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About Doe©

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    Private First Class
  1. Doe©

    Truax island beta

    Hey Im hearing on ofp.info that a few people said that its crashing??? can anyone tell me if they have had this happen and where it was when it did this?? thnx
  2. Doe©

    Truax island beta

    LOL thats funny i didnt even realize that i loged in with a realy old account from 2001.. that by the looks i never used heh
  3. Doe©

    Truax island beta

    Well its been awile since ive done much with OFP lately been to busy with other stuff, so im going to release what ive got done so far which will at least be something for now. You can get it here: http://www.angelfire.com/nb/ishome/terrain.html Doe© Heres an alternate link: http://www.angelfire.com/ultra/flashaddict/files/Truax_Beta_v0.99.zip
  4. Well its been awile since ive done much with OFP lately been to busy with other stuff, so im going to release what ive got done so far which will at least be something for now. You can get it here: http://www.angelfire.com/nb/ishome/terrain.html Doe©
  5. Doe©

    Different roads

    Theres a tab called crossroads in the road define window. thats where you add all the T's and Crossroads When you come to that point to lay it just click Gen.terminator and then select Crossroad, then yur desired "T" part. Hope this helps..
  6. Doe©

    How to prevent land texture blending

    Read through this, it will explain towards the bottom part of it.. http://koti.mbnet.fi/~hekezu/visitor_tut.htm
  7. Doe©

    Everything is weird colors

    The textures im using are from Eden.pbo and then some of my own textures, but all the textures are in my islands folder, so its reading them all from there and shouldnt have any of these problems, same as with cat_shit's textures. This is realy starting to bug . Aslo it seems its  a certain same few texture parts in repeated patterns that change slightly at times. I fixed it once by replacing them all with temporary ones that had alternate names, this worked, so i then switched back to mine and removed the temp ones. This  worked for a few days then the problem started happening again, ive tried every differnt kind of combo opening and closing visitor and buldozer and removing all secondary textures and registering them and re-generating new secondaries. Is realy becoming a big set back in the progress. I have a few ideas of what it might be, but dont want to add more frustration to anyone else who has already probly spent enough hours on this matter.... Maybe someone at BIS will see this and be ever so kind as to let us know the solution.  Anyway.. im off to do some other work on my island other then texturing for the time beign. "pray for a solution" Feel free to contact me tylerian@excite.com if you want to try and problem solve this a bit easier through MSN or over a mic. L8rs
  8. Doe©

    Everything is weird colors

    Did this just recently start happening? and without you changing anything in the usual work paths? let me know a bit more and i might have a few answers.. PS: does this happen in game to you..
  9. Doe©

    Resistance forests

    Well which do you mean? RES or OFP or any at all?
  10. Doe©

    Resistance forests

    Well they all work fine for me, only thing i cant figure out is the exact way BIS did there OFP forests, with having the T1 and T2 in there, ive tried several different ideas, and jus as i think im getting it im lost again...seems like certain p3ds are replaced when in visitor, but am still stumped at this one.