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About BigWolf

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    Lance Corporal

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  1. Just to be clear, some difficulty levels have the boxes disabled
  2. BigWolf

    So confusing for a new player..

    Some missions will have the mission objectives/briefing showing when you press 'M' Also, learn the uniforms, both in colour and by shape. You can also tag along with another player, at least then if you die you don't die alone ;) (But in reality you should be tagging with others anyway as its a team-game) If you're still unsure just ask within the game what the objective is, you will find some helpful players who will tell you (ok, they won't be in every server, but they exist)
  3. BigWolf

    How to identify who's hacking?

    Hmmm... if my groups puts up an ArmA3 server I'll have to look at some of these server-side scripts
  4. BigWolf

    GPS Doesnt come up

    You need to have the GPS item in your soldiers inventory for that button to bring up the GPS I believe most soldier inventories don't have GPS by default
  5. You know, my first ever PC FPS was OFP:Cold War and I loved it, I met people playing that that I still game with 10 years later, many of them being ex/serving US forces, which led me to doing some time in the UK Army (you know, learning the real thing ;) ) I then played Battlefield 2 and COD:MW, went to ArmA, then tried ArmA2 but due to my PC struggling with it, and most of the online community turning to CO-OP (whereas I preferred fighting other people), I ended up just sticking to Battlefield So for the most part, the past many years I've mainly played Battlefield (2, BC2 & 3), so I would consider myself more of a FPS player than a MilSim one Yet I'm still preferring ArmA3 (even if I can't complete a MP round due to crashing), I much prefer the movement, the potential stealth, team strategies, etc Battlefield, COD, etc are arcade shooters, always have been and always will be, afterall, they patch gun/vehicle stats to maintain game-balance and general fun (aka buffs & nerfs) ArmA is more about team organization, being closer to realism, etc I played BF simply because the group of people I game with mainly plays that, but I don't get as much enjoyment out of it than I did with OFP Is it perfect? of course not, it will never be perfect until we have true Virtual Reality (you know the type in movies), because outside of unmanned vehicles we don't move using a controller or keyboard
  6. BigWolf

    Multiplayer Crashes

    I'm also getting crashes in nearly every round I attempt to play online, seems at random also, sometimes I can play for 10mins, other times I can play for 30... If I play by creating a LAN server from the multiplayer option, I can go for hours with zero issues Remind me, whom do I send the mdmp to?
  7. I actually own the Original OFP with all the expansions, plus the GOTY edition, just to save install time It is 1 of only 2 games I've ever brought twice Also got ArmA1 and expansion, and ArmA2 just lacking the ArmA2 expansion, which I'm hoping to rectify shortly Remember the original OFP being amazing when I first played it, especially the mission editing First mess around was me in a cobra mowing down 200+ infantry haha, talk about slow motion action mind you, especially with a 32MB TNT2 powering my graphics lol, Of course, that pushed me to learn basic html and scripting, which then gave me an interest into building websites pushing me into web programming as my main career choice So, quite literary, OFP changed my life for the better
  8. Just wanting to clarify I'm understanding correctly I have the ArmA2 DVD patched to 1.07 If I buy the OA DVD or download (not steam), as long as I install it into the same directory as ArmA2 it will work like any other expansion? (ie. Queens Gambit for ArmA1) without extra messing about? Also, will I still be able to play on standard 1.07 servers without issues, or will I need to "split" them up?
  9. Personally, I use my Saitek to fly and do things with Fast Movers, while using the mouse to look around With helos, I do use mouse and keyboard for them (also found it easier for some reason), then pressing ALT if I need to look round with my mouse I also have my Saitek's D-Pad for looking around as well, but the snap looks rather than free looking
  10. TBH, the only advantage you'll have with a dedicated on a LAN, is by having the server concentrating purely on server calculations If you're currently experiencing no problems with the current setup (ie. no desync or high pings), then just stick to the person with the best machine hosting the game If, however, you are having minor problems, stick a dedicated on the LAN and see if it helps
  11. Out of curiosity, is the OS, Game and pagefile all on the SSD?
  12. I am also experiencing CTDs after an hour or so of playing I am using Vista64 Hardware Specs are: ASUS M2N-SLI deluxe AMD Phenom X4 9950 Quad 4 GB DRR2 800MHz OCZ Reaper HIS HD 4870 IceQ 4+ Turbo 1GB Game and Pagefile are put onto a 2nd HDD
  13. BigWolf

    Windows 7 Crash To Desktop

    Oh, as for the RPT, I usually look at the last dozen or so lines From the last crash
  14. BigWolf

    Windows 7 Crash To Desktop

    I get these crashes often, as well as other CTDs (where the process also quits) However I am using Vista64 Hardware Specs are: ASUS M2N-SLI deluxe AMD Phenom X4 9950 Quad 4 GB DRR2 800MHz OCZ Reaper HIS HD 4870 IceQ 4+ Turbo 1GB
  15. BigWolf

    Kill ownership

    Indeed, this has actually been a problem for a long time (IIRC this was in OFP as well)