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Everything posted by DrDestruction

  1. DrDestruction

    Cast Away

    There were some multi-player mods like this for Warcraft III, where you and your friends had to work together to survive. There was wild life to eat, and you had to build a fire to stay warm. You could build a shelter to sleep in, or you could build weapons to kill others and take their stuff. Perhaps in an MP version you could build spears or something to kill the other team with, or random weapon caches could "wash up" on shore. Just an idea, since I always like MP OFP MUCH better than SP OFP.
  2. DrDestruction

    New Ocean Island... Flood

    To all the people who complain about this being "distasteful" and "disrespectful": Is it really any different than playing a WW2 mod for fun? Or do we have to wait 60 years to start making these missions? Or does it bother you because it happened in your life time, and it's up to your children to be apathetic? I feel for the people who lost their homes and their life. I really do. But I don't see why that should stop us from creating certain things. Now if it was to the point where the survivors were being mocked and belittled, then I'd having something to say. Until then, I'm gonna reinstall OFP, and give these maps a go.
  3. DrDestruction


    Already one in the works.
  4. DrDestruction

    Over the top

    Hey, I'm working on a pack of WWI Australian infantry for the Over the Top mod. Unfortunately, they have no texturer. So I was wondering if anyone on these forums with texturing ablilities would help me out. I'll post screenshots once they get some textures on them.
  5. DrDestruction

    Hi res cwc campaign

    This was suggested in another topic, but I am working on a Hi Res CWC Campaign. It will use the best addons that are around. I will use the USMC Assualt Pack, ECP, BAS Delta/Rangers, BAS UH-60 Pack, Hi Res CWC Islands, and much MUCH more. Alot of the stuff I couldn't find replacments for, so I replaced the crew. For example I changed the crew from the 5 ton truck to be a USMC Marpat Rifleman. I already have 7 missions converted, but I need some help. If you can help me, E-Mail me or add me to MSN at [email protected].
  6. DrDestruction

    Invasion of france

    Hey, I'm helping the mod Invasion of France again. We need some help though. Here's what we need: Top and Right pictures of a MAS m36, Chatellerault m24/29, MAS m38, and MLE 1935a. If you can get these things to us, maybe we can show you some pretty screenshots.
  7. DrDestruction

    Invasion of france

    Ah, thanks. But we need some top views that we could model off of. But these are good for textures.
  8. DrDestruction

    Deer addon!!!!

    Don't worry, I'm working on a deer.
  9. DrDestruction

    Animated chicken version 1.0

    Aside from the cow I made, I've found alot of 3ds models that can be downloaded. Like ducks and penguins.
  10. DrDestruction

    Ofp deluxe!

    I'm working on a Hi Res CWC Campaign. Go to my topic for details.
  11. DrDestruction

    Animated chicken version 1.0

    No offense, mig, but the cow I'm working on is much better. I'd like to help you so contact me on MSN at [email protected] and maybe we can work together. I know my way around a .cpp, so just talk to me if you would like me to help.