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Everything posted by Dracos

  1. Dracos

    OFP videography

    thought i would add a video of mine. Just a bit of fun reall. I call it "top Gun" although i named the file armordeath.... hrmmm :P http://www.edgefiles.com/downloa....ath.zip enjoy.
  2. use triggers that are controlled by radio commands, with an ambient custom noise attatched (ie the typing). When you get in the computer 'trigger zone' enter the radio command (0-0-1 or so) and then the typing sound comes in,lots of on screen text comes up saying someything relevant to whats going on, (on a timer), when the timer counts down, script ends, computer is 'hacked', typing noise stopped, and user control is handed back to the player. Job done. Next step... get someone who can script that, cos I sure as hell cant. Theory? yes, that I can do. Actually writing the code? yea right.... Good luck... sounds like a good mission objective. (although just a glorified steal the UAZ mission )
  3. Dracos

    Ofpmark part deux (ofpmark v2.0)

    My results. *has no screenshot proof* SO, onwards. My Box: ABIT 865PE P4 2.8Ghz HT (OC'd to 3.3Ghz) 1x512MB DDR400 (PC3200) GeForce FX5200 128MB DDR (OC'd to: 301mhz Core/515mhz Memory) AGP 8X OS: Win XP With AA/AF OFF and readme settings: Run One: 1084.29 Run Two: 1292 With AA=4X & AF=8X and the following settings: Terrain Detail = Very Low MultiTexturing = Disabled Object Shadows = Disabled Vehicle Shadows = Disabled Visibility = 4180 Visual Quality = 9.21 Frame Rate = 20.40 Game Version = 1.96 Run One: 1589.21 Run Two: 1538.39 Settings as above, but AA = 2x Run One: 2275.03 I only did one run, as the results were obviously better.