly random game would have been an invitation for an unwanted enquiry into my mental stability. That is why I had to ask.
  5. Dreamline

    Vietcong Soldiers

    Not to rain on your parade or anything, but are these skins from the PC game VietCong http://www.vietcong-game.com/ by Pterodon? Not like I would blame you if they were, or at least based on them. The VC skins in that game were excellent. For some reason, though, the faces for the US side, except for maybe Hornster and Defort, gave off the impression of what one would look like if one were to be broadsided by a 2x4 (with the face of the commander looking as though it was "sewn" just a bit too tight around the neck, pulling and twisting every feature off to the side.)
  6. Dreamline

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    I have played it through twice with EECP, and have only encountered one issue: the chopper smacking into the tree's; however, the second time around, this didn't happen.
  7. Dreamline

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Maybe you should install DirectX 8...? Just kidding. Here, try this: Add -nomap to the command line in the short cut, ie: "c:\...\flashpointresistance.exe" -nomap -mod=...
  8. Dreamline

    Operation flashpoint: your alternate title here

    So I see. Either your memory is good and well intact, or by some miracle of rhetoric you have found a search criteria that can envoke a level of interpretation able to deduce meaning regardless of lexical complexity. Then it is my contribution to those threads that did not answer to the call of my humble query. Either way, you can kindly remove the storm clouds you have so purposefully positioned over my parade. Â
  9. I would like to suggest to you two sufficiently descriptive, alternative, titles (applicable to all of the commercial campaign distributions) for this great game that we all know and love... #1 - Operation Flashpoint: My Team Was Annihilated (again) And I'm Hiding In A Bush (again) With An Angry Unmoving T-80 Right Next To Me (again) - and - #2 - Operation Flashpoint: Who Let Stevie Wonder Drive? And now I would like to see your own variations...
  10. Dreamline

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Rock on. I am really looking forward to the next release...
  11. Dreamline

    American civil war mod close release!!!

    Thanks Triglav, and pickett, for both of your replies. General Lee on a mule, lol. That would be more of an insult to poor old Traveler. Well, gentlemen, I have been inspired by both of your replies to seek out the nearest corner, sit, and drool. Even without Cavalry, or more specifically in this case, Sheridan, Mackenzie, and Fitzhugh Lee; White Oak Road would still be a good battle on which to build a mission. There was plenty of infantry: Warren, Griffin and Crawfords divisions; and Ayres, just to name a few. With the Rebels desperate to keep up their numbers and entrenched behind the earthworks, and the Union boys in complete chaos, it would make for some seriously intense trench-warfare.
  12. Dreamline

    American civil war mod close release!!!

    This sounds awesome! I have a couple questions, if you don't mind me asking them: - Will there be cavalry units? For some reason, I think something like this would be beyond the capabilites of OFP. I hope I'm wrong, for the sake of missions that could be made based on historical engagements. No cavalry would mean no Sheridan/Fitzhugh Lee/Stuart. - Are you planning on creating an addon based on the 7 shot repeater carbine? I can see how this would imbalance things (multiplayer wise), hell, it imbalanced the real war tremendously. Wow, imagine the mission possibilities here... Longstreet's command, or riding with Sheridan; as a soldier in 5th Corps, maybe as Chamberlain, hell maybe even as Warren, during the engagement at White Oak Road; perhaps as "Johnny Reb," or Pickett, in that same engagement. How awesome would it be to witness first hand the wraith of Jackson and his Stonewall brigade at first manasses, or witness the slaughter at Fredricksburg. And, OMG, can you say Gettysburg? Chamberlain's bayonet charge from Little Round Top? If you havent figured it out by now, Â I am *really* looking forward to this.
  13. Dreamline

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    There is the semi-portable mortar system in MFCTI 1.6. The catch being that after it is "built" it cannot be moved. It is available through the repair-truck build options. That is the only thing I can think of, unfortunately.
  14. Dreamline

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    In a window near the upper-left corner of the screen, 'RHS_T55_pack MP error' flashes whenever any RHS script (or so I presume) is called. In the readme for the pack, it said that by defining the variable 'RHS_T55_NoScripts = true' with global scope, it will allow you to use the T55's without scripts; moreso, defining 'RHS_NoScripts = true' in the same scope will allow you to use all Red Hammer addons without scripts. I have tried both suggestions though unfortunately to no avail; nonetheless, had it worked, I fear that it would defeat the purpose for which you decided to include them. I hope that this error is not an isolated event, for then I would be responsible for sending you on a wild goose chase. The conditions for replication would be just a simple MP mission with one crewed T55 - the error message should begin to fire the instant it is spawned, or at least, the first time an operation of its functionality is performed.
  15. Dreamline

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Just a quick note to let you know that the RHS T55 scripts in this version will misbehave in a multiplayer game whenever T55's are spawned, the RHS script itself letting you know this multiple times. Other than that, it (and all previous versions) work fine in MP. Excellent idea and execution of that idea, BTW. I watch this thread like a hawk. Thanks to your fine effort, all of the blood, sweat, and tears endured by the makers of these addons you've incorporated into your project is no longer for naught, as their contributions are now easily accessible, seen, and experienced by all of us who have followed your progress.