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Posts posted by DPS -CCCP-

  1. Any chance you can share your config. I have a door model that when destroyed i want to show a ruin model of the door. I too am not getting any model showing up when the door is destroyed - any help greatly appreciated

    I'm not shure what exactly you mean, but here is a config, I hope it will help you.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    #define private 0

    #define protected 1

    #define public 2

    #define true 1

    #define false 0

    #define VSoft 0

    #define VArmor 1

    #define VAir 2

    #define CanSeeRadar 1

    #define CanSeeEye 2

    #define CanSeeOptics 4

    #define CanSeeEar 8

    #define CanSeeCompass 16

    #define CanSeeRadarC CanSeeRadar+CanSeeCompass

    #define CanSeeAll 31

    #define TRACERNO tracerColor[]={0,0,0,0};tracerColorR[]={0,0,0,0};

    class CfgPatches


    class OWPCB


    units[] = {};

    weapons[] = {};

    requiredVersion = 1.00;



    class CfgVehicleClasses


    class OWP_CB


    displayName = "OWP civilian buildings";



    class CfgVehicles


    class Ruins;

    class land_OWP_CB_b1_ruins: Ruins





    displayName=P44 ruins;


    class HouseBase;

    class House : HouseBase


    class DestructionEffects;


    class land_OWP_CB_b1 : house



    vehicleclass = "OWP_CB";

    scope = public;

    model = "\OWP_cb\OWP_CB_b1";

    ladders[] = {};

    displayName = "P44";

    reversed = "false";

    mapSize = 74;



    class DestructionEffects: DestructionEffects


    class Ruin1


    simulation = ruin;



    intensity = 1;

    interval = 1;

    lifeTime = 1;



    class AnimationSources


    class Door1


    source = "user";

    animPeriod = 1;



    class Door2: Door1{};

    class Door3: Door1{};

    class LightWindow1


    source = "user";

    animPeriod = 1;



    class LightWindow2: LightWindow1{};


    class UserActions


    class OpenDoor1


    displayNameDefault = $STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR_DEFAULT;

    displayName = $STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR;

    position = door1_axis;

    radius = 2.5;

    onlyForPlayer = true;

    condition = "this animationPhase ""Door1"" < 0.5";

    statement = "this animate [""Door1"", 1]";


    class CloseDoor1


    displayNameDefault = $STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR_DEFAULT;

    displayName = $STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR;

    position = door1_axis;

    radius = 2.5;

    onlyForPlayer = true;

    condition = "this animationPhase ""Door1"" >= 0.5";

    statement = "this animate [""Door1"", 0]";


    class OpenDoor2: OpenDoor1


    position = door2_axis;

    condition = "this animationPhase ""Door2"" < 0.5";

    statement = "this animate [""Door2"", 1]";


    class CloseDoor2: CloseDoor1


    position = door2_axis;

    condition = "this animationPhase ""Door2"" >= 0.5";

    statement = "this animate [""Door2"", 0]";


    class OpenDoor3: OpenDoor1


    position = door3_axis;

    condition = "this animationPhase ""Door3"" < 0.5";

    statement = "this animate [""Door3"", 1]";


    class CloseDoor3: CloseDoor1


    position = door3_axis;

    condition = "this animationPhase ""Door3"" >= 0.5";

    statement = "this animate [""Door3"", 0]";





  2. @ Mar. 05 2008,15:32)]Didn't think about that "land_" in name can affect something...

    land_ is also required if you want your visitor-placed objects to have a config.

    When you place a model in visitor, it will look for a config with the name land_(modelname).

    Note this only happens if the model has simulation=house or building in the named properties, I believe.

    Anyway, this is how you can have things like working doors or lights for visitor placed objects.

    Thank you for usefull info!

  3. Hello.

    I have created a building, and configured this, that when building is destructed, it's falling down and there is destruction (ruin) model that created in place, were building was before destruction. Like most of standart buildings in ArmA...

    But when I try to use my own created "ruin" model in config, I have no results in game (ruined model don't loading).

    Here a part from config, that should load ruined object after destruction:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    class DestructionEffects: DestructionEffects


    class CB_b1_ruins


    simulation = ruin;



    intensity = 1;

    interval = 1;

    lifeTime = 1;



    Custom ruin object won't load (there is no difference what I have in custom model: complex model, simple box or just renamed one of original ruins model from ArmA, so the broblem is not in the model)

    But if I replace

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">



    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


    all works well with in-game ruin model. But I want use my own..







  4. Yeap looks like some engine limitation to the "water" classes. More geometry problems, when you using "ladder" object near your ship and want to climb up, your own "soldier geometry" will move off "ship geometry". Happens only when you use "water" as the base class.

    Another horrible limitation, that theres (as I know) no config string for "canfloat=true" for APC's and cars... So you floating APC or amphibios unit cannot move faster than 30 km/h on water:( Even when you trying to speed up it through "setvelocity" cycle script.

  5. Indeed, this is a very, very, very nice addon!!! notworthy.gif  notworthy.gif Great work again!!!

    But one question: Why don't you guys binarize your addons? It would reduce size and make up some performance...

    Binarize addon, pbo it without any compressions, make a rar file out of it > finished...

    Is it possible to deactivate all scripts on the chopps? For MP to save performance...

    Looking forward to your next release!


    They binarized of course:)

    This two versions of choppers without any scripts in pack, named (BIS)Mi17 and (BIS)Mi8

  6. Of course with informational support with sites like ofp.info and flashpopint.ru of course, but I think this not needed before both movies finished. I'm talk just about an method of election of winner.

  7. i'm wating what DPS will say about his idea for competition smile_o.gif

    Here the idea (you can name them rulessmile_o.gif ) :

    1) Short (5-7 minutes)

    2) Only OFP based video (no others game video and novideo from films)

    3) Any addons are welocme:)

    4) Any story line.

    5) I think that custom sound work not needed, just only the music (to decrase production time)

    6) Winner will be elected by open poll in Bohemia Interactive OF forum.

    7) Looser must eat his hat. Joke:) Award is "Prize of spectator sympathies" (priz zritelskih simpatiy wink_o.gif )

    Do you agreed?smile_o.gif

  8. @ Dec. 09 2005,14:15)]
    i have made all my MaxRiga's videos on Celeron with Fraps ...  

    Now I'm understood why they are so low quality...

    yep sad_o.gif(((

    it was cel 1.9, 64 ge force 4mx, ram 256 .... sure it was laggy as hell ... but i so wanted to film it smile_o.gif)))

    So maybe you need upgrade your oldie computer?smile_o.gif

  9. tried out the editor examples and they where nice but i couldn't get the mi8 to fast rope people down when its taking a fire pk shots  tounge2.gif   i tried everything like allowfleeing 0 and putting waypoint to careless and never fire but it just then flow to nearby of the enemy troops and hoovered above the ground not dropping of the troops  tounge2.gif

    Very strange... I don't have such problem.
