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Everything posted by Driftit

  1. Driftit

    ATI cards

    There is some LOD issues with the ATI cards at the moment. Have a read of this post. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1823416&posted=1#post1823416 I have a 6870 and it is running worse than my old 4890. Stuttering and slow loading LODs.
  2. Hey guys. I have a similar problem. Have a 6870 ATI card and a Q9550 cpu. Previous card was a 4890. I upgraded about two months back now. Was getting 50-60fps no problem. Then 1.56 came out and I noticed a drop in performance. With 1.57 there was a massive drop in performance. But the strange thing is that I still get 40-50 fps on Cherno. As soon as I start moving around the FPS chops and changes quite bad. Quite a bit of stuttering. It gets so bad in Chernogorsk and Electro that I drop well below 20fps. LODS are very slow too. I have not changed my Catalyst drivers since I upgraded to the 6870 a few months back. After the low performance I upgraded to the latest with no improvement. I have had to drop my graphics settings right down to less than I had the 4890 at. And still it performs worse.
  3. Driftit

    Ordering OA from NZ

    The only place we know of so far is Play Asia. http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-xl-49-en-70-3ufj.html There is nothing on Steam. But of course many of us would prefer hard copies.
  4. Driftit

    WarFX Particles

    cheer boss
  5. Very much so hanging out for an ACE version. Zeus AI for ACE would also be great. Zeus makes the AI that much more Human like. Just as sneaky as you are. Been ambushed plenty of times now. lol. This is still my favourite mission.
  6. Sucks that my first post since 2003 was a bad one. And I know it was steams fault not Bohemia's. But a friend had his autoupdate while he was at work. 4.7gb. And now he is going to hit his ISP data cap half a month early. He had it set to NOT autoupdate. Not cool. But no point complaining to Steam. They will just tell you 'Too bad mate' in the most uncaring manor they could muster at the time.
  7. This is a fucking joke. I am downloading the 9GB patch at 20kb/s. I never got given a choice if I wanted to download it or not. It just started when I logged into steam. Oh well. See you guys online this time next week or so. PS. Fuck you Steam. Edit : Oh!! check this out. Max speed. Slow speed is due to my ISP plan. I am traffic controlled.