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About Deadus

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Deadus

    Ofp 2 slogan

    OFP2: Loosing in the Middle East Crisis
  2. Deadus

    Flashpoint 2 music?

    I'd have to agree, you couldnt beat the feeling of running into a battle with Copa Cabana playing.
  3. I'd like to respawn as a llama, and frolic about on the hillsides until everyone else dies.
  4. Deadus

    Running 2 servers from 1 directory

    ok thanks again
  5. I would like to run 2 (or more) OFP servers from 1 install of OFP (e.g. D:\ofp). What im worried about, is file locking. If server 1 loads and plays mission1, what happens if server 2 also tries to load and play mission1. Basically, will the 2 servers be able to operate completely freely when both are getting data from the same directory.
  6. Deadus

    C&H, CTI mission packs?

    Thanks all. I see version MFCTI 1.16 is the latest, but there doesnt seem to be any "ps" missions in that (public server (no addons)). If i want PS missions (no addons needed) do i need to use version 1.1?
  7. Deadus

    C&H, CTI mission packs?

    Does anyone know of any packs containing a selection of good quality/fun MP missions for a public server? Or, can anyone suggest a selection of missions? Thanks
  8. Deadus

    Ofp and windows nt

    To anyone interested, the 1.96 DS works fine on NT
  9. Deadus

    Ofp and windows nt

    Thanks Suma and All. I guess i can try it. I'll try uploading a minimal amount of an OFP directory and see if the dedicated server runs. I'll let you know the result, might be something for future reference
  10. Deadus

    Ofp and windows nt

    I have to upload my OFP install to the box first, from my home connection of 12kbps upstream. (So uploading 1gb at 12kbps and then finding it doesnt work is the worst hehe).
  11. Deadus

    Ofp and windows nt

    Oh i guess thats a no from the faq then
  12. Deadus

    Ofp and windows nt

    Ive searched but "windows" and "NT" arnt the best search parameters around. Basically i'm considering setting up some public OFP dedicated servers for a UK gaming company. The readmes all state you need win2k or winXP, but i just wondered if anyone has actually got OFP or the dedicated server to work on windows NT Thanks
  13. Deadus

    Solution: local radio

    Are you saying that if you did it this way, a player in a MP game could use Radio Alpha, and it would only activate on his machine? could anyone give some examples of what would be possible with this? Im still a pretty novice OFP scripter but have encountered numerous problems when it comes to Radio triggers and multiplayer - if someone can describe what can be done with this using examples, it might help me with some of my problems
  14. Thanks I have dabbled with custom actions in the past - however it seemed that any custom action i added kind of got "attached" to an object, meaning anyone nearing that object could use it. I'll do a search for this and see what i can dig up - maybe i just need to make them local?
  15. hello Having a bit of a problem scripting how to pass the triggerer of a Radio trigger to a script. I know with normal, proximity based triggers you can use list to find out who is inside the range of the trigger, but is this possible with Radio Triggers? I'll explain what i want to happen: I'll have a vehicle somewhere on the map. When a player uses Radio Alpha, i would like the Vehicle to move towards that player. I do not want to hardcode the player that the vehicle is to head towards, as this will be a MP mission where anyone will be able to use the radio to call this vehicle. The last thing i tried (before getting a headache and giving up) was to make a Radio Alpha trigger for EACH possible unit that could call the vehicle, and then via a looping script make each trigger follow a particular unit around - hoping that when Radio Alpha was called, the "thislist" function would pick up the player in the triggers proximity. However this did not work. Any ideas or workarounds?