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Drill Sergeant

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Everything posted by Drill Sergeant

  1. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    Let me put it this way. When I want your oppinion...... I'll give it to you.... But really does anyone have a clue as to whats what? Navy Seal are you working with us, if so whats your skills??
  2. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    Excuse me for being a prick, Navy Seal, why are you quoteing Gi Jane's Mastery Sergeant? This thread seems quite evolved, it's become grammar class 101. So can anyone envloled in this project tell me whats going on or do extraction and I need to get back on MSN? Honestly it's hard to keep things strait without doing MSN convo's. Still no luck with 02
  3. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    ATM I don't know whats going on, all I read in the thread is tech talk, bragging and informaytion exchange. Between working on the Ch46, putting up a back yard tractor house, and trying to get o2 to work again without reformating.... I'm busy. Extraction. Who, What, where. Time to go back to regestry trouble shooting.
  4. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    Amazingly that dental appointment took longer then I thought.. I'm working on the CH46 which only needs final side fins, back ramp and the uper part of the rear engine cowling. After that I can evalute the weapons. Back to work, which between other things, is going rigtht along.
  5. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    Who, What & Where have allot to do with the weapons selections. Â If we include a m60 you will complain, if we do not include a m60 you will complain even more. Ok m60 is settled, may we move on now?
  6. Drill Sergeant

    Drill Sergeants SWP Addon pack.

    Ok let my try to explain this once more... What was released was fully textured 6 month old guns. Ok? What was pictured was current (now old) progress and was in a seperate folder in the addon file. Alright still with me? Since the guns were six months old they had some errors in the models (Mostly the M14 and the M82a3). All of these errors have been corrected as of now with revisions of the models. Hence why they need new textures. Hope that clears it up. @ Munk/Gordy Thanks guys, atleast some people belive in changeing the world. @ Rembo Sorry dude, the pack was causeing false impressions and problems so like a bad tooth it had to be pulled. Hopefully I can finish reviseing the pack and have them fully textured and ready to go, soon. All it takes is a good texture artist.
  7. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    @ Shadow, it was some sight with Mk23 specs and a knights SD. I don't know the actual age of the information. the .22 comment refers to it dry, not wet. Also some civilian scilencers work beter then kinghts or so I've heard. Also as an update on the Ch46 I have doors on it now, top engine cowling so all it needs now is the back door some more body work and the top cowling and it's ready for skining. I'm probably gona be gone all of tomorrow for another dental appointment. Thats almost guaranteed to knock me out for a day or so. I'll report back as soon as possible. *edit* The US special forces do not have a gear restriction.... earth to people, just because some one says there not useing it doesn't mean they never will again. It's quite possible they still use it. Or maybe you guys just don't like m60's or something.
  8. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    Thanks. I'm hopefully going to supply all the weapon models. Now I need to clean my guns........ Before the barrels dirt becomes a chore........
  9. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    I'm being sarcastic..... BAS and I started doing seals roughly the same time. Yes extraction and I are working together. I'm doing the woodland seals and the vehicles. Now I have to make CBT a gama goat....... I'll hopefully dedicate tomorrow to finishing the entire Ch46 model.... Scratch that off my list.
  10. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    @ ruff. All my weapons are jam compat and maybe will only use JAM. Don't know ATM. @DB-ERAUPilot I was not awear that we were not working together...... Maybe we are working seportaly.. Seems the idea was that we were working together. Got me...
  11. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    If you read in the sniper books...... A Sniper is not a lone wolf. The spotter carries the extra shit. The sniper just looks after the precision riffle. The spotter gets to hump the assualt riffle, it's also common place for the riffle to have a grenade launcher. Secondly the MK23 is a LOUD gun with the silencer on it. Dry with a silencer a Mk23 reports @ 130 Db, wet you can get a Mk23 down to 122 DB. Thats like a unsilenced .22 still loud. M9's would be a beter choice. Since I bought a clay launcher I didn't get much done today. Luckly I only had one box of shogun shells. Now I'll get back on the woodland seals and the Ch46.... Provided something else doesn't crop up.
  12. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    I have prety much everything except a few Nam era guns which are probably not used any more. Mp5 family M4 family m249 family Mk46 family M60e3/e4 family tons of scopes and stuff, the list is prety long, I'll write a list up in a bit.. I've been distracted from my work on the Ch46 ATM, buying things at a local sale.
  13. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    Shouldn't be long before the models done, I just need to go get up from my Ie pc and go to my OFP pc...... Once I finish the model I have all the variants in one, I left the unit modular so I can pop stuff on and off.
  14. Drill Sergeant

    MARFY : I need to ask you a question

    You check our seal thread? :P Any how I saw a thing on the history channel about the V22 like 4-5 months ago..... They had a couple of them on a ship and were useing them, I think most of it's been sorted. Duno. Still V22 has possibilitys.
  15. Drill Sergeant

    Combat! discussion thread

    I'll model it as I did with the M-47, all rude dog has to say is. "go"
  16. Drill Sergeant

    MARFY : I need to ask you a question

    Forget my lovely ch46? How can you put a FAV inside of a black hawk or huey.. Ch46. Soon the v-22 will replace the Ch46. Also, dude, Pms are much beter. But if you get your permission great. I wish you luck, your gona need it.
  17. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    Hhaha yeah, Was pain to base it off a few pics but I'm doing it correctly checking each angle. Hopefully we'll do one with a door gunner on each side (seperately) and a rear gunner, maybe a cargo variant. Fast ropeing...... Damn I'd like to see winching people up.
  18. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    Yeah between things like eating, mowing the lawn and so on were getting some where.
  19. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    One thing I'd like to let you guys in on...... If my weapons pack gets finished (Skined) everything in the list posted a while back plus more, will be assembled in ALMOST EVERY configuration you can think of. Â http://www.tacticalblunder.com/~upload....te2.jpg http://www.tacticalblunder.com/~upload....te1.jpg (Thanks to Sniper Skull for the hoasting.)
  20. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    They prety much look the same barrel wise. I'll have to assemble all my Guns and post pictures. Like I said, I have all the differnt barels/fore grips.
  21. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    Alllllllright. About the barrels, we have 10 inch and we have 14 inch and we have M16a4 barrels and blah blah. The CQB seals will use the smaller ones, these how ever are woodland SEALs so they need a longer barrel. Looking at some pictures here, the boarders use them, the ones out in the bush don't seem to be carying them. However, you may equip them with what ever you want. As for an update on the Ch46. (Last night) http://dsaddons.4t.com/DSA_Ch-46update1.jpg http://dsaddons.4t.com/DSA_Ch-46update2.jpg
  22. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    I see, that showed up under M79 last time. Sadly Ex41 returned animie for me.
  23. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    I can't even find any pictures of this EX41. If it's a underslung grenade launcher it's in the game in SEB NAM. Shure all these weapons have been made the world over, there quality is rather inconsistant. If anything we can just apply used skins as I alread have guns made up for current era seals. Little picture of a base I threw together. http://dsaddons.4t.com/DSA_SEAL_BASE.jpg He needs much higher quality skins though. Now I'm going back to work on the Ch46.
  24. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    whose gonna do that? Â I have models of all but....... S&W 357 Magnum Revolver. (Please) Ingram M10/M11 (not a personal favorite) HK-Benelli M3 Super 90 Mossberg Special Purpose 590, Stoner 63/63A Commando (This look like vietnam?) M25 (Never heard of it, brand name?) China Lake EX-41 (Another NAM thing?) And the rocket launchers JAM prety well covers. I could EASILY include the above, provided some one will skin the rest of the list, pluss things you didn't mention.
  25. Drill Sergeant

    addon request: navy seals

    Names sound fammiliar, movie does not. TOS is kinda well, different. ATM I'm rigging up some black hawk vests, float rigs and float vests. (Load bearing gear with floating capabilitys) Also the black vest will make the usal appearance along with mole vests. Back to work now I guess.