Hello Folks,
i would give some Informations about the NVA (East German Army)... First off all - your work is great and the showing Pictures are very good!
Now here you find a ZIP with Reference-Material of the Uniform, Boots and Tanker-Cap...
Now, some Corrections for the shown Units of the East German Army.
First: On Field-Uniform (FDU = Felddienstuniform) there aren't colored Shoulder-Badges. The used were only oliv-drab onecoloured...
Bigger Picture
Second: The Helmet ist too Green! The Original Color ist like a very dark Grey... I've coloured the Second Soldier to show you how!
Bigger Picture
Third: The Uniform is too tight! The NVA used an Uniform that is very light and comfortable.
Bigger Image
Four: The Käppi (Cap) for the Soldiers has no Camouflage and also a Grey Color like the Helmet...
I Hope this Informations/Pictures make the Units as realistic as in the Real World...
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